MAGGTU31 ;WOIFO/GEK - Silent calls for Imaging ; [ 06/20/2001 08:57 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**46**;16-February-2007;;Build 1023 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ATTSTAT(IEN) ; Return a sentence saying if the Image was attached ; to the TIU NOte before or after the Note was signed. ; was signed. N SIGNDT,NOTE,MARR,AMMEND,N2,MAGDT,NC,CLOSDT,X S N2=$G(^MAG(2005,IEN,2)) I $P(N2,"^",6)'=8925 Q "" S MAGDT=$S($P(N2,"^",11):$P(N2,"^",11),1:$P(N2,"^",1)) S NOTE=$P(N2,"^",7) S NC=NOTE_"," D GETS^DIQ(8925,NOTE,".01;.06;1501;1606","I","MARR") I $D(DIERR) Q "Error: Note-"_NOTE_" : "_$G(^TMP("DIERR",$J,1,"TEXT",1)) I (MARR(8925,NC,".01","I")=81)!(MARR(8925,NC,".06","I")>0) Q "Image is attached to an Addendum" S SIGNDT=MARR(8925,NC,"1501","I") S CLOSDT=MARR(8925,NC,"1606","I") I CLOSDT]"" D Q X . I $P(CLOSDT,".",2)="" S MAGDT=$P(MAGDT,".",1) I MAGDT=CLOSDT S X="Image was attached Same Day as Note was Electronically Filed." Q . I MAGDT>CLOSDT S X="Image was attached After Note was Electronically Filed." Q . S X="Image was attached Before Note was Electronically Filed." Q . Q I SIGNDT="" Q "Image is attached to an UnSigned Note." I $P(SIGNDT,".",2)="" S MAGDT=$P(MAGDT,".",1) I MAGDT=SIGNDT Q "Image was attached Same Day as Note was Signed." I MAGDT>SIGNDT Q "Image was attached After the Note was Signed." Q "Image was attached Before the Note was Signed." USERKEYS(MAGK) ; RPC [MAGGUSERKEYS] (called from MAGGTU3) N Y N MAGKS ; list of keys to send to XUS KEY CHECK N MAGKG ; list returned from XUS KEY CHECK N I,J,MAGMED,MAGKEY,MAGPLC K MAGK S MAGPLC=+$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(DUZ(2)) ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 S MAGKEY=+$P($G(^MAG(2006.1,MAGPLC,"KEYS")),U) I 'MAGKEY S MAGK(0)="CAPTURE KEYS OFF" E S MAGK(0)="CAPTURE KEYS ON" N X S X="MAG",I=0 F S X=$O(^XUSEC(X)) Q:$E(X,1,3)'="MAG" D . S I=I+1,MAGKS(I)=X D OWNSKEY^XUSRB(.MAGKG,.MAGKS) S I=0,J=0,MAGMED=0 F S I=$O(MAGKG(I)) Q:I="" D . Q:MAGKG(I)=0 . S J=J+1,MAGK(J)=MAGKS(I) . I MAGKS(I)["MAGCAP MED" S MAGMED=1 I MAGMED S J=J+1,MAGK(J)="MAGCAP MED" Q