MAGGTU6 ;WOIFO/GEK - Silent Utilities ; 25 Jan 2006 12:14 PM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**24,8,48,45,20,46**;16-February-2007;;Build 1023 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; LOGACT(MAGRY,ZY) ;RPC [MAGGACTION LOG] ; Call to LogAction from Delphi Window ; ; ZY is input variable it is '^' delimited string ; 'A|B|C|D|E' ^^ MAGIEN ^ 'Copy/Download' ^ DFN ^ '1'; ; DUZ is inserted as 2nd piece below. ; I.E. zy = "C^^103660^Copy To Clipboard^1033^1" N Y S MAGRY="0^Logging access..." ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^MAGGTERR" ; C DUZ MAGIEN ACTION DFN 1 D ENTRY^MAGLOG($P(ZY,U),+$G(DUZ),$P(ZY,U,3),$P(ZY,U,4),$P(ZY,U,5),$P(ZY,U,6)) S MAGRY="1^Action was Logged." Q LINKDT(MAGRY,MAGDA,DTTM) ; This is called when an Image is successfully ; linked (Associated) with a Report/Procedure/Note etc. ; MAGDA = Image IEN ; DTTM = "" No date sent, so use NOW ; DTTM = 1 No Date Sent, but use Image capture Date. ; DTTM = Valid FM Date/Time , Use it. N MSG S DTTM=$G(DTTM) I 'DTTM S DTTM=$$NOW^XLFDT ; Using NOW I '$D(^MAG(2005,MAGDA)) Q I DTTM=1 S DTTM=$P(^MAG(2005,MAGDA,2),"^",1) ; Using Date Image Captured. I '$$VALID^MAGGSIV1(2005,64,.DTTM,.MSG) S MAGRY="0^"_MSG Q S $P(^MAG(2005,MAGDA,2),"^",11)=DTTM S MAGRY="1^Okay" Q TIMEOUT(MAGRY,APP) ;RPC [MAGG GET TIMEOUT] ; Call Returns the timeout for the APP from IMAGING SITE PARAMETERS File ; APP is either 'DISPLAY' 'CAPTURE' or 'VISTARAD' N I,MAGTIMES,MAGPLC S MAGRY="" S MAGPLC=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(DUZ(2)) I 'MAGPLC Q ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 S MAGTIMES=$G(^MAG(2006.1,MAGPLC,"KEYS")) I APP="DISPLAY" S MAGRY=$P(MAGTIMES,U,2) I APP="CAPTURE" S MAGRY=$P(MAGTIMES,U,3) I APP="VISTARAD" S MAGRY=$P(MAGTIMES,U,4) I APP="TELEREADER" S MAGRY=$P(MAGTIMES,U,6) ; MJK - 2006.01.25 - TeleReader Q EXIST(EKGPLACE) ;Does an ekg server exist in 2005.2 I $$CONSOLID^MAGBAPI()=0 Q $O(^MAG(2005.2,"E","EKG","")) ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 Q $O(^MAG(2005.2,"F",EKGPLACE,"EKG","")) ; ONLINE(MAGR) ;RPC [MAG EKG ONLINE] EKG network location status ;returns the status of the first EKG network location type ;O if offline or a network location doesn't exist ;1 if online ; N EKG1,EKGPLACE S EKGPLACE=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(DUZ(2)) ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 I EKGPLACE=0 S EKGPLACE=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(DUZ(2)) ;Convert to extrinsic /gek 8/2003 I $$EXIST(EKGPLACE) D . I $$CONSOLID^MAGBAPI() S EKG1=$O(^MAG(2005.2,"F",EKGPLACE,"EKG","")) ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 . E S EKG1=$O(^MAG(2005.2,"E","EKG","")) . S MAGR=$P(^MAG(2005.2,EKG1,0),U,6) E S MAGR=0 Q SHARE(MAGRY,TYPE) ;RPC [MAG GET NETLOC] ; Get list of image shares ;TYPE = One of the STORAGE TYPE codes : MAG, EKG, WORM, URL or ALL N TMP,I,DATA0,DATA2,DATA3,DATA6,INFO,VALUE,STYP,PHYREF N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERRA^MAGGTERR" S I=0 I TYPE="" S TYPE="ALL" S MAGRY(0)="1^SUCCESS" F S I=$O(^MAG(2005.2,I)) Q:'I D . Q:$$LOCDRIVE(I) . S DATA0=$G(^MAG(2005.2,I,0)) . S DATA2=$G(^MAG(2005.2,I,2)) . S DATA3=$G(^MAG(2005.2,I,3)) . S DATA6=$G(^MAG(2005.2,I,6)) . ; . S PHYREF=$P(DATA0,"^",2) ; PHYSICAL REFERENCE . S STYP=$P(DATA0,"^",7) ; STORAGE TYPE . ; . I TYPE'="ALL" Q:STYP'[TYPE . Q:$P(DATA0,"^",6)=0 ;SHARE IS OFFLINE (don't return offline shares) . I STYP'="URL" Q:(PHYREF[".") ; pre 45, quit if '.' in phyref . I STYP'="URL" Q:($E(PHYREF,1,2)'="\\") ; pre 45 quit if doesn't start with '\\' . ; . S INFO=$S($E(PHYREF,$L(PHYREF))="\":$E(PHYREF,1,$L(PHYREF)-1),1:PHYREF) . S $P(INFO,"^",2)=$P($G(DATA0),"^",7) ;Physical reference (path) . S $P(INFO,"^",3)=$P($G(DATA0),"^",6) ;Operational Status 0=OFFLINE 1=ONLINE . S $P(INFO,"^",4)=$P($G(DATA2),"^",1) ;Username . S $P(INFO,"^",5)=$P($G(DATA2),"^",2) ;Password . S $P(INFO,"^",6)=$P($G(DATA6),"^",1) ;MUSE Site # . I $P($G(DATA6),"^",2)'="" S $P(INFO,"^",7)=^MAG(2006.17,$P(DATA6,"^",2),0) ;MUSE version # . S $P(INFO,"^",8)=$P($G(DATA3),"^",5) ;Network location SITE . Q:$D(TMP(INFO)) . S TMP(INFO)=I S INFO="" F S INFO=$O(TMP(INFO)) Q:INFO="" D . S MAGRY($O(MAGRY(""),-1)+1)=TMP(INFO)_"^"_INFO K TMP Q LOCDRIVE(I) ; Returns 1 if this is a local drive, else 0 ; Local Drive is determined by the DIR not being Type : URL and having a ":" I $P(^MAG(2005.2,I,0),"^",7)'="URL" I $P(^MAG(2005.2,I,0),"^",2)[":" Q 1 Q 0 GETENV(MAGRY) ;RPC [MAG GET ENV] ; Get some environment variables (used by annotation control) S MAGRY=DUZ(2)_"^"_$$NOW^XLFDT Q ANNCB(STATARR) ;Status Callback (called by the import API) ; N I,CDUZ,QINDEX,A,COUNT N XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY ; 0 = error, all others are success. I $P(STATARR(0),"^",1)'=0 D . ; Import was successful E D . ; Import failed - send mail to MAG SERVER group and person who queued the import . S XMDUZ=DUZ . S XMSUB="Import Error Report" . ; get text of message from status array . S XMTEXT="A(" . ; XMD needs array to start with 1, not 0 . S COUNT=1,I="" . F S I=$O(STATARR(I)) Q:I="" D . . S A(COUNT)=I_") "_STATARR(I) . . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . . Q . S A(COUNT+1)=" " . S A(COUNT+2)=" " . S A(COUNT+3)=" The errors listed above were generated by" . S A(COUNT+4)=" the VistA Imaging Annotation Editor while" . S A(COUNT+5)=" trying to import your diagram. Please" . S A(COUNT+6)=" report these errors to your VistA Imaging" . S A(COUNT+7)=" support personnel." . ;Get person who did the import . S QINDEX=STATARR(2) . S I=-1 F S I=$O(^MAG(2006.034,QINDEX,1,I)) Q:I="" D . . I $P($G(^MAG(2006.034,QINDEX,1,I,0)),"^",1)=8 S CDUZ=$P(^MAG(2006.034,QINDEX,1,I,0),"^",2) . ;Set recipients of message . S XMY("G.MAG SERVER")="" . I $G(CDUZ) S XMY(CDUZ)="" . D ^XMD . Q Q GETCTP(MAGRY) ;RPC [MAG4 CT PRESETS GET] N MAGPLC S MAGPLC=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(DUZ(2)) I 'MAGPLC S MAGRY="0^Error resolving Users Division" Q S MAGRY=$G(^MAG(2006.1,MAGPLC,"CT")) I MAGRY="" S MAGRY="0^Site doesn't have CT Presets defined." Q S MAGRY="1^"_MAGRY Q SAVECTP(MAGRY,VALUE) ;RPC [MAG4 CT PRESETS SAVE] N MAGPLC S MAGPLC=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(DUZ(2)) I 'MAGPLC S MAGRY="0^Error resolving Users Division" Q S ^MAG(2006.1,MAGPLC,"CT")=VALUE S MAGRY="1^CT Presets saved." Q NETPLCS ; Create an array of Place, SiteCodes for all entries of ; Network Location entries. N I,PLC,PLCODE,CONS S CONS=$$CONSOLID^MAGBAPI I 'CONS S PLC=$O(^MAG(2006.1,0)),PLCODE=$P(^MAG(2006.1,PLC,0),"^",9) ; K MAGJOB("NETPLC") S I=0 F S I=$O(^MAG(2005.2,I)) Q:'I D . I 'CONS S MAGJOB("NETPLC",I)=PLC_"^"_PLCODE Q . ; Here, for consolidated sites we get the real Site IEN, and Site Code. . I CONS S PLC=$P($G(^MAG(2005.2,I,0)),"^",10),PLCODE=$S(PLC:$P($G(^MAG(2006.1,PLC,0)),"^",9),1:"n/a") . S MAGJOB("NETPLC",I)=PLC_"^"_PLCODE . Q Q