MAGGTU71 ;WOIFO/GEK - Silent calls for Queing functions from GUI, cont ; [ 06/20/2001 08:57 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**46**;16-February-2007;;Build 1023 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ABSJB(MAGRY,MAGIN) ;RPC [MAG ABSJB] SET ABSTRACT AND/OR JUKEBOX QUEUES ; ; MAGIN ; DESCRIPTION: '^' delimited String: ; Piece 1 = the IEN of the image that needs an abstract created. ; Piece 2 = the IEN of the image that needs copied to the jukebox ; ; MAGRY = "1^Successful" ; = "0^error message" ; N MAGIENAB,MAGIENJB,MAGERR,X,QMSG S MAGERR=0 N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^"_$T(+0) S MAGRY="0^ERROR: Setting Queue for Abstract or JukeBox copy" S MAGIENAB=+$P(MAGIN,"^",1),MAGIENJB=+$P(MAGIN,"^",2) I MAGIENAB Q:((+$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGIENAB,0)),U,11))!(+$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGIENAB,0)),U,12))) "0^Image integrity" I MAGIENJB Q:((+$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGIENJB,0)),U,11))!(+$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGIENJB,0)),U,12))) "0^Image integrity" S QMSG=$S(MAGIENAB:"Setting Abstract Queue",1:"") I MAGIENJB S QMSG=$S(QMSG="":"Setting JukeBox Queue",1:" and JukeBox Queue") L +(^MAGQUEUE(2006.03,0),^MAGQUEUE(2006.031)):10 E D QERR Q I MAGIENAB S X=$$ABSTRACT^MAGBAPI(MAGIENAB,$$DA2PLC^MAGBAPIP(MAGIENAB,"F")) I MAGIENJB S X=$$JUKEBOX^MAGBAPI(MAGIENJB,$$DA2PLC^MAGBAPIP(MAGIENJB,"F")) L -(^MAGQUEUE(2006.03,0),^MAGQUEUE(2006.031)) S MAGRY="1^SUCCESSFUL" Q ERR ; L -(^MAGQUEUE(2006.03,0),^MAGQUEUE(2006.031)) N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S MAGRY="0^Timed out trying to set JukeBox/Abstract Queue. Not Fatal. 'Save' will continue..." D LOGERR^MAGGTERR(ERR) D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q QERR ; N MAGTXT,EMSG S MAGTXT="Failed "_QMSG ;ENTRY(MAGIMT,MAGDUZ,MAGO,MAGPACK,MAGDFN,MAGCT,MAGAD) D ENTRY^MAGLOG("QFAIL",$G(DUZ),MAGIENJB,"","","",MAGTXT) D ACTION^MAGGTAU(MAGTXT,1) S EMSG="Timed out trying to Lock Queue File" D ACTION^MAGGTAU(EMSG,1) S MAGRY="1^"_MAGTXT_" Message was sent to IRM. Not Fatal. 'Save' will continue..." N XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMK,XMDUZ S XMTEXT="^TMP($J,""MAGQ""," S XMSUB=MAGTXT K ^TMP($J,"MAGQ") S ^TMP($J,"MAGQ",1)=MAGTXT S ^TMP($J,"MAGQ",2)=EMSG S ^TMP($J,"MAGQ",3)=" for Image IEN: "_MAGIENJB S ^TMP($J,"MAGQ",4)="You need to run the Verifier for this Image IEN" S XMY("G.IMAGING DEVELOPMENT@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" D ^XMD S XMDUZ=DUZ D KLQ^XMA1B K ^TMP($J,"MAGQ") Q