MAGGTUP ;WOIFO/GEK - Imaging System User preferences ; [ 06/20/2001 08:57 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**7,8,48,45**;Sep 12, 2005 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q GET(MAGRY,CODE) ;RPC [MAGGUPREFGET] Call to Get user preferences. ; N Y,PRFIEN,J,X,Z,NODE,MAGPREF N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERRA^MAGGTERR" K MAGRY S MAGRY(0)="0^Error: Attempting to access user preference" S PRFIEN=$O(^MAG(2006.18,"AC",DUZ,"")) ; if first time user I 'PRFIEN S PRFIEN=$$NEWUSER(DUZ) Q:PRFIEN=-1 ; merge default settings into User's Preferences D MERGE(PRFIEN) ; This returns the users default Filter, and creates filters if needed. S $P(^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,"LISTWIN1"),"^",3)=$$DFTFLT^MAGGSFLT(DUZ) S MAGRY(0)="1^User Preferences returned." ; ; At This point. Then entry in 2006.18 for User DUZ in complete ; it has been merged with defaults, and has a valid Default Filter. ; ; if caller only wants one node, get it then quit. I $L($G(CODE)) S MAGRY($O(MAGRY(""),-1)+1)=CODE_"^"_$G(^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,CODE)) Q ; ; loop through User Pref file, returning all nodes. ; Next line was Un-Commented out. BUT Clients before Patch 8 need it. S MAGRY($O(MAGRY(""),-1)+1)="SYS^"_^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,0) S NODE="" F S NODE=$O(^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,NODE)) Q:(NODE="") D . S MAGRY($O(MAGRY(""),-1)+1)=NODE_"^"_^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,NODE) Q MERGE(PRFIEN) ; Merge default settings into User Prefs returned. ; This will assure the User Prefs returned have values for New fields. ; PRFIEN = IEN in IMAGING USER PREFERENCES File. N NODE,DARR,MN,YN D DFLTARR(.DARR) S NODE="" F S NODE=$O(DARR($J,NODE)) Q:(NODE="") D . S YN=DARR($J,NODE) . S MN=$G(^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,NODE)) . F J=1:1:$L(YN,"^") I ($P(YN,"^",J)'=""),($P(MN,"^",J)="") S $P(MN,"^",J)=$P(YN,"^",J) . S ^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,NODE)=MN ; Q SAVE(MAGRY,DATA) ;RPC [MAGGUPREFSAVE] Call to save User Preferences ; S MAGRY="0^Error: Saving user preferences." N X,Y,NODE,PRFIEN,J N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^MAGGTERR" S PRFIEN=$O(^MAG(2006.18,"AC",DUZ,"")) I 'PRFIEN S PRFIEN=$$NEWUSER(DUZ) Q:PRFIEN=-1 S NODE="" F S NODE=$O(DATA(NODE)) Q:NODE="" D . S X=$G(^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,NODE)) . S Y=DATA(NODE) . F J=1:1:$L(Y,"^") I $L($P(Y,"^",J)) S $P(X,"^",J)=$P(Y,"^",J) . S ^MAG(2006.18,PRFIEN,NODE)=X S MAGRY="1^User Preferences saved." Q NEWUSER(USER) ;Returns IEN of New entry in IMAGING USER PREFERENCES File. K DD,DO N DIC S X=$E($$GET1^DIQ(200,USER_",",.01),1,15)_" (SETTING 1)" S DIC="^MAG(2006.18,",DIC(0)="L" S DIC("DR")="1////"_USER_";2////12;3////12;" D FILE^DICN I Y=-1 Q Y D DEFAULT(+Y) Q +Y DEFAULT(NEWPREF) ;Setup a new IMAGING USER PREFERENCES entry, with System defaults. ; NEWPREF = IEN in IMAGING USER PREFERENCES File N DFTPREF,N0,DFTSET S DFTPREF=+$$GET1^DIQ(2006.1,$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(DUZ(2)),100,"I") ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 I DFTPREF,$D(^MAG(2006.18,DFTPREF)) D DEFUSER(NEWPREF,DFTPREF) Q ; save the User name, Setting Name S N0=$P(^MAG(2006.18,NEWPREF,0),U,1,4) D DFLTARR(.DFTSET) M ^MAG(2006.18,NEWPREF)=DFTSET($J) ; reset User name, Setting name. S $P(^MAG(2006.18,NEWPREF,0),U,1,4)=N0 Q DEFUSER(NEWPREF,DFTPREF) ;Merge New User preference with the Default User as defined ; in the Imaging Site Parameters file ; NEWPREF = new IMAGING USER PREFERENCE (IEN) ; DFLTPREF = DEFAULT USER PREFERENCE in the IMAGING SITE PARAMETERS File ; N X0 S X0=$P(^MAG(2006.18,NEWPREF,0),"^",1,4) M ^MAG(2006.18,NEWPREF)=^MAG(2006.18,DFTPREF) S $P(^MAG(2006.18,NEWPREF,0),"^",1,4)=X0 ; remove default user's default Filter from new user's preferences. S $P(^MAG(2006.18,NEWPREF,"LISTWIN1"),"^",3)="" Q DFLTARR(ARR) ; Return an Array of All Default settings K ARR($J) S ARR($J,0)="^^^^0^1^1^" S ARR($J,"DICOMWIN")="2^320^292^724^487" S ARR($J,"IMAGEGRID")="2^487^2^786^426^1^35,73,67,34,110,46,69,96,76,79,25,0,0^1^" S ARR($J,"REPORT")="2^2^333^722^437^Courier^^10" S ARR($J,"RADLISTWIN")="2^487^10^433^172^0" S ARR($J,"MAIN")="2^1^1^487^172^1" S ARR($J,"ABS")="2^1^160^486^326^134^113^1^1^3^24^2^1^0" S ARR($J,"FULL")="2^310^282^714^487^674^447^^1^1^4^1^0^1" S ARR($J,"GROUP")="2^24^231^427^457^110^70^^1^2^24^2^1^0" S ARR($J,"DOC")="2^298^24^729^429^0^0^3^1^2^4^2^0" S ARR($J,"CAPCONFIG")="1^1^1^0^0^0^0^1^0^1^0^0^1^1^0^0^1^1^1^1^1^1^200^400^300^100^500^0^0^1^" S ARR($J,"CAPTIU")="5^369^760^654^289^67^170^1^1^" S ARR($J,"RIVER")="1^0^0^0^" S ARR($J,"APPPREFS")="1^7^7^10" S ARR($J,"LISTWIN1")="1^1^^1^1" Q