MAGJLST1 ;WIRMFO/JHC VistARad RPC calls ; 29 Jul 2003 10:01 AM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**16,22,18,65,76**;Jun 22, 2007;Build 19 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; ; Subroutines for fetching Exam Info for Radiology Workstation ; Exam listings: ; PTLIST -- list subset of all exams for a patient ; RPC Call: MAGJ PTRADEXAMS ; PTLSTALL -- list ALL exams for a patient ; RPC Call: MAGJ PT ALL EXAMS ; Q ERR N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S ^TMP($J,"RET",0)="0^4~"_ERR S MAGGRY=$NA(^TMP($J,"RET")) D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q:$Q 1 Q ; PTLSTALL(MAGGRY,DATA) ; List ALL exams for a patient ; RPC is MAGJ PT ALL EXAMS N PARAM I MAGJOB("P32") S PARAM="^99^999" E S PARAM="^^^"_$P(DATA,U,2,3) D PTLIST(.MAGGRY,$P(DATA,U)_PARAM) Q ; PTLIST(MAGGRY,DATA) ; get list of exams for a patient ; ; MAGGRY - indirect reference to return array of exams for a patient ; DATA - DFN ^ LIMYEARS ^ LIMEXAMS ^ BEGDT ^ ONESHOT ; DFN--Patient's DFN ; LIMYRS--Restrict exams up to # Years back (defunct) ; LIMEXAMS--Restrict exams up to # of exams ; BEGDT--Begin date for exam fetch (Patch 18 addition--see below) ; ONESHOT--Number days back to search, in one fell swoop ; Returns data in ^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX",0:n) ; RPC Call: MAGJ PTRADEXAMS ; ; Patch 18 eliminates "Patient Exams" / "All Patient Exams" distinction. ; It always retrieves ALL exams, but uses multiple RPC calls, so the client ; incrementally builds the list; this is to provide all the data, but without ; incurring any long pauses to provide the info to the user. ; Below, the P18 code fetches RAD data in one-year chunks, and repeats ; until over 20 exams have been processed, at which point the RPC reply ; is posted, along with the last date processed; this value is then used for ; a subsequent RPC call to get the next chunk of the record; etc. till all done. ; The P32 code is re-organized, and now exits only for LIMEXAMS (ignore LimYears) ; N CNT,DFN,ISS,PATNAME,DIQUIET,MAGRACNT,MAGRET,REPLY,REMOTE,SNDREMOT N DAYCASE,DIV,EXCAT,MAGDT,XX,XX2,WHOLOCK,MODALITY,MYLOCK,PLACE,ENDLOOP N LIMEXAMS,BEGDT,SAVBEGDT,ENDDT,MORE,SHOWPLAC,RDRIST,PSSN,CPT,PARAM N CURPRIO,STATUS,RARPT,KEY,X2,REMOTE2,ONESHOT,LIMDAYS N IMGCNT,LRFLAG,MSG,ONL,PROCMOD,RASTCAT,RASTORD N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^MAGJLST1" S DIQUIET=1 D DT^DICRW S PARAM=$G(^MAG(2006.69,1,0)) S SNDREMOT=+$P(PARAM,U,11) ; Site routes images remotely? I MAGJOB("P32") D . S LIMEXAMS=+$P(PARAM,U,15) . S:'LIMEXAMS LIMEXAMS=999 ; default to show ALL Exams . I $P(DATA,U,3) S LIMEXAMS=+$P(DATA,U,3) . I LIMEXAMS<20 S LIMEXAMS=20 . S BEGDT="" E S BEGDT=$P(DATA,U,4),ONESHOT=$P(DATA,U,5) ; P65 chg K MAGGRY S DFN=+DATA S SHOWPLAC=$$SHOWPLAC^MAGJLS2B("") S MAGRACNT=1,CNT=0 K ^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX"),^("MAGRAEX2") S REPLY="0^4~Compiling list of Radiology Exams." I DFN,$D(^DPT(DFN,0)) S PATNAME=$P(^(0),U),PSSN=$P(^(0),U,9) D . S ENDLOOP=0,BEGDT=$S(+BEGDT:BEGDT,1:"") . I MAGJOB("P32"),+$G(MAGJOB("P32STOP")) S REPLY="0^4~VistARad Patch 32 is no longer supported; contact Imaging Support for the current version of the VistARad client software." Q ; <*> . F D Q:'MORE Q:ENDLOOP S BEGDT=MORE+1 . . I 'BEGDT S BEGDT=DT,X2=0 . . E S X2=-1 . . S LIMDAYS=365,MORE=1 . . I 'MAGJOB("P32") I ONESHOT,(ONESHOT>0) S LIMDAYS=+ONESHOT . . S ENDDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(BEGDT,X2) . . S BEGDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(ENDDT,-LIMDAYS) . . D GETEXAM3^MAGJUTL1(DFN,BEGDT,ENDDT,.MAGRACNT,.MAGRET,.MORE) . . I MAGJOB("P32") S ENDLOOP=(MAGRACNT>LIMEXAMS) . . E S ENDLOOP=(MAGRACNT>20)!+ONESHOT ; For testing only, use >8 . I 'MORE S SAVBEGDT=0 . E S SAVBEGDT=MORE+1 ; adding 1 correctly inits value for subseqent call . I MAGRACNT>1 D PTLOOP E S REPLY="0^4~Invalid Radiology Patient" I MAGRACNT<2 S:(REPLY["Compiling") REPLY="0^2~No Exams Found for "_PATNAME I CNT!(REPLY["No Exams Found") D . I 'MORE S MSG="ALL exams are listed." . E S MORE=$$FMTE^XLFDT(MORE) S MSG="Patient has more exams on file." . ; show SSN only if the user is a radiologist . S X=+MAGJOB("USER",1) I '(X=12!(X=15)) S PSSN="" . E S PSSN=" ("_$E(PSSN,1,3)_"-"_$E(PSSN,4,5)_"-"_$E(PSSN,6,9)_")" . I CNT S REPLY=CNT_"^1~Radiology Exams for: "_PATNAME_PSSN_" -- "_MSG . E S REPLY=REPLY_" -- "_MSG . S ^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX2",1)="^Day/Case~S3~1^Lock~~2^Procedure~~6^Modifier~~25^Image Date/Time~S1~7^Status~~8^# Img~S2~9^Onl~~10"_$S($G(SNDREMOT):"^RC~~12",1:"")_$S(SHOWPLAC:"^Site~~23",1:"")_"^Mod~~15^Interp By~~20^Imaging Loc~~11^CPT~~27" I MAGJOB("P32"),+$G(MAGJOB("P32STOP")) S ^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX2",1)="^^" I 'MAGJOB("P32") S $P(REPLY,"|",2)=SAVBEGDT S ^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX2",0)=REPLY S MAGGRY=$NA(^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX2")) K ^TMP($J,"RAE1"),^("MAGRAEX") Q ; PTLOOP ; loop through exam data & package it for VRAD use S ISS=0 F S ISS=$O(^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX",ISS)) Q:'ISS S XX=^(ISS,1),XX2=^(2) D . S CNT=CNT+1,RARPT=$P(XX,U,10) . D IMGINFO^MAGJUTL2(RARPT,.Y) . S IMGCNT=$P(Y,U),ONL=$P(Y,U,2),MAGDT=$P(Y,U,3),REMOTE=$P(Y,U,4),MODALITY=$P(Y,U,5),PLACE=$P(Y,U,6),KEY=$P(Y,U,7) . S REMOTE2=REMOTE . S:PLACE PLACE=$P($G(^MAG(2006.1,PLACE,0)),U,9) . I PLACE]"",SHOWPLAC D .. I SHOWPLAC'[(","_PLACE_",") S PLACE="" ; don't show user's logon pl ; <*> chg for p18? . I SNDREMOT,REMOTE D .. S T="" F I=1:1:$L(REMOTE,",") S T=T_$S(T="":"",1:",")_$P($G(^MAG(2005.2,$P(REMOTE,",",I),3)),U,5) .. S REMOTE=T . S DIV="",X=$P(XX2,U,5) I X'=DUZ(2) S DIV=$$STATN(X) . I MAGDT="" S MAGDT=$P(XX,U,7) . S MAGDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(MAGDT,"5Z") . S WHOLOCK=RARPT,MYLOCK="",DAYCASE=$P(XX,U,12) . I WHOLOCK]"" S T=$$CHKLOCK^MAGJLS2B(WHOLOCK,DAYCASE),WHOLOCK=$P(T,U),MYLOCK=$P(T,U,2) . S RDRIST=$P(XX2,U,3),PROCMOD=$P(XX2,U,8),CPT=$P(XX,U,17),RASTORD=$P(XX,U,15) . S Y=U_DAYCASE_U_WHOLOCK_U_$E($P(XX,U,9),1,26)_U_PROCMOD_U_MAGDT_U_$E($P(XX,U,14),1,16)_U_IMGCNT_U_ONL . I $G(SNDREMOT) S Y=Y_U_REMOTE . S Y=Y_$S(SHOWPLAC:U_PLACE,1:"")_U_MODALITY_U_RDRIST_U_$E($P(XX,U,13),1,11)_U_CPT . S STATUS=$P(XX,U,11),EXCAT="",CURPRIO=0,RASTCAT=$P(XX2,U,11),LRFLAG=$P(XX2,U,12) . I STATUS]"" D . . S EXCAT=RASTCAT . . I RASTORD<2!(EXCAT="W")!('IMGCNT) S CURPRIO=0 ; Cancelled/Waiting/No images: Ignore exam . . E I EXCAT="E" S CURPRIO=1 ; Examined="Current" exam . . E S CURPRIO=2 ; must be a "prior" exam . . I CURPRIO,'(ONL="Y") S CURPRIO=3 ; images on jukebox . . I MAGJOB("P32"),'(EXCAT="E") S EXCAT="" Q ; P32 compat. . . I RASTORD=9 S EXCAT="C" ; Complete . . E I EXCAT="D"!(EXCAT="T") S EXCAT="I" ; just display one value meaning Interpreted . S ^TMP($J,"MAGRAEX2",ISS)=Y_"^|"_$P(XX,U,1,3)_U_RARPT_"||"_EXCAT_U_WHOLOCK_U_MYLOCK_U_MODALITY_U_CPT_U_CURPRIO_U_RARPT_U_KEY_U_REMOTE2_U_LRFLAG . ; * Note: Keep Pipe-pieces in sync with svmag2a^magjls3 & lstout^magjls2b * Q ; STATN(X) ; get station #, else return input value N T I X]"" D GETS^DIQ(4,X,99,"E","T") S T=$G(T(4,X_",",99,"E")) I T]"" S X=T Q X ; END Q ;