MAGJUPD2 ;WIRMFO/JHC VistaRad RPCs-Update PS & KEY Img ; 14 July 2004 10:05 AM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**18,76**;Jun 22, 2007;Build 19 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ERR N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S @MAGGRY@(0)="0^4~"_ERR D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q:$Q 1 Q ; SAVKPS(RARPT,INTERPFL,DATA,REPLY) ; Save study data: Key/Interpretation Images & Pres. State ; RARPT--exam pointer ; INTERPFL--1/0; 1=This is associated with a Rad Interpretation; Optional ; DATA--array of input data; see structure at end of routine ; REPLY--return string N PSTRAK,IDATA,IMGCT,PSTOT,PSLINCT,PSKILCT,KEYCT,INTCT,STUDY,LINE,NEWIMG,NEWPS N IMGREF,IMGIEN,PSIEN,SAVOP,STIEN,TYPE,IMG,ICT,NEWIMG,INITSTDY,SEQNUM S INTERPFL=+$G(INTERPFL) S NEWIMG=0,NEWPS=0,IMGIEN="",PSIEN="",SEQNUM=0 S (IMGCT,PSTOT,PSLINCT,KEYCT,INTCT,PSKILCT)=0 S IMGREF="",SAVOP="NOOP" I '$D(TIMESTMP) N TIMESTMP S TIMESTMP=$$NOW^XLFDT() ; 1st, process input in DATA S IDATA="" F S IDATA=$O(DATA(IDATA)) Q:IDATA="" S LINE=DATA(IDATA) I LINE]"" D . I LINE="*IMAGE" S NEWIMG=1 Q . I LINE="*PS" S NEWPS=1 Q . I $E(LINE,1,4)="*END" S (NEWIMG,NEWPS)=0 Q . I NEWIMG D IMGINIT(LINE) S NEWIMG=0 Q ; Init storage for this Image . I NEWPS D PSINIT(LINE) S NEWPS=0 Q ; Init storage for a PS . D @(SAVOP_"(LINE)") ; Now update the Study node info S INITSTDY=$S(INTERPFL:"INIT_STUDY",1:"") S STIEN=$$STUDYID("",RARPT,1,INITSTDY) I $D(PSTRAK) S IMG="" D ; Update key imgs in Study node . F S IMG=$O(PSTRAK(IMG)) Q:'IMG S NEWIMG=1,TYPE="" D . . F S TYPE=$O(PSTRAK(IMG,TYPE)) Q:TYPE="" D . . . F ICT=1:1:PSTRAK(IMG,TYPE,0) D SAVKIMG(IMG,PSTRAK(IMG,TYPE,ICT),TYPE,NEWIMG) S NEWIMG=0 SAVKPSZ ; I IMGCT!PSTOT!PSLINCT!KEYCT!INTCT S REPLY="1~Saved: "_KEYCT_" Key Image"_$S(KEYCT-1:"s",1:"")_"; "_INTCT_" Interp Image"_$S(INTCT-1:"s",1:"")_"; " I S REPLY=REPLY_PSLINCT_" PS line"_$S(PSLINCT-1:"s",1:"")_" for "_PSTOT_" PS"_$S(PSTOT-1:"s",1:"")_" for "_IMGCT_" Image"_$S(IMGCT-1:"s.",1:".") I S:PSKILCT REPLY=REPLY_" Deleted: "_PSKILCT_" PS record"_$S(PSKILCT-1:"s",1:"")_"." E I PSKILCT S REPLY="1~Deleted: "_PSKILCT_" PS record"_$S(PSKILCT-1:"s",1:"")_"." E S REPLY="0~No Key Image/PS data was stored or deleted." Q ; NOOP(X) Q ; do nothing/ skip erroneous input ; IMGINIT(LINE) ; Init storage space for an image ; inits some vars for the SAVE loop N IEN S IMGIEN="",IMGREF="" S IEN=$P(LINE,U) I IEN,$D(^MAG(2005,IEN,0)),'$D(^(1)) E G IMGINITZ S IMGIEN=IEN S IMGREF=$NA(^MAG(2005,IMGIEN)) ; indirect ref used in psinit & savps S IMGCT=IMGCT+1 IMGINITZ Q ; PSINIT(LINE) ; Init storage space for a Presentation State ; inits some vars for SAVE loop ; input = PS_UID ^ UID Type (KEY, INT) ^ "DELETE" ; if peice 3 ="DELETE" then the PS data is deleted N IEN,UID,TYPE,DELETE S UID=$P(LINE,U),X=$P(LINE,U,2),DELETE=($P(LINE,U,3)="DELETE"),TYPE=$S(X="KEY":"K",X="INTERP":"I",1:"") I UID="" G PSINITZ I INTERPFL,(TYPE'="K"),(TYPE'="U") S TYPE="I" ; just in case... S IEN=$O(@IMGREF@(210,"B",UID,"")) L +@IMGREF@(210,0):5 E Q I 'IEN D ; Allocate node . S X=$G(@IMGREF@(210,0)) I X="" S X="^2005.05A^^",^(0)=X . S IEN=$P(X,U,3)+1,T=$P(X,U,4)+1,$P(X,U,3)=IEN,$P(X,U,4)=T . S @IMGREF@(210,0)=X,@IMGREF@(210,"B",UID,IEN)="" S PSIEN=IEN I DELETE,PSIEN D ; delete this PS . S PSKILCT=PSKILCT+1 . K @IMGREF@(210,PSIEN),@IMGREF@(210,"B",UID,PSIEN) . S T=$O(@IMGREF@(210,9999),-1) . I 'T K @IMGREF@(210) Q ; no more PSs! . N XD S XD=$G(@IMGREF@(210,0)) . S $P(XD,U,3)=T,T=$P(XD,U,4) S:T T=T-1 S $P(XD,U,4)=T . S @IMGREF@(210,0)=XD E D ; init PS node for storage; PSTRAK keeps data for later update to STUDY file . S @IMGREF@(210,PSIEN,0)=UID_U_TYPE_U_DUZ_U_TIMESTMP . I "KI"[TYPE S SEQNUM=SEQNUM+1,T=$G(PSTRAK(IMGIEN,TYPE,0))+1,PSTRAK(IMGIEN,TYPE,0)=T,PSTRAK(IMGIEN,TYPE,T)=UID_U_SEQNUM . K @IMGREF@(210,PSIEN,1) ; init Data & Keys . S @IMGREF@(210,PSIEN,1,0)="^2005.51^0_U_0" L -@IMGREF@(210,0) S SAVOP="SAVPS" ; indirect label reference for use in SAVE loop I DELETE S SAVOP="NOOP" S PSTOT=PSTOT+1-DELETE PSINITZ Q ; SAVPS(LINE) ; Save a line of PS data ; input = line of free-text data N PSCT,PSCTRL L +(@IMGREF@(210,PSIEN)) S PSCTRL=$G(@IMGREF@(210,PSIEN,1,0)) S PSCT=+$P(PSCTRL,U,4)+1 S @IMGREF@(210,PSIEN,1,PSCT,0)=LINE S $P(PSCTRL,U,3,4)=PSCT_U_PSCT S @IMGREF@(210,PSIEN,1,0)=PSCTRL L -(@IMGREF@(210,PSIEN)) S PSLINCT=PSLINCT+1 Q ; SAVKIMG(IMGIEN,UIDSEQ,TYPE,NEWIMG) ; store a Key image & Interp images w/ PS refs in study node ; N STIEN,KIEN,STUDYREF,UID,SEQNUM I 'IMGIEN G SAVKIMGZ S STIEN=$$STUDYID(IMGIEN,"",0) I 'STIEN G SAVKIMGZ ; should never happen S STUDYREF=$NA(^MAG(2005.001,STIEN)) S UID=$P(UIDSEQ,U),SEQNUM=$P(UIDSEQ,U,2) S KIEN=$O(@STUDYREF@(1,"B",IMGIEN,"")) I 'KIEN D . L +@STUDYREF@(1,0) . S X=$G(@STUDYREF@(1,0)) I X="" S X="^2005.031P^^",^(0)=X . S KIEN=$P(X,U,3)+1,T=$P(X,U,4)+1,$P(X,U,3)=KIEN,$P(X,U,4)=T . S @STUDYREF@(1,0)=X,@STUDYREF@(1,"B",IMGIEN,KIEN)="" . L -@STUDYREF@(1,0) E D . I 'NEWIMG Q . K @STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1) ; init ps data if updating existing img . S @STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1,0)="^2005.311^0_U_0" S $P(@STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,0),U)=IMGIEN ; store the PS UID I UID]"" D . N IEN S IEN=$O(@STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1,"B",UID,"")) . I 'IEN D . . L +@STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1,0) . . S X=$G(@STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1,0)) I X="" S X="^2005.311^^",^(0)=X . . S IEN=$P(X,U,3)+1,T=$P(X,U,4)+1,$P(X,U,3)=IEN,$P(X,U,4)=T . . S @STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1,0)=X,@STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1,"B",UID,IEN)="" . . L -@STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1,0) . S @STUDYREF@(1,KIEN,1,IEN,0)=UID_U_TYPE_U_SEQNUM S KEYCT=KEYCT+(TYPE="K"),INTCT=INTCT+(TYPE="I") SAVKIMGZ Q ; STUDYID(IEN,RARPT,READONLY,INITSTDY) ; return Study_IEN for input ImgIEN or RARPT ; initialize Study node if INITSTDY is indicated (optional) ; Either IEN or RARPT must be supplied; if both supplied, only RARPT is used ; if READONLY is false, then create "STUDY" node if undefined ; <*> Note: this routine is hard-coded for RADIOLOGY image data only (Parent file=74) N STIEN,X,T,STDYINIT S STIEN="" ; init return value S IEN=$G(IEN),RARPT=$G(RARPT) S:'$D(READONLY) READONLY=1 S INITSTDY=$G(INITSTDY) I IEN,'RARPT S RARPT=$$GETRPT(IEN) I 'RARPT G STUDYIDZ I $D(^MAG(2005.001,"ASTUDY",74,RARPT)) S STIEN=$O(^(RARPT,"")) D . I INITSTDY="INIT_STUDY" K ^MAG(2005.001,STIEN,1) ; init for Key/Interp PS updates (full replacement) E D:'READONLY ; create Study structure . L +^MAG(2005.001,0) . S X=^MAG(2005.001,0),STIEN=$P(X,U,3)+1,T=$P(X,U,4)+1,$P(X,U,3)=STIEN,$P(X,U,4)=T,^(0)=X . L -^MAG(2005.001,0) . S ^MAG(2005.001,STIEN,0)=RARPT_U_74,^MAG(2005.001,"ASTUDY",74,RARPT,STIEN)="",^MAG(2005.001,"B",RARPT,STIEN)="" ; STUDYIDZ Q:$Q STIEN Q ; GETRPT(IEN) ; return rarpt for input imgien N IENGRP,X,RARPT S RARPT="" I IEN D . I $D(^MAG(2005,IEN,1)) S IENGRP=IEN . E S IENGRP=$P(^MAG(2005,IEN,0),U,10) . I IENGRP S X=$G(^MAG(2005,IENGRP,2)) I $P(X,U,6)=74 S RARPT=$P(X,U,7) . I RARPT,$D(^RARPT(RARPT,2005)) . E S RARPT="" ; no Rad report node! Q:$Q RARPT Q ; ;Structure of PS/PSTRAK data In: ; *IMAGE ; IEN^ ; *PS ; UID^[KEY/INTERP/USER] ; 1: N Lines of PS data follow ; *END_PS ; *PS ; UID^[KEY/INTERP/USER] ; 1: N Lines of PS data follow ; *END_PS ; *END_IMAGE ; *IMAGE ; ... etc. ; *END_IMAGE ; *END END ;