MAGJUTL4 ;WIRMFO/JHC VistARad subroutines for RPC calls ; 15 Jul 2004 4:34 PM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**18,76**;Jun 22, 2007;Build 19 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; CPTGRP(MAGGRY,DATA) ; RPC: MAGJ CPTMATCH ; FOR INPUT cpt code, return matching cpt's based on grouping criteria: ; INPUT in DATA: CPT Code ^ Criteria ; Criteria: ; 1=Matching cpt ; 2=Body Part ; 3=Body Part & Modality ; 10=Same CPT (used to return short description only) ; Return: List of CPTs with Short Name: CPT ^ Short Name ; MAGGRY holds $NA reference to ^TMP for rpc return ; all ref's to MAGGRY use subscript indirection ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="G ERR1^MAGJUTL4" N REPLY,DIQUIET,CPT,CRIT,CT,MAGLST,NOD,NODLST N MATCHGRP,INDXLST,AND,RET,CPTGLB,CPTIN,CPTIEN,TCPT ; ; <*> Issue: Unable get specific body part for some non-specific CPTs (e.g., 75774-ANGIO SELECT EA ADD VESSEL-S) ; --> For these, could just return matching CPTs (or equivalent CPT?) ; ; Produce List of cptiens for each INDX of interest ; AND with next list of cptiens; repeat until no more INDXs ; build output list of CPT codes (w/ short names [optional]) S DIQUIET=1 D DT^DICRW S CT=0,MAGLST="MAGJCPT" K MAGGRY S MAGGRY=$NA(^TMP($J,MAGLST)) K @MAGGRY ; assign MAGGRY value S CPTIN=$P(DATA,U),CRIT=$P(DATA,U,2) S REPLY="0^Getting matching CPT info." S:'CRIT CRIT=1 ; default equivalent I CPTIN="" S REPLY="0^Invalid CPT code ("_DATA_")." G CPTGRPZ I '(CRIT=1!(CRIT=2)!(CRIT=3)!(CRIT=10)) S REPLY="0^Invalid criteria ("_DATA_")." G CPTGRPZ S CPTGLB=$NA(^MAG(2006.67)) S CPTIEN=$O(@CPTGLB@("B",CPTIN,"")) I 'CPTIEN S REPLY="0^Input CPT code ("_CPTIN_") not defined in CPT Match table." G CPTGRPZ S X=@CPTGLB@(CPTIEN,0),MATCHGRP=+$P(X,U,4) ;CPTMATCH^BODYPART^MDL I CRIT=2!(CRIT=3) D . S X=0 F S X=$O(@CPTGLB@(CPTIEN,1,"B",X)) Q:'X D GETCPTS("BODYPART",X,"",.RET) . I CRIT=3 D . . M AND=RET K RET S X=0 . . F S X=$O(@CPTGLB@(CPTIEN,2,"B",X)) Q:'X D GETCPTS("MDL",X,.AND,.RET) I CRIT=1 D . I MATCHGRP,(MATCHGRP'=CPTIEN) S RET(MATCHGRP)="" D GETCPTS("CPTMATCH",MATCHGRP,"",.RET) . D GETCPTS("CPTMATCH",CPTIEN,"",.RET) I CRIT=10 ; fall through answers this! I '$D(RET(CPTIEN)) S RET(CPTIEN)="" ; always report back input cpt S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(RET(IEN)) Q:'IEN D . N LIN S X=$G(@CPTGLB@(IEN,0)) . Q:'(X]"") S TCPT=$P(X,U),LIN=TCPT_U_$P($$CPT^ICPTCOD(TCPT),U,3) ; _U_$$BODPART(IEN,"~")_U_$$MDLLST(IEN,"~") . S CT=CT+1,@MAGGRY@(CT)=LIN S REPLY=CT_U_"1~ "_CT_" CPT Matches returned for "_CPTIN CPTGRPZ ; S @MAGGRY@(0)=REPLY Q ; GETCPTS(INDEX,VALUE,AND,OUT) ; return a list of CPTIENS in OUT ; if array AND is defined, reply only values contained in AND & the index N X,GLBREF,CPTIEN S GLBREF=$NA(@CPTGLB@(INDEX,VALUE)) S CPTIEN=0 I $D(AND)>9 D . F S CPTIEN=$O(AND(CPTIEN)) Q:CPTIEN="" I $D(@GLBREF@(CPTIEN)) S OUT(CPTIEN)="" E F S CPTIEN=$O(@GLBREF@(CPTIEN)) Q:'CPTIEN D . S OUT(CPTIEN)="" Q ; BODPART(CPTIEN,DLM) ; return DLM-delimited list of body part values for this CPT I +$G(CPTIEN) E Q "" N LIST,CPTGLB S LIST="" S DLM=$E($G(DLM)) I DLM="" S DLM="^" S CPTGLB=$NA(^MAG(2006.67)) S NOD=0 F S NOD=$O(@CPTGLB@(CPTIEN,1,NOD)) Q:'NOD S X=$P(^(NOD,0),U) I X]"" S LIST=LIST_DLM_X Q:$Q $E(LIST,2,999) Q ; MDLLST(CPTIEN,DLM) ; return DLM-delimited list of modality values for this CPT I +$G(CPTIEN) E Q "" N LIST,CPTGLB S LIST="" S DLM=$E($G(DLM)) I DLM="" S DLM="^" S CPTGLB=$NA(^MAG(2006.67)) S NOD=0 F S NOD=$O(@CPTGLB@(CPTIEN,2,NOD)) Q:'NOD S X=$P(^(NOD,0),U) I X]"" S LIST=LIST_DLM_X Q:$Q $E(LIST,2,999) Q ; STATCHK(MAGGRY,DATA) ; ; RPC: MAGJ RADSTATUSCHECK ; This may also be accessed by subroutine call. <*> do not change name of EP ; Exam Status check RPC and subroutine: determine if the exam has been Tech-Verified (at least). ; Images are assumed to be verified if Exam Status is Examined, or higher status. ; ; Input in DATA: RADFN^RADTI^RACNI^RARPT ; Input is either RADFN, RADTI, and RACNI; or, RARPT only may be input in piece 4 ; Return: Code^Text ; 0 = Problem, or exam was cancelled ; 1 = Not yet verified ; 2 = Tech Verified ; 3 = Radiologist Verified ; 4 = User is a Radiology professional--always allow access ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="G ERR3^MAGJUTL4" N REPLY,STATUS,ORDER,VCAT,STOUT N DIQUIET,RARPT,RADFN,RADTI,RACNI S DIQUIET=1 D DT^DICRW S RADFN=$P(DATA,U),RADTI=$P(DATA,U,2),RACNI=$P(DATA,U,3),RARPT=$P(DATA,U,4) S STOUT="",REPLY="0^Getting image verification status." I RADFN,RADTI,RACNI E I RARPT D RPT2DPT(RARPT,.X) I X S RADFN=+X,RADTI=$P(X,U,2),RACNI=$P(X,U,3) I RADFN,RADTI,RACNI E S REPLY="0^Image Verification Status request contains invalid case pointer ("_DATA_")" G STATCHKZ S STATUS=$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)),U,3) I STATUS="" S REPLY="0^Image Verification Status request error--no Exam Status is defined for ("_DATA_")" G STATCHKZ S VCAT=$P(^RA(72,STATUS,0),U,9),ORDER=$P(^(0),U,3) I VCAT]"" D G STATCHK2:STOUT . I "EDT"[VCAT S STOUT=$S(VCAT="E":2,1:3) ; Examined or Interpreted . E I VCAT="W" S STOUT=1 ; Not yet Verified I ORDER=9 S STOUT=3 ; Completed exam E I ORDER=0 S REPLY="0^Exam Cancelled" E I ORDER=1 S STOUT=1 ; Waiting for exam STATCHK2 ; I STOUT<2 D . F X="S","R","T" I $D(^VA(200,"ARC",X,DUZ)) S STOUT=4 Q ; Radiologist or Tech -- OK to access STATCHKZ ; I STOUT S REPLY=STOUT_U_$S(STOUT=1:"Images not yet verified",STOUT=2:"Images verified by Technologist",STOUT=3:"Images interpreted by Radiologist",STOUT=4:"Radiology professional--OK to view images.",1:"") S MAGGRY=REPLY Q ; REMSCRN(MAGGRY,DATA) ; User set/clear flag to show/not show remote exams only ; RPC: MAGJ REMOTESCREEN ; ; Input in DATA: 1/0 1=show remote only; 0=show all exams ; Return: Reply^Code~msg ; Reply -- 0=Problem; 1=Success ; Code -- 4=Error; 1=ok ; msg -- display text if error ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="G ERR3^MAGJUTL4" N REPLY N DIQUIET S DIQUIET=1 D DT^DICRW I $D(DATA),(DATA=0!(DATA=1)) E S REPLY="0^4~REMOTESCREEN request has invalid parameter ("_$G(DATA)_")" G REMSCRNZ S MAGJOB("REMOTESCREEN")=DATA,REPLY="1^1~"_DATA REMSCRNZ ; S MAGGRY=REPLY Q ; RPT2DPT(RARPT,RET) ; Input RARPT. Return RET containing exam ss values for ^RADPT ; N DFN,DTI,CNI S (DFN,DTI,CNI)="" I RARPT?1N.N,$D(^RARPT(RARPT)) S X=$G(^(RARPT,0)) I X]"" D . S X=$P(X,U) . S X=$O(^RADPT("ADC",X,0)) I X S DFN=X,DTI=$O(^(X,0)),CNI=$O(^(DTI,0)) . S RET=DFN_U_DTI_U_CNI E S RET="" Q ; ERR1 N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S @MAGGRY@(0)="0^4~"_ERR G ERR ERR3 N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S MAGGRY="0^4~"_ERR ERR D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q:$Q 1 Q ; END Q ;