MAGQBPG1 ;WOIFO/RMP - REMOTE Task SERVER Program [ 11/08/2001 17:18 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**7,8,20,81**;May 17, 2007 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; ENTRY(RESULT,WSTAT,PROCESS) ;RPC[MAGQ JBS] N X,SYSIEN,SYSNAME,ZNODE,NODE,INDX,CNT,PROC,%,QPTR,QCNT,SHARE,PLACE D NOW^%DTC S X="ERR^MAGQBTM",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") S (SYSIEN,CNT)=0,SYSNAME="",U="^",PLACE=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(+$G(DUZ(2))) S SYSIEN=$O(^MAG(2006.8,"C",WSTAT,"")) ;TRUE WORKSTATION NAME I 'SYSIEN S SYSIEN=$O(^MAG(2006.8,"C",$$UPPER^MAGQE4(WSTAT),"")) I 'SYSIEN D ;ATTEMPT TO FIND A MATCH FROM LOCAL NAME . N TRY . F TRY=1:1:$L(WSTAT,".") D Q:SYSIEN?1N.N . . S SYSIEN=$O(^MAG(2006.8,"C",$P(WSTAT,".",TRY),"")) . . I 'SYSIEN S SYSIEN=$O(^MAG(2006.8,"C",$$UPPER^MAGQE4($P(WSTAT,".",TRY)),"")) I SYSIEN="" D Q . S RESULT(0)="-1^This workstation is not currently setup as a Background Processor." . Q S NODE=^MAG(2006.8,SYSIEN,0) S SYSNAME=$P(NODE,U) I SYSNAME="" D Q . S RESULT(0)="-1^This workstation is not currently setup as a Background Processor." . Q S RESULT(0)="0^BP List^PID: "_$$BASE^XLFUTL($J,10,16)_U_SYSNAME_U_WSTAT_U_$P(^MAG(2006.1,PLACE,0),U,2) S (X,CNT)=0 F S X=$O(^MAG(2005.2,X)) Q:X'?1N.N S ZNODE=^(X,0) D . Q:'$P(ZNODE,U,6) ;1=on-line . Q:$E($P(ZNODE,U,2),1,2)'="\\" . Q:$P(ZNODE,U,10)'=PLACE . Q:(($P(ZNODE,U,7)'["WORM")&($P(ZNODE,U,7)'="RW")) . S CNT=CNT+1,SHARE=$P(ZNODE,U,2) . I $E(SHARE,$L(SHARE))="\" S SHARE=$E(SHARE,1,$L(SHARE)-1) . S RESULT(CNT)=X_U_SHARE_U_$P(ZNODE,U,8) Q JBPTR(RESULT,FILE) ;[MAGQ JBPTR] S X="ERR^MAGQBTM",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") N IEN,SITEID S SITEID=$$UPPER^MAGQE4($P(^MAG(2006.1,$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(+$G(DUZ(2))),0),U,2)) S IEN=$P(+$P(FILE,SITEID,2),".") S RESULT=$$JBPTR^MAGQBPRG(IEN,$$FTYPE^MAGQBPRG($P(FILE,".",2))) Q SHR(RESULT) ; RPC[MAGQ SHARES] N TMP,INDX,DATA,CNT,SHARE,CWL,VALUE,PLACE ;CWL=CURRENT WRITE LOCATION S X="ERR^MAGQBTM",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") S (CNT,INDX)=0,U="^",PLACE=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(+$G(DUZ(2))) S CWL=$$CWL^MAGBAPI(PLACE) F S INDX=$O(^MAG(2005.2,INDX)) Q:INDX'?1N.N D . S DATA=$G(^MAG(2005.2,INDX,0)) . Q:$P(DATA,U,6,7)'["1^MAG" . Q:$P(DATA,U,9)="1" ;ROUTING SHARE . Q:$P(DATA,U,2)[":" . Q:$P(DATA,U,10)'=PLACE . S SHARE=$P(DATA,U,2) . Q:$E(SHARE,1,2)'="\\" . I $E(SHARE,$L(SHARE))="\" S SHARE=$E(SHARE,1,$L(SHARE)-1) . S SHARE=SHARE_U_$P(DATA,U,8) . Q:$D(TMP(SHARE)) . S TMP(SHARE)=INDX S INDX="" F S INDX=$O(TMP(INDX)) Q:INDX="" D . S RESULT(CNT)=TMP(INDX)_U_INDX,CNT=CNT+1 . S ^TMP("MAGQBP",$J,"SHRLST",CNT-1)=TMP(INDX)_U_INDX K TMP Q CNP2(RESULT,IEN,START,STOP) ;[MAGQ JBSCN] S X="ERR^MAGQBTM",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") N FNAME,PIECE,ZNODE,NODE2,BNODE,BNAME,PTR,HASH,TEMP,ORDER,RDATE,PLACE,OFFLINE,PLACEOK,GL,END,ACQSITE S (RESULT,GL)="",PLACE=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(+$G(DUZ(2))),(OFFLINE,PLACEOK)=0 S:START="" START=$O(^MAG(2005,0)) S:STOP="" STOP=$O(^MAG(2005,"A"),-1) S ORDER=$S(START>STOP:"R",1:"F") I (IEN'?1N.N)!IEN=0 D I IEN="" S RESULT=0 Q . I START=0 S IEN=START Q . I ORDER="R" D . . S I1=+$O(^MAG(2005," "),-1),I2=+$O(^MAG(2005.1," "),-1),END=$S(I1>I2:I1,1:I2) . . S IEN=$S(START>END:START,1:START+1) Q . E S IEN=START-1 . Q S IEN=+IEN F D SCAN^MAGQBPG1(.IEN,ORDER,.GL) D Q:((('OFFLINE)&PLACEOK)!('IEN)!($P(RESULT,U,21)="DUPE")!'$G(ACQSITE)) . Q:'IEN . S ZNODE=$G(@(GL_IEN_",0)")),ACQSITE=$P($G(@(GL_IEN_",100)")),U,3) . S PLACEOK=$S($$PLACE^MAGBAPI(+ACQSITE)=$$PLACE^MAGBAPI($G(DUZ(2))):1,1:"") . I $P(ZNODE,U,2)'="" S OFFLINE=$$IMOFFLN^MAGFILEB($P(ZNODE,U,2)) ; Only check the offline status of image files . I ($D(^MAG(2005.1,IEN,0))&$D(^MAG(2005,IEN,0))) D Q ; Image is duplicated in the Archive file . . I $P(^MAG(2005,IEN,0),U,1,8)="^^^^^^^",+$P(^MAG(2005,IEN,0),U,9) K ^MAG(2005,IEN,0) Q . . S FDA(2005,IEN_",",13.5)="1" ; Set Dupe field in the Image File . . S FDA(2005,IEN_",",13)="1" ; Set IQ field in the Image File . . D FILE^DIE("I","FDA","MSG") K FDA,MSG . . S FDA(2005.1,IEN_",",13.5)="1" ; Set the Dupe field in the archive file . . S FDA(2005.1,IEN_",",13)="1" ; and set the IQ field in the archive file . . D FILE^DIE("I","FDA","MSG") K FDA,MSG . . S $P(RESULT,U,21)="DUPE" . . S $P(RESULT,U)=IEN . . I $P(ZNODE,U,2)=$P($G(^MAG(2005.1,IEN,0)),U,2) S $P(RESULT,U,2)=$P(ZNODE,U,2) D . . . I $P(RESULT,U,2)="" S $P(RESULT,U,2)="No File Name" Q . . E S $P(RESULT,U,2)=$P(ZNODE,U,2)_"/"_$P($G(^MAG(2005.1,IEN,0)),U,2) D . . . I $P($P(RESULT,U,2),"/")="" S $P(RESULT,U,2)="No File Name"_$P(RESULT,U,2) . . . I $P($P(RESULT,U,2),"/",2)="" S $P(RESULT,U,2)=$P(RESULT,U,2)_"No File Name" . . . Q . . Q . E I $P(ZNODE,U,2)'="" S $P(@(GL_IEN_",0)"),U,12)="0" . Q I $S('IEN:1,((ORDER="F")&(IEN>STOP)):1,((ORDER="R")&(IENI2:"^MAG(2005.1,",1:"^MAG(2005,") . S IEN=$S(I1>I2:I2,1:I1) . Q E D ;Reverse . S I1=$O(^MAG(2005,IEN),-1),I1=$S(I1:I1,1:"") . S I2=$O(^MAG(2005.1,IEN),-1),I2=$S(I2:I2,1:"") . I I1,'I2 S IEN=I1,GB="^MAG(2005," Q . I I2,'I1 S IEN=I2,GB="^MAG(2005.1," Q . S GB=$S(I1