MAGSDEL2 ;WOIFO/SRR/RED - Delete parent pointers ; [ 06/20/2001 08:57 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**10**;Nov 06, 2003 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; DELPAR ; delete parent pointers I '$D(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,2)) S DELMSG="Image IEN doesn't Exist in Image File" G ERROR S MAGTMP=^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,2),MAGSTORE=$P(MAGTMP,"^",6)_":"_$P(MAGTMP,"^",7)_":"_$P(MAGTMP,"^",8)_":"_$P(MAGTMP,"^",10) S MAGPARRT=$P(MAGTMP,"^",6) I MAGPARRT="" G EXIT ;No parent pointer I '$D(^MAG(2005.03,MAGPARRT,0)) S DELMSG="Image Entry has INVALID Pointer to Imaging Parent Data File " G ERROR S MAGPAR=^MAG(2005.03,MAGPARRT,0) S MAGTYP=$P(MAGPAR,"^",3) S MAGPARRT=$P(MAGPAR,"^",4) I MAGPARRT="" S DELMSG="Parent Data File entry is missing field 'File Pointer'" G ERROR S DA=$P(MAGTMP,"^",8) ;G:DA="" ERROR ; /GEK added next 2 lines, comment out G:DA in line above ; this will catch PACS images that don't send IEN of the 2005 Multiple ; in the parent file. N MAGRT,MAGROOT I 'DA,MAGPARRT[2006.5839 S DA=123 ; Setting DA to 123 is for the DICOM TEMP file. I 'DA D GETDA^MAGSDEL4(MAGPARRT,$P(MAGTMP,"^",7),MAGIEN,.DA) I 'DA I '$P(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0),"^",10) D G ERROR . S DELMSG="Image entry invalid field: PARENT DATA FILE IMAGE POINTER" I 'DA I $P(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0),"^",10) G EXIT ;G:'DA ERROR D FILE^DID(MAGPARRT,"","GLOBAL NAME","MAGRT") S MAGROOT=$G(MAGRT("GLOBAL NAME")) Q:MAGROOT="" I MAGTYP<3 S DA(1)=$P(MAGTMP,"^",7),DIK=MAGROOT_DA(1)_",2005," K DA(2) G CHECK S DA(2)=$P(MAGTMP,"^",7),DA(1)=$P(MAGTMP,"^",10) S DIK=MAGROOT_DA(2)_","""_$E($P(MAGPAR,"^",2),1,2)_""","_DA(1)_","_2005_"," CHECK I DIK'["^" S DELMSG="Can't resolve 'DIK' Global Node. " G ERROR ;I $D(MAGVERB) W !,"Ready to delete ",DIK,DA R !,"ok? ",ANS:DTIME Q:ANS="N" ;if medicine, call medicine api I MAGPARRT>690,MAGPARRT<705 G DELMED ;if TIU goto call TIU api I MAGPARRT=8925 G DELTIU ;if lab, call lab api I MAGPARRT["63" G DELLAB I MAGPARRT["2006.5839" G DELHCP D ^DIK I $D(MAGVERB) W !,"Parent pointer deleted from ",$P(MAGPAR,"^",1),"..." EXIT K DA,DA(1),DIK,DA(2) Q DELMED ; D KILL^MCUIMAG0(MAGPARRT,DA(1),DA,.MAGSTAT) I +MAGSTAT=1 G EXIT E S DELMSG="Error calling Medicine Routine to Delete Pointer." G ERROR Q DELTIU ; Delete the TIU pointers Q:$P(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0),"^",10) ; Quit if image is a child of a group. D DELIMAGE^TIUSRVPL(.MAGY,DA(1),MAGIEN) I 'MAGY S DELMSG="Error calling TIU API : "_$P(MAGY,"^",2) G ERROR G EXIT DELLAB ; delete lab pointer entries D EN^MAGSDEL3(MAGIEN,.MAGRES) I '+MAGRES S DELMSG="Error calling Lab Routine to Delete Pointer." G ERROR Q DELHCP ;Delete the DICOM GMRC TEMP file entry pointers D DCMTEMP^MAGSDHCP(.MAGY,MAGIEN) I '+MAGY S DELMSG=$G(MAGY(0)) G ERROR G EXIT ERROR I $D(MAGVERB) W !,"The backwards pointers are not correct. Image pointers cannot be removed from parent file." S MAGERR=1 G EXIT