MAGSDOFL ;WOIFO/SF - Track Offline Images ; [ 12/27/2000 10:49 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**18**;Mar 07, 2006 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a Class II medical device. As such, it may not be changed | ;; | in any way. Modifications to this software may result in an | ;; | adulterated medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which | ;; | is considered to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ENTRY ;Interactive entry here I '$D(DUZ) W !,"Use the MAG JB OFFLINE menu option to run this application" Q N BOLD,NORMAL,N,R D SETUP W @IOF LOOP ; main menu loop D SETUP W !!,$P($T(OPTIONS),";",2),! S N=0 F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(OPTIONS+I),";",2,999) Q:X="" D ; list options . I $P(X,";")="" Q . S N=N+1 W !,?2,$J(N,2),?6,$P(X,";") . Q ;W BOLD ; AGAIN ; W !!,?2,"OPTION: " R " ",R:DTIME Q:R=""!(R="^") I R["?" D HELP2 G AGAIN I R?1N.N,R>0,R'>N D G LOOP . S N=0 F I=1:1 D Q:X="" I R=N D @($P(X,";",2)),RETURN Q . . S X=$P($T(OPTIONS+I),";",2,999) Q:X="" . . S N=N+1 . Q W " ??? -- Invalid option. Try agin." G AGAIN ; SETUP ; I ^%ZOSF("OS")?1"MSM".E S IOF="#" E D HOME^%ZIS S U="^" S NORMAL=$C(27)_"[0;"_"44m" ; normal blue S BOLD=$C(27)_"[1;"_"44m" ; bold blue ;W BOLD Q ; RETURN ; D SETUP R !!,"Push to continue...",X:DTIME Q OFFLINE(MAGIN) ;Set images offline N COUNT ASK1 I MAGIN="" R !!,"Enter file to read offline images from: ",X:DTIME I X="" Q I X="^" Q I X["?" D HELP1 G ASK1 N IOP,MAGFDA,MAGFL I MAGIN="" S MAGIN=X S %ZIS="",%ZIS("HFSNAME")=MAGIN,%ZIS("HFSMODE")="R",IOP="HFS" S X="ERROR^MAGSDOFL",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") S MAGFL=2006.033 S COUNT=0 U 0 W !!,"Here goes nothing...",! D ^%ZIS F U IO R LN:5 D . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . S LN=$$TRIM(LN) . I LN["Media """ S MAGPLAT=$P(LN,"""",2) U 0 W !,MAGPLAT . I COUNT#50=0 U 0 W "." . S LN=$$FNAME(LN) Q:LN="" . K MAGIEN S MAGIEN="?+1," . S MAGFDA(MAGFL,MAGIEN,.01)=LN . S MAGFDA(MAGFL,MAGIEN,1)=MAGPLAT . D UPDATE^DIE("","MAGFDA","MAGIEN","MAGERR") . Q W !,"Done." Q FNAME(LN) ;Find img file name ;OTG 4x I LN["\" D Q XX . F N=1:1 S XX=$P(LN,"\",N) Q:XX="" I XX?.E1"."3AN S LN=XX Q ;OTG 3x I $P(LN," ",1)'?.E1"."3AN Q "" S LN=$P(LN," ") Q LN ONLINE(MAGPLAT) ;Set images back online ; ASK I MAGPLAT="" R !!,"Enter the name of the platter being inserted: ",X:DTIME I X="" Q I X="^" Q I X["?" D HELP G ASK N MAGENT S MAGPLAT=X I '$D(^MAGQUEUE(2006.033,"C",MAGPLAT)) W " Platter not on file..." Q S DIK="^MAGQUEUE(2006.033," S MAGENT="" F S MAGENT=$O(^MAGQUEUE(2006.033,"C",MAGPLAT,MAGENT)) Q:'MAGENT D . S DA=MAGENT . D ^DIK . I $D(Y) W "." . E W !,"Problem deleting entry# "_MAGENT W !,"Done." Q HELP ;List offline platters W !,"Do you want to see a list of all offline platters? " R X:60 I "?"[$E(X) W !!,"Answer ""yes"" to see a list of platters currently marked offline" I "?"[$E(X) W !,"Answer ""no"" to return",! G HELP I "Yy"'[$E(X) Q S MAGPLAT="" F S MAGPLAT=$O(^MAGQUEUE(2006.033,"C",MAGPLAT)) D Q:MAGPLAT="" . W !,MAGPLAT Q HELP1 ;Help for offline W !,"Enter the name of the file created by the jukebox media file report" Q HELP2 ;Help for OPTION prompt W !,"Select option 1 if you are marking images offline" W !,"Select option 2 if you are marking images online" W !,"Type ""^"" to quit" Q ; TRIM(X) ; N I,J F I=1:1:$L(X) Q:$E(X,I)'=" " F J=$L(X):-1:I Q:$E(X,J)'=" " Q $E(X,I,J) ERROR ;Trap Errors Here D ^%ZISC Q OPTIONS ; Offline Image Menu ;Take images offline (Remove Jukebox Platter);OFFLINE("") ;Put images back online (Insert Jukebox Platter);ONLINE("")