MAGSIXG1 ;WOIFO/EdM/GEK/SEB - RPCs for Document Imaging ; 04/29/2002 16:15 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**8,48**;Jan 11, 2005 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; ; OUT ;--- Output array ; CLS ;--- Class ; TYPE ;-- Type (of what?) ; SPEC ;-- Specialty or SubSpecialty ; EVENT ;- Event or Procedure or Action PGI(OUT,DFN,PKG,CLS,TYPE,EVENT,SPEC,FROM,UNTIL,ORIGIN) ;RPC [MAG4 PAT GET IMAGES] ; Get Images for Patient. ; New call in Patch 3.0.8 uses Image Filter to get list of images ; N C,DAT1,DAT2,E,IMAGE,N,OK,P,RDT,RESULT,S,T,V,CT,PKG1,CLS1,TYPE1,EVENT1,SPEC1,FLTX,FLTY,CAPDUZ,CAPDT,MAGVR,FNL S FROM=$G(FROM),UNTIL=$G(UNTIL) D REVDT(FROM,UNTIL,.DAT1,.DAT2) S RESULT="OUT" K OUT,^TMP($T(+0),$J) S PKG=$G(PKG),CLS=$G(CLS),EVENT=$G(EVENT),SPEC=$G(SPEC),TYPE=$G(TYPE),ORIGIN=$G(ORIGIN) I PKG'="" D PKG^MAGSIXGT Q:$D(OUT(0)) I CLS'="" D CLS^MAGSIXGT Q:$D(OUT(0)) I EVENT'="" D EVENT^MAGSIXGT Q:$D(OUT(0)) I SPEC'="" D SPEC^MAGSIXGT Q:$D(OUT(0)) I TYPE'="" D TYPE^MAGSIXGT Q:$D(OUT(0)) I ORIGIN'="" D ORIGIN^MAGSIXGT Q:$D(OUT(0)) I +DFN'=DFN S @RESULT@(0)="0^Invalid Patient Number: """_DFN_"""." Q I '$D(^DPT(DFN,0))#2 S @RESULT@(0)="0^No Such Patient: """_DFN_"""." Q S N=0 D NETPLCS^MAGGTU6 ;S RDT="" F S RDT=$O(^MAG(2005,"APDTPX",DFN,RDT)) Q:RDT="" D ;3.0.8/gek, Quit searching all images, just do the date range. S RDT=DAT1 F S RDT=$O(^MAG(2005,"APDTPX",DFN,RDT)) Q:(RDT="")!(RDT>DAT2) D . N COUNT,PRX,X0,X2,X40,I1,X01 . S PRX="" F S PRX=$O(^MAG(2005,"APDTPX",DFN,RDT,PRX)) Q:PRX="" D . . S IMAGE="" F S IMAGE=$O(^MAG(2005,"APDTPX",DFN,RDT,PRX,IMAGE)) Q:IMAGE="" D . . . S X0=$G(^MAG(2005,IMAGE,0)) . . . Q:$P(X0,"^",10) ; child of Group . . . S X2=$G(^MAG(2005,IMAGE,2)),X40=$G(^MAG(2005,IMAGE,40)),I1=$O(^MAG(2005,IMAGE,1,0)) . . . S P=$P(X40,U),C=$P(X40,"^",2),T=$P(X40,"^",3),E=$P(X40,"^",4),S=$P(X40,"^",5) . . . S V=$S($P(X40,"^",6)="":"V",1:$P(X40,"^",6)) ; P48T1 show VA for Null . . . D CHK^DIE(2005,45,"E",V,.MAGVR) S V=MAGVR(0) ; P48T1 show External Value . . . I PKG'="",P'="",'$D(OK(5,P)) Q . . . I ORIGIN'="",V'="",'$D(OK(6,V)) Q . . . I CLS'="",C'="",'$D(OK(1,C)) Q . . . I EVENT'="",E,'$D(OK(2,E)) Q . . . ;3.0.8 Stop list entries with no Event, if Event is in Search Specs . . . I EVENT'="",E="" Q . . . I SPEC'="",S,'$D(OK(3,S)) Q . . . ;3.0.8 Stop list entries with no Spec, if Spec is in Search Specs . . . I SPEC'="",S="" Q . . . I TYPE'="",T,'$D(OK(4,T)) Q . . . ; Get Count of Images in Group, use 4th piece of ,1,0) multiple . . . S COUNT=$S($P($G(^MAG(2005,IMAGE,1,0)),"^",4):$P($G(^MAG(2005,IMAGE,1,0)),"^",4),1:1) . . . S FLTX="" . . . ; PUT in Site Code as 2nd piece. . . . S X01=$S(I1:$G(^MAG(2005,+$G(^MAG(2005,IMAGE,1,I1,0)),0)),1:X0) . . . S FNL=$S(+$P(X01,"^",3):$P(X01,"^",3),1:+$P(X01,"^",5)) . . . S FLTX=$P($G(MAGJOB("NETPLC",FNL)),"^",2) . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$P($$FMTE^XLFDT($P(X2,"^",5),"5Z"),"@",1) . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$P(X0,"^",8)_"^"_COUNT_"^"_$P(X2,"^",4) . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_P . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$P($G(^MAG(2005.82,+C,0)),"^",1) . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$P($G(^MAG(2005.83,+T,0)),"^",1) . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$P($G(^MAG(2005.84,+S,0)),"^",1) . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$P($G(^MAG(2005.85,+E,0)),"^",1) . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_V . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$P($$FMTE^XLFDT($P(X2,"^",1),"5Z"),"@",1) . . . ; P8T36 gek. Fix Error caused if $P(X2,"^",2) "ImageSavedBy" is null . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$$GET1^DIQ(200,+$P(X2,"^",2)_",",.01) . . . N MAGFILE,MAGXX . . . S MAGXX=IMAGE D INFO^MAGGTII . . . S FLTX=FLTX_"^"_$P(MAGFILE,"^",1) . . . S N=N+1,@RESULT@(N+1)=N_"^"_FLTX_"|"_MAGFILE . . . Q:N<101 Q:RESULT["^" . . . ; Image count is getting big, switch from array to Global return type . . . S ^TMP($T(+0),$J)="" . . . M ^TMP($T(+0),$J)=OUT . . . K OUT . . . S X=$$RTRNFMT^XWBLIB("GLOBAL ARRAY",1) . . . S RESULT=$NA(^TMP($T(+0),$J)) . . . S OUT=$NA(^TMP($T(+0),$J)) ;GEK 10/01/02 . . . Q . . Q . Q S FLTY=$$FLTDESC(X) I 'N S @RESULT@(0)="0^No images for filter: "_FLTY Q S @RESULT@(0)="1^"_FLTY S @RESULT@(1)="Item~S2^Site^Proc DT~S1^Procedure^# Img~S2^Short Desc^Pkg^Class^Type^Specialty^Event^Origin^Cap Dt~S1~W0^Cap by~~W0^Image ID~S2~W0" Q FLTDESC(X) ; N FLT S FLT="" ; Package S FLT=FLT_$S(PKG="":"",1:"Pkg: "_PKG_" - ") ; Class S FLT=FLT_$S(CLS="":"",CLS="ADMIN,ADMIN/CLIN,CLIN/ADMIN":"Class: ADMIN - ",CLS="CLIN,CLIN/ADMIN,ADMIN/CLIN":"Class: CLIN - ",1:"Class: "_CLS_" - ") ; Type F CT=1:1:$L(TYPE,",") D . S TYPE1=$P(TYPE,",",CT) I TYPE1'="" S TYPE1=$P($G(^MAG(2005.83,TYPE1,0)),"^") . S $P(TYPE,",",CT)=$E(TYPE1)_$$LOW^XLFSTR($E(TYPE1,2,999)) S FLT=FLT_$S(TYPE="":"",1:"Type: "_TYPE_" - ") ; Specialty/SubSpecialty F CT=1:1:$L(SPEC,",") D . S SPEC1=$P(SPEC,",",CT) I SPEC1'="" S SPEC1=$P($G(^MAG(2005.84,SPEC1,0)),"^") . S $P(SPEC,",",CT)=$E(SPEC1)_$$LOW^XLFSTR($E(SPEC1,2,999)) S FLT=FLT_$S(SPEC="":"",1:"Spec.: "_SPEC_" - ") ; Procedure/Event F CT=1:1:$L(EVENT,",") D . S EVENT1=$P(EVENT,",",CT) I EVENT1'="" S EVENT1=$P($G(^MAG(2005.85,EVENT1,0)),"^") . S $P(EVENT,",",CT)=$E(EVENT1)_$$LOW^XLFSTR($E(EVENT1,2,999)) S FLT=FLT_$S(EVENT="":"",1:"Event: "_EVENT_" - ") ; Orgin S FLT=FLT_$S(ORIGIN="":"",1:"Origin: "_ORIGIN_" - ") ; Date Range - From S FROM=$S($G(FROM)="":"",1:" from "_FROM) ; Date Range - Until S UNTIL=$S($G(UNTIL)="":"",1:" to "_UNTIL) S FLT=FLT_$G(FROM)_$G(UNTIL) ; If No Filter. Then get All. I FLT="" S FLT="All Images" Q FLT REVDT(FROM,UNTIL,DAT1,DAT2) ; Calculate the Reverse Dates and switch for $O ; for $O( through a data cross reference that is reversed, i.e. X=9999999.9999-DT ; FROM = Date in External or Internal ; UNTIL = Date in External or Internal ; DAT1 = Reverse the two dates, FROM and UNTIL, equal to the earliest ; DAT2 = Reverse the two dates, FROM and UNTIL, equal to the latest ; S DAT1=$$E2I^MAGSIXGT($G(FROM)) S DAT2=$$E2I^MAGSIXGT($G(UNTIL)) I 'DAT2 S DAT2=9999999.9999 S DAT1=9999999.9999-DAT1 S DAT2=9999999.9999-DAT2 I DAT1]DAT2 S X=DAT1,DAT1=DAT2,DAT2=X S DAT1=DAT1\1,$P(DAT2,".",2)="9999" Q