MAGXCVL ;WOIFO/SEB,MLH - Image File Conversion Utilities & Misc. options ; 15 Jul 2004 10:54 AM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**17,25,31**;Mar 31, 2005 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; ; Entry point for the File Setup option (MAG IMAGE INDEX FILE SETUP) EN N FNAME,COUNT,MAGDATA,MAGFLD,MAGID,CT,DR,DIE,DA,%ZIS N IX ; --------- scratch subscript var ; S COUNT=0 EN1 ; get the name of the conversion file K DIR S DIR(0)="FOU^3:60" S DIR("A")="Please enter the filename of the conversion file" S DIR("?",1)="Enter a filename (including the path) of a text file" S DIR("?")="containing mapping data." D ^DIR I $G(Y)]"",'$D(DUOUT),'$D(DTOUT) E S COUNT=-1 G DONE S %ZIS="",%ZIS("HFSNAME")=Y,%ZIS("HFSMODE")="R",IOP="HFS" S X="ERR^"_$T(+0),@^%ZOSF("TRAP") D ^%ZIS I POP=1 W !,"Invalid filename. Please try again." G EN1 U IO(0) CLEAR ; confirm it's OK to clear before proceeding K DIR S DIR(0)="YU" S DIR("A")="Clear mapping file",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) G CLOSE I Y K ^XTMP("MAG30P25","MAPPING") W " File cleared!" U IO(0) W ! F CT=1:1 U IO(0) W:CT#10=0 "." U IO R MAGDATA:DTIME Q:$E(MAGDATA,1,7)="$$EOF$$" D . S MAGDATA=$TR(MAGDATA,$C(9),U),MAGDATA=$TR(MAGDATA,$C(34),"") . I $E(MAGDATA,1,2)="ID"!(MAGDATA="") Q . I $E(MAGDATA,1,7)="Field #" S MAGFLD=$P($E(MAGDATA,8,$L(MAGDATA)),"-") Q . I MAGFLD="" Q . ; To prevent mismatching of IEN keys, do not overwrite the values in the . ; MAG DESCRIPTIVE CATEGORIES File (#2005.81). Instead, we will later . ; load the values from that (merged-into) file into the mapping file. . I MAGFLD=100 Q . S MAGID=$P(MAGDATA,U) . I MAGFLD=6!(MAGFLD=8)!(MAGFLD=10) S MAGID=$P(MAGDATA,U,2) . I MAGID="" Q . S ^XTMP("MAG30P25","MAPPING",MAGFLD,MAGID)=$P(MAGDATA,U,2,999) . I MAGFLD=16 D DIE(MAGFLD,MAGID,MAGDATA) . Q U IO(0) W !,"Mapping text file load complete.",! ; ; Here is where we will load FROM the MAG DESCRIPTIVE CATEGORIES File ; (#2005.81) INTO the mapping file. (We used to do it the other way around.) W !,"Loading values from MAG DESCRIPTIVE CATEGORIES..." S IX=0 F S IX=$O(^MAG(2005.81,IX)) Q:'IX S MAGDATA=$G(^(IX,2)) I MAGDATA]"" D . S ^XTMP("MAG30P25","MAPPING",100,IX)=$P($G(^MAG(2005.81,IX,0)),U)_U_MAGDATA . Q W "done.",! ; ; Now, re-apply local edits from the audit subtree. W !,"Re-applying local edits..." S AUDIX=0 F S AUDIX=$O(^XTMP("MAG30P25","MAPEDITAUD",AUDIX)) Q:'AUDIX S AUDDTA=$G(^(AUDIX,0)) I AUDDTA]"" D . S ^XTMP("MAG30P25","MAPPING",$P(AUDDTA,U,3),$P(AUDDTA,U,4))=$P(AUDDTA,U,5,999) . Q W "done.",! G CLOSE ; DIE(MAGFLD,MAGID,MAGDATA) ; ; File mapping data for field 16 into file #2005.03 (Parent Data File) ; or mapping data for field 100 into file #2005.81 (MAG Descriptive Categories) ; Called from CLEAR and from END^MAGXCVE N DR ; --- FileMan field string N DIE ; -- FileMan file number N DA ; --- FileMan internal entry number N I ; ---- scratch index ; F I=3:1:8 S $P(MAGDATA,U,I)=$S($P(MAGDATA,U,I)="":"@",1:$P($P(MAGDATA,U,I),"-")) S DR="40////"_$P(MAGDATA,U,3)_";41////"_$P(MAGDATA,U,4) S DR=DR_";42////"_$P(MAGDATA,U,5)_";43////"_$P(MAGDATA,U,6) S DR=DR_";44////"_$P(MAGDATA,U,7)_";45////"_$P(MAGDATA,U,8) S DIE=$S(MAGFLD=16:2005.03,MAGFLD=100:2005.81),DA=MAGID U IO D ^DIE Q ; ; Reached when an error (including end-of-file) occurs. ERR ; U IO(0) X "W !,$ZE,!" CLOSE ; normal file close logic D ^%ZISC DONE S COUNT=COUNT+1 I COUNT=1 W !,"Done importing conversion values." Q