QANQSDT ;HISC/GJC-FM report for quarterly data rolled to region ;9/3/93 12:19 ;;2.0;Incident Reporting;**21**;08/07/1992 ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- EN1 ;Enter at this point (1) | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- D KILL W @IOF ;Ensure a clean partition for EN1^DIP, clear screen. K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Yes" S DIR("A",1)="Do you wish generate a report which compiles" S DIR("A")="Incident Event Data for a given quarter" S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' to create a report, 'N' to exit without a report." D ^DIR K DIR I +Y=0 D Q . W !!?5,$C(7),"Incident Event Data Compilation Report will not be" . W !?5,"generated, exiting." . D KILL S QAQDATE="'Q" D ^QAQDATE I QAQQUIT D KILL Q S BY=".02",DIC="^QA(742.6,",FLDS="[CAPTIONED]",FR=QAQNBEG S DIASKHD="",TO=QAQNEND S DHD="Incident Event Data Compilation For: "_$G(QAQ2HED) D EN1^DIP ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- KILL ;Kill and exit the option | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- K %,B,BY,DA,DCC,DG,DHD,DIASKHD,DIC,DIE,DIJ,DINS,DIPT,DK,DP,DR K FLDS,FR,TO D K^QAQDATE,KILL^QAQDATE,HOME^%ZIS Q