IVM2034Z ;HEC/KSD - Correction software for HL7 Upgrade ; 7/10/02 10:13am ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**60,59**; Q ; EN ; fix the ACK routine for the QRY-Z10 and QRY-Z11 in the ; server protocol. ; N SITE,PROT,DGENDA,DATA,ERROR,RETURN,FILE ; S FILE=101 S SITE=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3) S PROTSTUB="VAMC "_SITE_" QRY-" S DATA(772)="D ORF^IVMCM" ; ; Update Financial Query S PROTOCOL=PROTSTUB_"Z10 SERVER" S DGENDA=+$O(^ORD(101,"B",PROTOCOL,"")) S DATA(.01)=PROTOCOL S RETURN=$$UPD^DGENDBS(FILE,.DGENDA,.DATA,.ERROR) I ERROR'=""!(+RETURN=0) W "ERROR in Updating Financial Query" Q ; ; Update Enrollment/Eligibility Query S PROTOCOL=PROTSTUB_"Z11 SERVER" S DGENDA=+$O(^ORD(101,"B",PROTOCOL,"")) S DATA(.01)=PROTOCOL S RETURN=$$UPD^DGENDBS(FILE,.DGENDA,.DATA,.ERROR) I ERROR'=""!(+RETURN=0) W "ERROR in Updating Enrollment/Eligibility Query" Q Q ; ADSIN ;Entry Point; ;The ADS x-ref is being deleted by the #301.6 Status field Kill ;logic when the ORU-Z07 is retransmitted after 3 days. When the ;ORU-Z07 ACK is returning the Message Control ID is unable to find ;the original ORU-Z07. Code falls into wrong processing and gets ;an allocation error. ;1. modify Kill logic to NOT remove x-ref (done by patch) ;2. reset ADS x-ref for 30 days into the past N RTN,IEN,STOP,TRANSDT,BEGDT,ENDDT,MSGCID,X1,X2,NO2,NODE ; S RTN="IVM2034Z" S DESC="Temporary re-setting of ADS x-ref" S ^XTMP(RTN,0)=$$HTFM^XLFDT($H+90,1)_"^"_$$DT^XLFDT()_"^"_DESC ; ; Reset the ADS x-ref beginning at 30 days in the past. S (NOW,X1)=$P($$NOW^XLFDT,"."),X2=-30 D C^%DTC S BEGDT=X S X1=NOW,X2=-1 D C^%DTC S ENDDT=X S (IEN,STOP)=0 F S IEN=$O(^IVM(301.6,IEN)) Q:IEN="" D Q:STOP . S NODE=$G(^IVM(301.6,IEN,0)) . S TRANSDT=+$P($P(NODE,"^",2),".") . Q:TRANSDTENDDT S STOP=1 Q . S MSGCID=$P(NODE,"^",5) . S ^IVM(301.6,"ADS",MSGCID,IEN)="" . S ^XTMP(RTN,MSGCID,IEN)="" Q ; ADSOUT ;Entry Point; ;The ADSIN line label reset the ADS x-ref for entries a week ;before the time of running. This software will undo that ;change. It will remove all the ADS x-ref's that were added. ; N RTN,IEN,MSGCID ; S RTN="IVM2034Z" ; ; Remove the ADS x-ref's set by the ADSIN running. ; S MSGCID=0 F S MSGCID=$O(^XTMP(RTN,MSGCID)) Q:MSGCID="" D . S IEN="" . F S IEN=$O(^XTMP(RTN,MSGCID,IEN)) Q:IEN="" D . . K ^IVM(301.6,"ADS",MSGCID,IEN) Q