IVM2069P ;ALB/EJG - Patch Post-Install functions IVM*2*69;11/27/2002; 9/20/01 4:16pm ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION;**69**;21-OCT-94 ; EN ;ENTRY POINT ; N ADDR,PORT,STATION,TCPDATA,AN,RLLN,SLLN,STOP,VER,DA,FILE,RET,ERROR ; ; Get site's Station # S STATION=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3) ; S STOP=0 Q:$$SETLL16(STATION,.RLLN,.SLLN) Q:$$SETAPP(STATION,.AN) D PROTOCOL(STATION,RLLN,SLLN,.AN) ; ;Update #301.93 with new Closure Reasons ; CLOSREA S FILE=301.93 S ERROR="" K DATA I '$D(^IVM(301.93,"B","CONVERTED")) D Q:ERROR'=""!(+RET=0) . S DATA(.01)="CONVERTED" . S RET=$$ADD^DGENDBS(FILE,"",.DATA,.ERROR) . I ERROR'=""!(+RET=0) D . . S RET=-1_"^"_ERROR . . D ERROR(RET,"Updating #301.93") I '$D(^IVM(301.93,"B","NOT CONVERTED")) D Q:ERROR'=""!(+RET=0) . S DATA(.01)="NOT CONVERTED" . S RET=$$ADD^DGENDBS(FILE,"",.DATA,.ERROR) . I ERROR'=""!(+RET=0) D . . S RET=-1_"^"_ERROR . . D ERROR(RET,"Updating #301.93") Q ; SETLL16(STATION,RLLN,SLLN) ; ;INPUT STATION = Station # ; RLLN = Receiving Logical Link Name ; SLLN = Sending Logical Link Name ; ;OUTPUT 0 : Success, 1 : Error ; ;PURPOSE Create the Receiving and Sending Logical Link. ; N ADDR,PORT,RECVLL,SENDLL,RET,VISN,M,IENS ; S PORT=7788 ;e*Gate Port# ; ; Sending Logical Link S SLLN="LLEDBOUT" S ADDR="" ;e*Gate development ;S ADDR="" ;e*Gate production S RET=$$LL16^IVM2069Q(SLLN,"TCP","NC",10,ADDR,PORT,"C","N","") I +RET<0 D ERROR(RET,"Edb Send Link:"_SLLN) Q 1 ; RLL ; Receiving Logical Link S RLLN="LLEDBIN" S ADDR="" S PORT="" ;5000 ;all stations production S RET=$$LL16^IVM2069Q(RLLN,"TCP","MS",10,ADDR,PORT,"M","N","") I +RET<0 D ERROR(RET,"Edb Receive Link:"_RLLN) Q 1 LL16EXIT Q STOP ; ; SETAPP(STATION,AN) ; ;INPUT STATION = Station # ; AN = Array containing all the Application Names ; ;OUTPUT 0 : Success, 1 : Error ; ;PURPOSE Create the sending and receiving application definitions. ; N RECVAPP,SENDAPP S AN("S")="EAS EDB" S SENDAPP=$$APP^IVM2069Q(AN("S"),"a",STATION,"USA") I +SENDAPP<0 D ERROR(SENDAPP,"Sending App:"_AN("S")) G APPEXIT ; ANR S AN("R")="EDB eGate" S RECVAPP=$$APP^IVM2069Q(AN("R"),"a",200,"USA") I +RECVAPP<0 D ERROR(RECVAPP,"Receiving App:"_AN("R")) APPEXIT Q STOP ; ; PROTOCOL(STATION,RLLN,SLLN,AN) ; ;INPUT STATION = Station # ; RLLN = Receiving Logical Link Name ; SLLN = Sending Logical Link Name ; AN = Array containing the Application Names ; ;OUTPUT None ; ;PURPOSE Using the table in line label PROTDAT create the ; protocols (Subscriber and Event Driver) for the ; Edb/e*Gate TCP/IP interfaces ; N RESULT,SIEN,DUZ,V,N,N1,LNCNT,LINE,PROTRET,NAM ;S N1="VAMC "_STATION,V="2.3.1" S N1="",V="2.3.1" ; S LNCNT=1 F S LINE=$T(PROTDAT+LNCNT) Q:$P(LINE,";",3)="END" D Q:STOP . K D,RESULT . F N=3:1 Q:$P(LINE,";",N)="LEND" S D(N)=$$V($P(LINE,";",N)) . S NAM=D(3)_D(4)_D(5) . D:NAM["CLIENT" . . S SIEN=$$SP^IVM2069Q(NAM,D(6),D(7),D(8),D(9),D(10)) . . I +SIEN<0 D ERROR(SIEN,"Subscriber:"_NAM) . D:NAM["SERVER" . . N TMPNAM,ITEMTXT . . S TMPNAM=D(6)_D(7)_$P(NAM,"SERVER ",2) . . S ITEMTXT=$$GETIT(TMPNAM) . . S RESULT=$$EDP^IVM2069Q(NAM,D(6),D(7),D(8),D(9),D(10),D(11),D(12),ITEMTXT) . . I +RESULT<0 D ERROR(RESULT,"Event Driver:"_NAM) . S LNCNT=LNCNT+1 K D Q ; ERROR(ERRMSG,SUBJ) ; ;INPUT ERRMSG = Error Message text ; SUBJ = Subject of the Message ; ;OUTPUT none ; ;PURPOSE Display an error message to the user. Set the ; variable STOP=1 which will stop the routine ; from continuing to run after an error is found. ; N TXT S STOP=1 S TXT=$P(ERRMSG,"^",2) W !,"====================================================" W !,"= ERROR =" W !,"====================================================" W !,"When creating "_SUBJ W !,"====================================================" W !,"**ERROR MSG: ",TXT Q ; V(VALUE) ;FUNCTION: If variable then pass back value of it. ; I $E(VALUE)="@" Q @($E(VALUE,2,$L(VALUE))) Q VALUE ; GETIT(N) ;FUNCTION: Given Message Type and Event Type return the ; Transmission Description. Q:N="ORUZ06" "IVM Case Status/Unsolicited HEC/Edb to VAMC" Q:N="ORUZ09" "IVM BILLING/COLLECTION/Unsolicited VAMC to HEC/Edb" Q "" ; PROTDAT ;;VAMC SIDE PROTOCOLS ;;@N1;;EAS EDB ORU-Z06 CLIENT;@SLLN;@AN("S");ACK;;D ORU^EASPREC2;LEND ;;@N1;;EAS EDB ORU-Z06 SERVER;ORU;Z06;@V;@AN("R");;@SIEN;Edb-to-Site Messaging Inactive;LEND ;;@N1;;EAS EDB ORU-Z09 CLIENT;@SLLN;@AN("R");ACK;;;LEND ;;@N1;;EAS EDB ORU-Z09 SERVER;ORU;Z09;@V;@AN("S");D ACK^IVMPREC1;@SIEN;Site-to-Edb Messaging Inactive;LEND ;;END ;