IVM273M ;ALB/PDJ IVM*2.0*73 - CLEANUP IVM PATIENT FILE;02/07/2003 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**73**; 21-OCT-94 ; ; A mail message will be sent to the user when the edit process ; is complete. ; ; MAIL ; Send a mailman msg to user with results N DIFROM,% N DATA,NODE,TEXT,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,Y N XTPAT,NAME N PIEN,R3015,SSN S XTPAT="IVM*2.0*73-PATREC" K ^TMP("IVM2073",$J) S XMSUB="IVM PATIENT file Cleanup" S XMDUZ="IVM Edit Package",XMY(DUZ)="",XMY(.5)="" S XMTEXT="^TMP(""IVM2073"",$J," D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D DD^%DT S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,1)="IVM PATIENT file cleanup" S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,2)=" " S NODE=2 S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=" " ; PRTRECS ; Print List of records S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=" " S TEXT=" Total IVM PATIENT Records Updated: " S TEXT=$$BLDSTR($J(+$G(^XTMP(XTPAT,1)),8,0),TEXT,50,8) S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=TEXT S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=" " S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=" " ; S TEXT=" " S TEXT=$$BLDSTR("DFN",TEXT,3,3) S TEXT=$$BLDSTR("301.5",TEXT,16,5) S TEXT=$$BLDSTR("SSN",TEXT,29,3) S TEXT=$$BLDSTR("Name",TEXT,43,4) S TEXT=$$BLDSTR("Addr?",TEXT,67,5) S TEXT=$$BLDSTR("Ph?",TEXT,75,3) S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=TEXT S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("=",79) S PIEN="" F S PIEN=$O(^XTMP(XTPAT,"RECS",PIEN)) Q:PIEN="" D . D BLDPAT S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("=",79) ; MAIL1 ; Send message S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=" " S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=" ******** END OF MESSAGE ********" ; D ^XMD K ^TMP("IVM2073",$J) Q ; BLDPAT ; Format Patient line for printing N DATA,NAME,PH,AD S DATA=^XTMP(XTPAT,"RECS",PIEN) S R3015=$P(DATA,"^",1),NAME=$P(DATA,"^",2),SSN=$P(DATA,"^",3) S AD=$P(DATA,"^",4),PH=$P(DATA,"^",5) S TEXT=" " S TEXT=$$BLDSTR(PIEN,TEXT,3,$L(PIEN)) S TEXT=$$BLDSTR(R3015,TEXT,16,$L(R3015)) S TEXT=$$BLDSTR(SSN,TEXT,29,$L(SSN)) S TEXT=$$BLDSTR($E(NAME,1,20),TEXT,43,20) I AD S TEXT=$$BLDSTR("YES",TEXT,68,3) I PH S TEXT=$$BLDSTR("YES",TEXT,75,3) S NODE=NODE+1 S ^TMP("IVM2073",$J,NODE)=TEXT Q ; BLDSTR(NSTR,STR,COL,NSL) ; build a string ; Input: ; NSTR = a string to be added to STR ; STR = an existing string to which NSTR will be added ; COL = column location at which NSTR will be added to STR ; NSL = length of new string ; Output: ; returns STR with NSTR appended at the specified COL ; Q $E(STR_$J("",COL-1),1,COL-1)_$E(NSTR_$J("",NSL),1,NSL)_$E(STR,COL+NSL,999)