IVMCME2 ;ALB/SEK,BRM - CHECK ANNUAL INCOME DATA ; 12/18/01 2:19pm ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**17,49**;21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine is called from IVMCME. ; ; ZIC(STRING,DEPIEN) ; check validity of ZIC segment ; ; Input: STRING as ZIC segment ; DEPIEN as the IEN of the dependent in the array, if applicable ; ; Output: ERROR message or null ; N ERROR,FLAG,I,X,Y S ERROR="",X=$P(STRING,HLFS,2),FLAG=0 I $E(X,1,4)<1992!($E(X,5,8)'="0000") S ERROR="Invalid Income Year in ZIC" G ZICQ F I=3:1:20 I $$NUM($P(STRING,HLFS,I),7,2) S ERROR=$P($T(ZICFLD+I),";;",2)_" field content/length error" Q I ERROR]"" G ZICQ I $G(DEPIEN) D I ERROR]"" G ZICQ . F I=13,14 I $P(STRING,HLFS,I)]"" S ERROR="Dependents can't have medical or funeral expenses" Q . I DEPIEN=SPOUSE,($P(STRING,HLFS,15)]"") S ERROR="No educational expenses for spouse" Q . I DEPIEN'=SPOUSE D Q:ERROR]"" . . I $P(STRING,HLFS,15)&('$P(ARRAY(DEPIEN,"ZIR"),U,9)) S ERROR="Dependent Educational Exp. error-income not avail. to vet" Q . . S X=$E($P(STRING,HLFS,2),1,4) D ^%DT S X=Y . . I $P(STRING,HLFS,15)]"" S X=$P(^DG(43,1,"MT",X,0),U,17) I X'<$P(STRING,HLFS,9) S ERROR="Income does not exceed child exclusion amount-educational expense not allowed" Q . . F I=16:1:20 I $P(STRING,HLFS,I)]"" S ERROR="No net worth figures allowed for dependent children" I $P(STRING,HLFS,20)>$P(STRING,HLFS,19) S ERROR="Debts can't be greater than Other Property or Assets" G ZICQ I '$G(DEPIEN) D I ERROR]"" G ZICQ . I IVMTYPE'=1 Q . I $P(ARRAY("ZMT"),HLFS,3)="C" Q . S FLAG=0 F I=16:1:20 I $P(STRING,HLFS,I)]"" S FLAG=1 Q . I 'FLAG,SPOUSE F I=16:1:20 I $P(ARRAY(SPOUSE,"ZIC"),HLFS,I)]"" S FLAG=1 Q ZICQ Q ERROR ; ; NUM(NUMBER,DIGIT,DECIMAL) ; function to determine if valid numeric value ; ; Input: NUMBER as data element to evaluate ; DIGIT as number of digits allowed ; DECIMAL as number of decimal places ; N ERROR S ERROR=0 I NUMBER'?.N.1".".2N S ERROR=1 G NUMQ I $L($P(NUMBER,".",1))>DIGIT S ERROR=1 G NUMQ I NUMBER<0 S ERROR=1 NUMQ Q ERROR ; ; ZICFLD ; ZIC field names ;; ;;INCOME YEAR ;;SOCIAL SECURITY ;;US CIVIL SERVICE ;;US RAILROAD RETIREMENT ;;MILITARY RETIREMENT ;;UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION ;;OTHER RETIREMENT ;;EMPLOYMENT INCOME ;;INTEREST, DIVIDEND, ANNUITY ;;WORKERS COMP/BLACK LUNG ;;OTHER INCOME ;;MEDICAL EXPENSES ;;FUNERAL AND BURIAL EXPENSES ;;EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES ;;CASH AMOUNT IN BANK ACCOUNTS ;;STOCKS AND BONDS ;;REAL PROPERTY ;;OTHER PROPERTY OR ASSETS ;;DEBTS