IVMCQ ;ALB/KCL/AEG/GAH - API FOR FINANCIAL QUERIES ; 28-N0V-06 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**17,30,55,120**;21-OCT-94;Build 8 ; ; OPT ; Entry point for stand-alone financial query option. ; N IVMQUIT W !!,"This option allows queries to be sent to the Health Eligibility" W !,"Center (HEC) for patients that require updated income information." S IVMQUIT=0 F D EACH1 Q:IVMQUIT Q ; EACH1 ; Description: Used to send a financial query for each patient selected. from stand-alone option. ; N DFN,IVMERROR,IVMOK,IVMOUT,IVMQUE,IVMREPLY,Y S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AEMQ" W ! D ^DIC K DIC S DFN=+Y I Y<1 S IVMQUIT=1 G EACH1Q ; ; does patient need a financial query? I '$$NEED(DFN,1,.IVMERROR) W !!,"A financial query can not be sent for this patient!" W !,IVMERROR G EACH1Q ; ; ask if okay to send query? I '$$ASK(.IVMOK)!($G(IVMOK)) G EACH1Q ; ; notify when a reply to query is received? S IVMREPLY=$$NOTIFY(.IVMOUT) I $G(IVMOUT) G EACH1Q ; ; send query for patient, else write error I $$QUERY^IVMCQ1(DFN,$G(DUZ),$G(IVMREPLY),$G(XQY),.IVMERROR,1) W !!,"Financial query sent ..." E D .W !!,"Failure to send query: ",IVMERROR ; EACH1Q Q ; ; REG(DFN) ; Entry point to automatically send a query to HEC for updated financial information. ; ; This entry point is called from hooks in registration: ; - Register a Patient option (DGREG) ; - Load/Edit Patient Data option (DG10) ; ; Input: ; DFN - IEN of patient record in PATIENT file ; ; Output: none ; I '$G(DFN) G REGQ I '$$NEED(DFN) G REGQ I $$QUERY^IVMCQ1(DFN,$G(DUZ),0,$G(XQY),,1) W !!,"Financial query sent ..." REGQ Q ; ; APPT ; Entry point for IVM SEND FINANCIAL QUERY protocol. ; ; Input: ; SDAMEVT - IEN of record in APPOINTMENT TRANSACTION TYPE file. ; (Transaction type that can occur against an appointment) ; SDATA - Array passed from the [SDAM APPOINTMENT EVENTS] ; extended protocol. 2nd piece of SDATA is IEN of patient ; record in PATIENT file. ; ; Output: none ; N DFN ; ; quit if supported Sched vars not defined I '$D(SDAMEVT) G APPTQ S DFN=$P($G(SDATA),"^",2) I 'DFN G APPTQ ; ; quit if transaction type not (make appt, check-in, check-out) I SDAMEVT'=1,(SDAMEVT'=4),(SDAMEVT'=5) G APPTQ ; ; does patient need query sent? I '$$NEED(DFN,1) G APPTQ ; ; send query for patient I $$QUERY^IVMCQ1(DFN,$G(DUZ),0,$G(XQY),,1) ; APPTQ Q ; ; ASK(IVMTOUT) ; Ask user if ok to send financial query for patient. ; ; Input: none ; ; Output: ; Function Value: 1=Yes and 0=No ; IVMTOUT (pass by reference) 1=Timeout or up-arrow ; N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y W ! S DIR("A")="Would you like to send a financial query for this patient" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR(0)="Y" W ! D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S IVMTOUT=1 Q +$G(Y) ; ; NOTIFY(IVMOUT) ; Ask if user should be notified when a reply to query is received. ; ; Input: none ; ; Output: ; Function Value: 1=Yes and 0=No ; IVMOUT (pass by reference) 1=Timeout or up-arrow ; N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR("A")="Do you want to be notified when a query reply is received" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR(0)="Y" W ! D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S IVMOUT=1 Q +$G(Y) ; ; NEED(DFN,IVMSENT,ERROR) ; Description: Used to determine if a financial query should be sent for a patient. ; ; Input: ; DFN - ien of patient record in PATIENT file ; IVMSENT - (optional) Check if query sent on same day 0=>No|1=>Yes ; Output: ; Function Value: Does pt. need a query? 1 on success, 0 on failure ; ERROR - If failure, return the reason for not sending ; the query (pass by reference) ; N DGMSGF,DGADDF,DGREQF,IVMBT,IVML,SUCCESS N IVMDOD ; S SUCCESS=0,(DGMSGF,DGADDF)=1 I '$D(IVMSENT) S IVMSENT=1 ; Can this patient be identified? I '$G(DFN) S ERROR="PATIENT CAN NOT BE IDENTIFIED" G NEEDQ ; is this patient deceased? S IVMDOD=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.351,"I") I IVMDOD]"" S ERROR="Patient Expired on "_$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.351,"E")_". Financial query unnecessary." G NEEDQ ; Check to see if this patient is currently on a DOM ward. D DOM^DGMTR I $G(DGDOM) D G NEEDQ .S ERROR="PATIENT CURRENTLY A DOMICILIARY PATIENT - " .S ERROR=ERROR_"QUERY NOT REQUIRED" .K DGDOM .Q ; Check for PRIMARY test either MEANS or Copay exemption. S IVML=$$LST^DGMTCOU1(DFN,DT_.2359,3) ; If no primary test on file check to see if patient requires a means ; test or copay exemption test. Call to DGMTR invokes EN^DGMTCOR as ; well. I IVML']"" D EN^DGMTR I +$G(DGREQF) S SUCCESS=1 G NEEDQ ; ; If current test is not incomplete and not required and is less than ; 365 days old, presume a current test exists, no query necessary. I ($P(IVML,U,4)'="I")&($P(IVML,U,4)'="R"),'$$OLD^DGMTU4($P(IVML,U,2)) D G NEEDQ .S ERROR="PATIENT HAS A CURRENT "_$S($P(IVML,U,5)=1:"MEANS",$P(IVML,U,5)=2:"COPAY EXEMPTION",1:"MEANS")_" TEST ON FILE" .Q ; ; If the current test is NO LONGER REQUIRED or NO LONGER APPLICABLE no ; query is necessary. I ($P(IVML,U,4)="N")!($P(IVML,U,4)="L") D G NEEDQ .S ERROR="PATIENT'S "_$S($P(IVML,U,5)=1:"MEANS",$P(IVML,U,5)=2:"COPAY EXEMPTION",1:"MEANS")_" TEST STATUS "_$P(IVML,U,3)_"." .Q ; ; If current test is not REQUIRED and not NO LONGER REQUIRED and it is ; older than 365 days, initiate query. I ($P(IVML,U,4)'="R")&($P(IVML,U,4)'="N"),$$OLD^DGMTU4($P(IVML,U,2)) S SUCCESS=1 G NEEDQ ; ; If a query is pending, don't send another. I $$OPEN^IVMCQ2(DFN) S ERROR="A QUERY IS ALREADY PENDING FOR THIS PATIENT" G NEEDQ ; ; if a query has already been sent today, don't send another. I IVMSENT,$$SENT^IVMCQ2(DFN) S ERROR="A QUERY HAS BEEN SENT FOR PATIENT TODAY" G NEEDQ ; ; Has a bene travel cert been filed with a year? S IVMBT=$O(^DGBT(392.2,"C",DFN,0)) I IVMBT,$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(DT,+$G(^DGBT(392.2,IVMBT,0))\1)>330 S SUCCESS=1 G NEEDQ ; S ERROR="A FINANCIAL QUERY IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PATIENT" ; NEEDQ Q SUCCESS