IVMCUC ;ALB/KCL/CJM,LBD - DATA COLLECTION DIVISION (DCD) SELECTION CRITERIA ; 07-MAR-95 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**9,17,62**;21-OCT-94 ; ; BT(IEN) ; ;Description: logs DCD defined Beneficiary Travel event if DCD criteria are met. ; N DFN Q:'$G(IEN) S DFN=$P($G(^DGBT(392.2,IEN,0)),"^",2) D:DFN LOGDCD(DFN) Q LOGDCD(DFN,IVMCDT) ; ;Description: logs DCD defined events for nightly transmission if DCD criteria are met. ; ;Input: ; DFN - ien of record in the PATIENT file ; IVMCDT - optional parameter, is the date/time to check, uses DT if not passed in ; ; S:'$G(IVMCDT) IVMCDT=DT ;if patient meets DCD criteria, want to log patient for transmission I $$DCD(DFN,IVMCDT) D .N EVENTS,YEAR .S EVENTS("DCD")=1 .S YEAR=$E(IVMCDT,1,3)-1_"0000" .I $$LOG^IVMPLOG(DFN,YEAR,.EVENTS) ;then call was successful Q DCD(DFN,IVMCDT) ; ; - Determine if patient meets Data Collection Division (DCD) selection ; criteria and should be transmitted to the HEC. ; =================================================================== ; Veteran meets DCD section criteria if: ; 1. MT category based on IVMCDT is Cat A or Cat C ; or GMT (added by IVM*2*62) ; ; OR, 2. Completed an Rx-Copay Test based on IVMCDT ; ; OR, 3. Primary Eligiblility is NSC and veteran is ; eligible for Medicaid based on IVMCDT ; ; OR, 3. Primary Eligiblility is (NOT) one of the following: ; 1. NSC, VA PENSION ; 2. SC 50% TO 100% ; 3. AID & ATTENDANCE ; 4. HOUSE BOUND ; ; AND, ; a. Had any Income Screening based on IVMCDT ; OR, b. Submitted a claim for BT based on IVMCDT ; ==================================================================== ; ; Input: DFN - as IEN of Patient (#2) file ; IVMCDT - as Date/Time (Optional - default is today@2359) ; ; Output: 1 --> if pt meets DCD selection criteria and ; should be sent to IVM Center ; 0 --> if pt does not meet DCD selection criteria and ; should not be sent to IVM Center ; N IVMCBTCL,IVMCPEL,IVMCFLAG,IVMCIYR,IVMCTEST,VA,VAERR,VAEL ; S DFN=$G(DFN) I '$D(^DPT(+DFN,0)) G DCDQ S IVMCDT=$S($G(IVMCDT):IVMCDT,1:DT) S:'$P(IVMCDT,".",2) IVMCDT=IVMCDT_.2359 ; ; - exclude non-vets I $G(^DPT(DFN,"VET"))="N" G DCDQ ; ; - determine income year S IVMCIYR=$$LYR^DGMTSCU1(IVMCDT) ; ; - flag indicating pt meets DCD selection criteria, transmit S IVMCFLAG=1 ; MT ; - get last Means Test or Rx Copay Test for patient S IVMCTEST=$$LST^DGMTCOU1(DFN,IVMCDT,3) I $E($P(IVMCTEST,"^",2),1,3)'=$E(IVMCDT,1,3) G PRIM ; ; - if pt MT category is A or C based on date of test, transmit ; add check for GMT status (IVM*2*62) I IVMCTEST,($P(IVMCTEST,"^",5)=1),"^A^C^G^"[("^"_$P(IVMCTEST,"^",4)_"^") G DCDQ ; ; - if completed Rx Copay Test based on date of test, transmit I IVMCTEST,($P(IVMCTEST,"^",5)=2),($P(IVMCTEST,"^",4)="M"!($P(IVMCTEST,"^",4)="E")) G DCDQ ; PRIM ; - get pt Primary Eligibility D ELIG^VADPT S IVMCPEL=$P($G(^DIC(8,+VAEL(1),0)),"^",9) ; ; - if Primary Elig code is NSC and eligible for Medicaid ; based on (Date Last Asked?) field, transmit I IVMCPEL=5,+$G(^DPT(DFN,.38)),($P($G(^(.38)),"^",2)>($E(DT,1,3)-2_1231.999999)) G DCDQ ; ; - if pt Primary Eligibility code is on DCD exclusion list, ; do not transmit I "^1^2^4^15^"[("^"_IVMCPEL_"^") S IVMCFLAG=0 G DCDQ ; ; - If pt has any Income Screening (reported income), transmit I $$IS(DFN,IVMCIYR) G DCDQ ; ; - if submitted Beneficiary Travel claim S IVMCBTCL=$O(^DGBT(392,"C",DFN,$E(IVMCDT,1,3)_"0000")) ; ; - check if claim in date range G:IVMCBTCL DCDQ ; ; - otherwise, set flag indicating pt should not be transmitted S IVMCFLAG=0 ; DCDQ Q $G(IVMCFLAG) ; ; IS(DFN,IVMCIYR) ; Has the veteran had Income Screening this year? ; Input: DFN -- Pointer to the patient in file #2 ; IVMCIYR -- Income year in question ; Output: Has the vet had income screening? 0 => No | 1 => Yes ; N IVMCIS,IVMCPR,IVMCIAI S IVMCIS=0 I '$G(DFN) G ISQ ; ; - get IEN of Patient Relation (#408.12) file, look at pts dependents F IVMCPR=0:0 S IVMCPR=$O(^DGPR(408.12,"B",DFN,IVMCPR)) Q:'IVMCPR D .; .; - get IEN of Individual Annual Income (#408.21) file .; get dependents annual income record effective on input date .S IVMCIAI=$O(^DGMT(408.21,"AI",+IVMCPR,-IVMCIYR,0)) .; .; - check for reported income .I IVMCIAI S IVMCIS=IVMCIS+$S($P($G(^DGMT(408.21,+IVMCIAI,0)),U,8,17)'?."^":1,1:0) ; ISQ Q IVMCIS>0