IVMCZMT ;ALB/MLI/LD/CKN,TDM,EG,TDM - Creation of HL7 ZMT (means test) segment ; 7/19/06 4:41pm ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**17,53,49,58,81,89,104,105**;21-OCT-94;Build 2 ; ; This routine returns the ZMT segment which contains means test ; data for a selected patient. It differs from the standard segment ; builder in that it will add default values where needed for ; fields added by means test sharing - these fields may not have ; values for old tests, though for new tests the values should be there. ; ; ; EN(DFN,VAFSTR,VAFMTDT,VAFTYPE,SETID,DELETE,LIMIT) ; Entry point to get ZMT segment ; ; Input: ; DFN - as the IEN or corresponding patient in the PATIENT file ; VAFSTR - as string of segment fields needed separated by commas ; VAFMTDT - (optional) as date of desired means test (defaults to latest MT) ; VAFTYPE - (optional) as type of test: 1 - Means Test (default=1) ; 2 - Copay Test ; 4 - LTC Copay Exemption Test ; SETID - (optional) value to use for SEQ 1, the set id field (1 used ; as default if not passed.) ; DELETE - (optional, pass by reference) This array is used to ; indicate whether the segment is being used to notify of the ; the deletion of a means test, pharmacy copay test, or a ; hardship determinatin. If a means test or hardship is being ; deleted, then VAFTYPE must equal 1. If an Rx copay test is ; being deleted, then VAFTYPE must equal 2. The subscripts ; are as follows: ; DELETE("DATE OF TEST")= - indicates ; the income year of the test that the deletion flags ; refer to ; DELETE("HARDSHIP") - if $G(DELETE("HARDSHIP"))=1 then the ; segment will be created to delete the hardship. ; DELETE("MT") - if $G(DELETE("MT"))=1 then ; the segment will be created to delete a means test. ; DELETE("RX")= if $G(DELETE("RX"))=1 then ; the segment will be created to delete a pharmacy ; copay test. ; DELETE("LTC")= if $G(DELETE("LTC"))=1 then ; the segment will be created to delete a Long term ; care copay exemption test. ; LIMIT - (optional) if $G(LIMIT)=1 then this indicates that a test in ; an income year other than indicated in the IVM Patient File ; should NOT be returned in the ZMT segment ; ; ****Also assumes all HL7 variables are defined as returned **** ; by the INIT^HLTRANS call ; ; Output - string in the form of the DHCP HL7 ZMT segment ; ; N NODE,PRIM,X,Y,VAFY,NODE2,MTIEN ; I '$G(DFN)!($G(VAFSTR)']"") G QUIT S $P(VAFY,HLFS,22)="",VAFSTR=","_VAFSTR_"," S VAFTYPE=$S($G(VAFTYPE):VAFTYPE,1:1) S VAFMTDT=$S($G(VAFMTDT):VAFMTDT,1:DT) S $P(VAFY,HLFS,1)=$S($G(SETID):SETID,1:1) S (NODE,NODE2,PRIM)="" ; ;handle deletions of a test I ($G(DELETE("MT"))=1),VAFTYPE=1 D G QUIT .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,2)=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(DELETE("DATE OF TEST")) ; MT Date .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,3)=HLQ .I ($G(DELETE("HARDSHIP"))=1) S $P(VAFY,HLFS,24)=HLQ .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,17)=VAFTYPE ; Type Of Test ; I ($G(DELETE("RX"))=1),VAFTYPE=2 D G QUIT .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,2)=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(DELETE("DATE OF TEST")) ; MT Date .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,3)=HLQ .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,17)=VAFTYPE ; Type Of Test ; I ($G(DELETE("LTC"))=1),VAFTYPE=4 D G QUIT .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,2)=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(DELETE("DATE OF TEST")) ; MT Date .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,3)=HLQ .S $P(VAFY,HLFS,17)=VAFTYPE ; Type Of Test ; ; Income Year requiring transmission from IVM Patient File (301.5) S IVMIY=$S($D(IVMIY):IVMIY,1:(VAFMTDT-10000)) ; ; Check for a future dated Income Test S MTIEN="" N EC S EC=0 I VAFTYPE'=4 D . S MTIEN=+$$FUT^DGMTU(DFN,"",$S($G(VAFTYPE):VAFTYPE,1:1)) . I MTIEN D . . S NODE=$G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0)),PRIM=$G(^("PRIM")),NODE2=$G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,2)) . . ;the FUT API works off the a XREF that is not deleted if the test . . ;is no longer future. As a result, you may pick up the wrong income . . ;year as a return. The check $E(IVMIY,1,3)+1'=$E(+NODE,1,3) must be . . ;performed here and after the current Primary icnome test section below . . I ($G(LIMIT)=1),($E(IVMIY,1,3)+1)'=$E(+NODE,1,3) S EC=1 . . Q . Q I VAFTYPE'=4,EC S (NODE,NODE2,MTIEN,PRIM)="" ;Q "ZMT"_HLFS_$G(VAFY) ; ; Check for a current Primary Income Test I 'MTIEN S MTIEN=+$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,VAFMTDT,$S($G(VAFTYPE):VAFTYPE,1:1)) S:(NODE="") NODE=$G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0)),PRIM=$G(^("PRIM")),NODE2=$G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,2)) ; ;if the wrong income yr, and told to ignore it ($G(LIMIT)=1, ;send blank means test I ($G(LIMIT)=1),($E(IVMIY,1,3)+1)'=$E(+NODE,1,3) S (NODE,NODE2,MTIEN,PRIM)="" Q "ZMT"_HLFS_$G(VAFY) ; ; I NODE'="" D .;add default values to new means test sharing fields .N STATUS,CODE,TDSTATUS,TDCODE,HARDSHIP,DATA,SOURCE,TIME .S TDSTATUS=$P(NODE2,"^",3) .S HARDSHIP=$P(NODE,"^",20) .I TDSTATUS="" D ..S STATUS=$P(NODE,"^",3) ..Q:'STATUS ..S CODE=$$GETCODE^DGMTH(STATUS) ..I CODE'="","ABCEGMP"[CODE D ...I VAFTYPE=1,HARDSHIP D ....I "AG"[CODE D Q .....I CODE="A",($P(NODE,"^",4)'>$P(NODE,"^",27)) S TDSTATUS=$$GETSTAT^DGMTH("G",1) Q ;Income <= GMT Threshold .....S TDSTATUS=$$GETSTAT^DGMTH("C",1) ....S TDSTATUS=STATUS ...S DATA(2.03)=TDSTATUS,$P(NODE2,"^",3)=TDSTATUS .S SOURCE=$P(NODE,"^",23) .I SOURCE=1 D ..S TIME=$P(NODE2,"^",2) ..I TIME="" S TIME=$$NOW^XLFDT,$P(NODE2,"^",2)=TIME,DATA(2.02)=TIME ..I $P(NODE2,"^",5)="",$P(NODE,"^",6) S $P(NODE2,"^",5)=$$GETSITE^DGMTU4($P(NODE,"^",6)),DATA(2.05)=$P(NODE2,"^",5) .I HARDSHIP,$P(NODE2,"^",4)="",$P(NODE,"^",22) S $P(NODE2,"^",4)=$$GETSITE^DGMTU4($P(NODE,"^",22)),DATA(2.04)=$P(NODE2,"^",4) .I $D(DATA),$$UPD^DGENDBS(408.31,MTIEN,.DATA) .; I VAFSTR[",2," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,2)=$S(+NODE:$$HLDATE^HLFNC(+NODE),1:HLQ) ; MT Date I VAFSTR[",3," S X=$P($G(^DG(408.32,+$P(NODE,"^",3),0)),"^",2),$P(VAFY,HLFS,3)=$S(X]"":X,1:"") ; MT Status I VAFSTR[",4," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,4)=$S($P(NODE,"^",4)]"":$P(NODE,"^",4),1:HLQ) ; Income I VAFSTR[",5," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,5)=$S($P(NODE,"^",5)]"":$P(NODE,"^",5),1:HLQ) ; Net Worth I VAFSTR[",6," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,6)=$S($P(NODE,"^",10):$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(NODE,"^",10)),1:HLQ) ; Adjudication Date/Time I VAFSTR[",7," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,7)=$$YN^VAFHLFNC($P(NODE,"^",11)) ;Agreed To Pay I VAFSTR[",8," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,8)=$S($P(NODE,"^",12):$P(NODE,"^",12),1:HLQ) ; Threshold A I VAFSTR[",9," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,9)=$S($P(NODE,"^",15)]"":$P(NODE,"^",15),1:HLQ) ; Deductible Expenses I VAFSTR[",10," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,10)=$S($P(NODE,"^",7):$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(NODE,"^",7)),1:HLQ) ; Date/Time Completed I VAFSTR[",11," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,11)=$$YN^VAFHLFNC($P(NODE,"^",16)) ;Previous Year Means Test Threshold Flag I VAFSTR[",12," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,12)=$S($P(NODE,"^",18)]"":$P(NODE,"^",18),1:HLQ) ; Total Dependents I VAFSTR[",13," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,13)=$$YN^VAFHLFNC($P(NODE,"^",20)) ;Hardship I VAFSTR[",14," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,14)=$S($P(NODE,"^",21):$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(NODE,"^",21)),1:HLQ) ; Hardship Review Date I VAFSTR[",15," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,15)=$S($P(NODE,"^",24):$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(NODE,"^",24)),1:HLQ) ; Date Vet Signed Test I VAFSTR[",16," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,16)=$$YN^VAFHLFNC($P(NODE,"^",14)) ;Declines To Give Income Info I VAFSTR[",17," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,17)=$S($P(NODE,"^",19):$P(NODE,"^",19),1:VAFTYPE) ; Type Of Test I VAFSTR[",18," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,18)=$S($P(NODE,"^",23)]"":$P(NODE,"^",23),1:HLQ) ; Source Of Test I VAFSTR[",19," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,19)=$$YN^VAFHLFNC(PRIM) ; Primary Test? I VAFSTR[",20," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,20)=$S($P(NODE,"^",25):$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(NODE,"^",25)),1:HLQ) ; Date IVM Verified MT Completed I VAFSTR[",21," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,21)=$$YN^VAFHLFNC($P(NODE,"^",26)) ;Refused To Sign ; ; I VAFSTR[",22," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,22)=$P(NODE2,"^",5) ;Site Conducting Test I VAFSTR[",23," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,23)=$P(NODE2,"^",4) ;Site Granting Hardship I VAFSTR[",24," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,24)=$S($P(NODE2,"^"):$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(NODE2,"^")),1:"") ;Hardship Effective Date I VAFSTR[",25," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,25)=$S($P(NODE2,"^",2):$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(NODE2,"^",2)),1:"") ;Dt/Tm Test Last Edited I VAFSTR[",26," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,26)=$S($P(NODE2,"^",3):$$GETCODE^DGMTH($P(NODE2,"^",3)),1:"") ; Test Determined Status I VAFSTR[",28," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,28)=$P(NODE,"^",27) ;GMT Threshold I VAFSTR[",29," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,29)=$P(NODE2,"^",9) ;Hardship Reason I VAFSTR[",30," S $P(VAFY,HLFS,30)=+$P(NODE2,"^",11) ; Test Version ; ;can only transmit the deletion of a hardship if the segment is for a means test - and the income years must match if there is a means test ; I VAFTYPE=1,($G(DELETE("HARDSHIP"))=1),('(+NODE)!($E(DELETE("DATE OF TEST"),1,3)=$E((+NODE),1,3))) S $P(VAFY,HLFS,24)=HLQ ; QUIT Q "ZMT"_HLFS_$G(VAFY)