IVMLINS4 ;ALB/SEK - IVM INSURANCE UPLOAD ACCEPT - IB CALL ; 17-APR-98 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**14**; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine is called by IB to update insurance segments sent ; from HEC and stored in the INCOMING SEGMENT multiple of the IVM ; PATIENT file (#301.5). A HL7 message is sent to HEC indicating if ; the data is accepted or rejected (including reason for rejection). ; ; Before this call, IB code allows the user to to review the ; insurance policy from HEC stored in IB's insurance module. When ; the user decides to accept or reject the policy, this routine is ; called. If the policy is rejected, this routine allows the user ; to pick the reason for rejection. ; UPDATE(DFN,IVMINSST,IVMID) ; ; ; Input: DFN -- internal entry number of PATIENT file ; IVMINSST -- upload status 1-accepted 0-rejected ; IVMID -- ins. co. name ^ street add[line 1] ^ group # ; ; Output: returns 1 if updated or 0 followed by error if not updated ; N IVM1INSN,IVM2SA1,IVM3GNU,IVMI,IVMIBERR,IVMJ,IVMDA,IVMDAIN,IVMFOUND,IVMREPTR I '$G(DFN)!('$D(^DPT(+DFN,0))) S IVMIBERR="No patient defined" G EXIT I '$D(^IVM(301.5,"B",DFN)) S IVMIBERR="Patient not in IVM PATIENT file" G EXIT ; I $G(IVMINSST)'=0&($G(IVMINSST)'=1) S IVMIBERR="upload status not accepted or rejected" G EXIT ; ; - check id fields S IVM1INSN=$P(IVMID,"^") S IVM2SA1=$P(IVMID,"^",2) S IVM3GNU=$P(IVMID,"^",3) I IVM1INSN']"" S IVMIBERR="no insurance company name from MCCR insurance module" G EXIT I IVM2SA1']"" S IVMIBERR="no street address from MCCR insurance module" G EXIT I IVM3GNU']"" S IVMIBERR="no group number from MCCR insurance module" G EXIT ; S IVMDA=0 F S IVMDA=$O(^IVM(301.5,"B",DFN,IVMDA)) Q:'IVMDA D FIND Q:$G(IVMFOUND) G PROCESS ; ; - find ins. record in IVM PATIENT file FIND S IVMDAIN=0 F S IVMDAIN=$O(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN)) Q:'IVMDAIN D Q:$G(IVMFOUND) .; - record missing .Q:'$D(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN,0)) .Q:'$D(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN,"ST")) .; .; - if 2nd piece not null - skip record - insurance record not transferred .Q:$P($G(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN,0)),"^",2)]"" .; .; - if 4th piece not null - skip record - already uploaded or rejected .Q:$P($G(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN,0)),"^",4)]"" .; .; - check 3 fields in ^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN,"ST") if not 3 matches - skip record .Q:$P(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN,"ST"),"^",4)'=IVM1INSN .Q:$P($P(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN,"ST"),"^",5),"~")'=IVM2SA1 .Q:$P(^IVM(301.5,IVMDA,"IN",IVMDAIN,"ST"),"^",8)'=IVM3GNU .; - if ins record found .S IVMFOUND=1 .Q Q ; PROCESS I 'IVMDAIN S IVMIBERR="Insurance data not found in IVM PATIENT file" G EXIT ; N DA,DTOUT,DUOUT,DR,DIE,Y ; ; - if the insurance data is accepted do I IVMINSST D G DEL .; .; - stuff UPLOAD INSURANCE DATA(.04), UPLOADED INSURANCE DATE/TIME(.05) .S DA=IVMDAIN,DA(1)=IVMDA .S DIE="^IVM(301.5,"_DA(1)_",""IN""," .S DR=".04////1;.05///NOW" D ^DIE ; ; - if the insurance data is rejected do ; - ask for reason why ; W !!,"The 'Reject IVM Insurance Policy' action has been selected." ; W !,"Please select a reason for rejecting the IVM insurance information." S DIC="^IVM(301.91,",DIC("A")="Select reason for rejecting: ",DIC(0)="QEAMZ" D ^DIC K DIC I Y<0!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) S IVMIBERR="No reason selected" G EXIT S IVMREPTR=+Y ; ; stuff UPLOAD INSURANCE DATA(.04) and REASON NOT UPLOADING INSURANCE ; (.08) S DA=IVMDAIN,DA(1)=IVMDA S DIE="^IVM(301.5,"_DA(1)_",""IN""," S DR=".04////0;.08////^S X=IVMREPTR" D ^DIE ; DEL ; - delete incoming segments strings K ^IVM(301.5,DA(1),"IN",DA,"ST"),^("ST1") ; ; - send HL7 message to IVM Center ; S IVMI=DA(1),IVMJ=DA D HL7^IVMLINS2 ; EXIT Q $S($D(IVMIBERR):0,1:1)_"^"_$G(IVMIBERR)