IVMLSU2 ;ALB/MLI/KCL - IVM SSA/SSN UPLOAD OR PURGE ENTRIES ; 07-JAN-94 ;;Version 2.0 ; INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ;; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine contains the code to execute the mneumonics on the ; list manager option. The line tag equals the mneumonic (and is ; followed by a line mneumonic_Q which is the kill line for the ; tag). ; ; PU ; - (Action) Purge entries from list if inappropriate for uploading ; ; Input - ^TMP("IVMLST",$J,"IDX",#,#)=pt name_pt ssn_dfn_sp ien_date of death_da(1)_da ; VALMY(n)=array of selections ; S IVMOUT=0,IVMWHERE="PU" ; ; - generic selector used within a list manager action call D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0)),"S") Q:'$D(VALMY) S IVMENT=0 F S IVMENT=$O(VALMY(IVMENT)) Q:'IVMENT!IVMOUT D .S IVMND=$G(^TMP("IVMLST",$J,"IDX",IVMENT,IVMENT)) I IVMND']"" Q .S IVMNM=$P(IVMND,"^",1),IVMSSN=$P(IVMND,"^",2) .S IVMI=$P(IVMND,"^",6),IVMJ=$P(IVMND,"^",7) .W !,"Purge for patient: ",IVMNM .; .; - alert user if date of death .I $P(IVMND,"^",5)]"" D DOD .; .D RUSURE^IVMLSU3 I 'IVMSURE Q .W !,"Update SSN's for ",IVMNM .D DELENT^IVMLSU3 .W " ...deleted.",! .S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue" D ^DIR K DIR PUQ D QUIT Q ; ; UP ; - (Action) Upload data for patient ; ; Input - ^TMP("IVMLST",$J,"IDX",#,#)=pt name_pt ssn_dfn_sp ien_date of death_da(1)_da ; VALMY(n)=array of selections ; ; S IVMOUT=0,IVMWHERE="UP" ; ; - generic selector used within a list manager action call D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0)),"S") Q:'$D(VALMY) S IVMENT=0 F S IVMENT=$O(VALMY(IVMENT)) Q:'IVMENT!IVMOUT D .S IVMND=$G(^TMP("IVMLST",$J,"IDX",IVMENT,IVMENT)) I IVMND']"" Q .S IVMNM=$P(IVMND,"^",1),IVMSSN=$P(IVMND,"^",2) .S IVMI=$P(IVMND,"^",6),IVMJ=$P(IVMND,"^",7) .; - get data node .S IVMDND=^TMP("IVMUP",$J,IVMNM,IVMSSN,IVMI,IVMJ) .S DFN=$P(IVMDND,"^",1),IVMSIEN=$P(IVMDND,"^",2),IVMLINE=$P(IVMDND,"^",4,99) .S IVMVSSN=$P(IVMLINE,"^",3),IVMSSSN=$P(IVMLINE,"^",6) .S IVMUP=$S(IVMVSSN&IVMSSSN:"B",IVMVSSN:"V",1:"S") .W !,"Update for patient: ",IVMNM .; .; - alert user if date of death .I $P(IVMND,"^",5)]"" D DOD .; .I IVMUP="B" D BOTH I IVMOUT Q .; .D RUSURE^IVMLSU3 I IVMOUT!'IVMSURE Q .D SSNUP^IVMLSU3 UPQ D QUIT Q ; ; QUIT ; - Kill variables used from all protocols ; ; - reset array for display D INIT^IVMLSU1 ; S VALMBCK=$S(IVMOUT'=2:"R",1:"Q") ; redisplay or quit if timeout K DFN,IVMDND,IVMENT,IVMI,IVMJ,IVMLINE,IVMND,IVMNM,IVMOUT K IVMSSN,IVMSSSN,IVMSURE,IVMUP,IVMVSSN,IVMWHERE Q ; ; BOTH ; - Upload both ssn's? ; ; Input - None ; Output - IVMUP as V for vet, S for spouse, B for both ; IVMOUT = 1 for '^', 2 for time-out, 0 otherwise ; N X,Y S DIR("A")="Update the SSN for the 'V'eteran, 'S'pouse, or 'B'oth?",DIR(0)="SB^V:VETERAN;S:SPOUSE;B:BOTH" S DIR("?",1)="Answer 'V' to upload veteran SSN only, 'S' to upload spouse SSN only",DIR("?")="or 'B' to upload the SSN for both the veteran and the spouse" S DIR("B")="BOTH" ; default both D ^DIR S IVMOUT=$S($D(DTOUT):2,$D(DUOUT):1,$D(DIROUT):1,1:0) S IVMUP=$G(Y) I IVMUP="B" S IVMUP="VS" K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT Q ; ; DOD ; - Alert user of date of death reported in DHCP or from IVM Center ; W !,*7,"'Date of Death' reported for this patient " W $S($E($P(IVMND,"^",5))="I":"by the IVM Center",$E($P(IVMND,"^",5))="D":"in DHCP")_" as "_$$DAT2^IVMUFNC4($E($P(IVMND,"^",5),2,99))_".",! Q