IVMPLOG2 ;ALB/CJM - API for IVM PATIENT file; 4-SEP-97 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**9,17**; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; CLOSE(IEN,REASON,SOURCE) ; ;Description: Sets the value of the STOP FLAG field to 1 for a ;particular record in the IVM PATIENT file, as well as setting related ;fields. This has the effect of stopping updates to a particular ;IVM PATIENT record for some types of events, but not for enrollment ;events. ; ;Input: ; IEN - internal entry number of a record in the IVM PATIENT file. ; REASON - ien of record in the IVM CASE CLOSURE REASON file (#301.93) ; SOURCE - set of codes, 1= IVM CENTER (HEC), 2 = DHCP (local site) ; ;Output: ; Function Value - 1 on success, 0 on failure. ; N DATA,ERROR I $G(REASON)'="",'$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.5,1.01,REASON) Q 0 I $G(SOURCE)'="",'$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.5,1.02,SOURCE) Q 0 Q:'$$LOCK^IVMPLOG($G(IEN)) 0 S DATA(.04)=1 S DATA(1.01)=$G(REASON) S DATA(1.02)=$G(SOURCE) S DATA(1.03)=$$NOW^XLFDT S ERROR=$$UPD^DGENDBS(301.5,IEN,.DATA) D UNLOCK^IVMPLOG(IEN) Q ERROR ; DELETE(IEN) ; ;Description: Used to delete a record in the IVM PATIENT file. ; ;Input: ; IEN - the internal entry number for a record in the IVM PATIENT file ;Output: ; Function Value - 1 on success, 0 on failure ; Q:'$G(IEN) 1 ; Q:'$$LOCK^IVMPLOG(IEN) 0 ; N DIK,DA S DIK="^IVM(301.5," S DA=IEN D ^DIK D UNLOCK^IVMPLOG(IEN) Q 1 ; ADDFUTR(MTIEN) ; ;Adds a future test to the IVM Patient file. MTIEN is the ien ;of the future test in the Annual Means Test file ; Q:'$G(MTIEN) ; N NODE,DFN,DATE,IVMPAT,DATA,YEAR,TYPE S NODE=$G(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0)) S DATE=+NODE Q:'DATE S YEAR=($E(DATE,1,3)-1) S DFN=$P(NODE,"^",2) Q:('DFN) S TYPE=$P(NODE,"^",19) I TYPE'=1,TYPE'=2 Q S IVMPAT=$$LOG^IVMPLOG(DFN,YEAR) Q:'IVMPAT S:(TYPE=1) DATA(.06)=MTIEN S:(TYPE=2) DATA(.07)=MTIEN I $$UPD^DGENDBS(301.5,IVMPAT,.DATA) Q