IVMPREC6 ;ALB/KCL/BRM - PROCESS INCOMING (Z05 EVENT TYPE) HL7 MESSAGES ; 12/29/2004 ;;2.0; INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ;**3,4,12,17,34,58,79,102**; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine will process batch ORU demographic (event type Z05) HL7 ; messages received from the IVM center. Format of HL7 batch message: ; ; BHS ; {MSH ; PID ; ZPD ; ZGD ; RF1 (optional) ; } ; BTS ; ; EN ; - entry point to process HL7 patient demographic message ; N DGENUPLD,VAFCA08,DGRUGA08 ; ; prevent a return Z07 when uploading a Z05 (Patient file triggers) S DGENUPLD="ENROLLMENT/ELIGIBILITY UPLOAD IN PROGRESS" ; ; prevent MPI A08 message when uploading Z05 (Patient file triggers) S VAFCA08=1 ;MPI/CIRN A08 suppression flag ; S IVMFLG=0 ; - get incoming HL7 message from HL7 Transmission (#772) file F IVMDA=0:0 S IVMDA=$O(^TMP($J,IVMRTN,IVMDA)) Q:'IVMDA S IVMSEG=$G(^(IVMDA,0)) I $E(IVMSEG,1,3)="MSH" D .K HLERR .; .; - message control id from MSH segment .S MSGID=$P(IVMSEG,HLFS,10),HLMID=MSGID .; .; - perform demographics message consistency check .D EN^IVMPRECA Q:$D(HLERR) .; .; - get next msg segment .D NEXT I $E(IVMSEG,1,3)'="PID" D Q ..S HLERR="Missing PID segment" D ACK^IVMPREC .; .; - patient IEN (DFN) from PID segment .S DFN=$P($P(IVMSEG,HLFS,4),$E(HLECH),1) .; .I ('DFN!(DFN'=+DFN)!('$D(^DPT(+DFN,0)))) D Q ..S HLERR="Invalid DFN" D ACK^IVMPREC .I $P(IVMSEG,HLFS,20)'=$P(^DPT(DFN,0),"^",9) D Q ..S HLERR="Couldn't match HEC SSN with DHCP SSN" D ACK^IVMPREC .; .; - check for entry in IVM PATIENT file, otherwise create stub entry .S IVM3015=$O(^IVM(301.5,"B",DFN,0)) .I 'IVM3015 S IVM3015=$$LOG^IVMPLOG(DFN,DT) .I 'IVM3015 D Q ..S HLERR="Failed to create entry in IVM PATIENT file" ..D ACK^IVMPREC .; .; - compare PID segment fields with DHCP fields .D COMPARE(IVMSEG) Q:$D(HLERR) .; .; - get next msg segment .D NEXT I $E(IVMSEG,1,3)'="ZPD" D Q ..S HLERR="Missing ZPD segment" D ACK^IVMPREC .; .; - compare ZPD segment fields with DHCP fields .D COMPARE(IVMSEG) .; .; - get next msg segment .D NEXT I $E(IVMSEG,1,3)="ZEL" D Q ..S HLERR="ZEL segment should not be sent in Z05 message" D ACK^IVMPREC .; .; - get next msg segment .I $E(IVMSEG,1,3)'="ZGD" D Q ..S HLERR="Missing ZGD segment" D ACK^IVMPREC .; .; - compare ZGD segment fields with DHCP fields .D COMPARE(IVMSEG) .;S IVMFLG=0 .; .; - check for RF1 segment and get segment if it exists .; This process will automatically update patient address data .; in the Patient (#2) file if the incoming address is more .; recent than the existing one. .I $$RF1CHK(IVMRTN,IVMDA) D NEXT,COMPARE(IVMSEG) S IVMFLG=0 ; ; - send mail message if necessary I IVMCNTR D MAIL^IVMUFNC() ; Cleanup variables if no msg necessary I 'IVMCNTR K IVMTEXT,XMSUB ; ENQ ; - cleanup variables K DA,DFN,IVMADDR,IVMADFLG,IVMDA,IVMDHCP,IVMFLAG,IVMFLD,IVMPIECE,IVMSEG,IVMSTART,IVMXREF,DGENUPLD Q ; ; NEXT ; - get the next HL7 segment in the message from HL7 Transmission (#772) file ; S IVMDA=$O(^TMP($J,IVMRTN,IVMDA)),IVMSEG=$G(^(+IVMDA,0)) Q ; ; COMPARE(IVMSEG) ; - compare incoming HL7 segment/fields with DHCP fields ; ; Input: IVMSEG -- as the text of the incoming HL7 message ; ; Output: None ; ; - get 3 letter HL7 segment name S IVMXREF=$P(IVMSEG,HLFS,1),IVMSTART=IVMXREF ; ; - strip off HL7 segment name S IVMSEG=$P(IVMSEG,HLFS,2,99) ; ; - roll through "C" x-ref in IVM Demographic Upload Fields (#301.92) file F S IVMXREF=$O(^IVM(301.92,"C",IVMXREF)) Q:IVMXREF']"" D .S IVMDEMDA=$O(^IVM(301.92,"C",IVMXREF,"")) Q:IVMDEMDA']"" .I $$INACTIVE(IVMDEMDA) Q .; .; - compare incoming HL7 segment fields with DHCP fields .I IVMXREF["PID",(IVMSTART["PID") D PID^IVMPREC8 .I IVMXREF["ZPD",(IVMSTART["ZPD") D ZPD^IVMPREC8 .I IVMXREF["ZGD",(IVMSTART["ZGD") D ZGD^IVMPREC8 .I IVMXREF["RF1",(IVMSTART["RF1") D RF1^IVMPREC8 Q ; ; DEMBULL ; - build mail message for transmission to IVM mail group notifying ; them that patients with updated demographic data has been received ; from the IVM Center and may now be uploaded into DHCP. ; ; If record is auto uploaded, don't add veteran to bulletin I $$CKAUTO Q ; S IVMPTID=$$PT^IVMUFNC4(DFN) S XMSUB="IVM - DEMOGRAPHIC UPLOAD for "_$P($P(IVMPTID,"^"),",")_" ("_$P(IVMPTID,"^",3)_")" S IVMTEXT(1)="Updated demographic information has been received from the" S IVMTEXT(2)="Health Eligibilty Center. Please select the 'Demographic Upload'" S IVMTEXT(3)="option from the IVM Upload Menu in order to take action on this" S IVMTEXT(4)="demographic information. If you have any questions concerning the" S IVMTEXT(5)="information received, please contact the Health Eligibility Center." S IVMTEXT(7)="" S IVMTEXT(8)="The Health Eligibilty Center has identified the following" S IVMTEXT(9)="patients as having updated demographic information:" S IVMTEXT(10)="" S IVMCNTR=IVMCNTR+1 S IVMTEXT(IVMCNTR+10)=$J(IVMCNTR_")",5)_" "_$P(IVMPTID,"^")_" ("_$P(IVMPTID,"^",3)_")" Q ; INACTIVE(IVMDEMDA) ;Check if field is inactive in Demographic Upload ; Input -- IVMDEMDA IVM Demographic Upload Fields IEN ; Output -- 1=Yes and 0=No Q +$P($G(^IVM(301.92,IVMDEMDA,0)),U,9) ; RF1CHK(IVMRTN,IVMDA) ;does an RF1 segment exist in this message? N RF1 S RF1=$O(^TMP($J,IVMRTN,IVMDA)) I $E($G(^(+RF1,0)),1,3)'="RF1" Q 0 Q 1 ; CKAUTO() ; ; Chect if message qualifies for an auto upload. N AUTO,IVMI,DOD S AUTO=0,IVMI=$O(^IVM(301.92,"C","ZPD09","")) I IVMI=IVMDEMDA D .I +IVMFLD'>0 S AUTO=1 Q .S DOD=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.35)),U) .I DOD=IVMFLD S AUTO=1 Q ; Q AUTO