IVMPTRN ;ALB/MLI,SEK,RTK,BRM,BAJ - IVM BACKGROUND JOB/TRANSMISSIONS TO IVM CENTER; 10/28/2005 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**1,9,11,12,17,28,34,74,79,89,105**;JUL 8,1996;Build 2 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine is run nightly to send HL7 messages to the IVM Center for ; processing. ; BGJ ; - IVM Nightly Background Job ; ;for tests being held for the future, make them primary if now effective D FUTUREMT,FUTURERX ; ; - retransmit enrollment/eligibility queries with no reply D BATCH^DGENQRY1 ; ; - retransmit income test (financial) queries with no reply D MONITOR^IVMCQ2 ; ; - current year and previous year S IVMCURYR=$$LYR^DGMTSCU1(DT),IVMPREYR=$$LYR^DGMTSCU1(IVMCURYR) ; ; ; - Master Query Processing ; ; - respond to Master Query for previous year, if necessary S IVMREC=$$QRY(IVMPREYR) I IVMREC D RESP(IVMPREYR,+IVMREC),END ; ; - respond to Master Query for current year, if necessary S IVMREC=$$QRY(IVMCURYR) I IVMREC D RESP(IVMCURYR,+IVMREC),END ; ; - send regular 'nightly' transmissions D REG,END ; ; - perform retransmission processing D ENTRY^IVMPTRN4,END ; ; - process billing activity D EN^IVMPTRN5 ; ; - auto-upload address changes from #301.5 if >14 days old ; - auto-delete non address changes from #301.5 if >30 days old N ADDRDT S ADDRDT(0)=30,ADDRDT(1)=14 D EN^IVMLDEMC(.ADDRDT) ; END ; - cleanup I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" K DA,DFN,DIE,DIK,DR,IVMCT,IVMDA,IVMDT,IVMGTOT,IVMINCYR,IVMINS,IVMMTDT K IVMNODE,IVMPAT,IVMPID,IVMQDT,IVMREC,IVMSTAT,X,%,VAFPID,IVMPREYR,IVMIY D CLEAN^IVMUFNC K ^TMP($J,"CC") Q ; REG ; Creates FULL query transmission for patient's ; that exist in file (#301.5) "ATR" x-ref ; ; ; - initialize variables for HL7/IVM S HLMTN="ORU" S HLEID="VAMC "_$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3)_" "_HLMTN_"-Z07 SERVER" S HLEID=$O(^ORD(101,"B",HLEID,0)) K ^TMP($J,"CC") ;refresh Consistency Check counter D INIT^IVMUFNC(HLEID,.HL) ; ; - roll thru ATR x-ref for patients that require transmission K IVMQUERY("LTD"),IVMQUERY("OVIS") ;Variables needed to open/close last visit date and outpt visit QUERIES S IVMIY=0 F S IVMIY=$O(^IVM(301.5,"ATR",0,IVMIY)) Q:'IVMIY D .S IVMDA=0 .F S IVMDA=$O(^IVM(301.5,"ATR",0,IVMIY,IVMDA)) Q:'IVMDA D ..; ..N EVENTS ..; - get node, income year, dfn ..S IVMNODE=$G(^IVM(301.5,+IVMDA,0)),IVMDT=+$P(IVMNODE,"^",2),DFN=+IVMNODE ..I 'DFN!'IVMDT Q ..; ..Q:($$STATUS^IVMPLOG(IVMDA,.EVENTS)=1) ..; ..S IVMMTDT=$P($$LST^DGMTU(DFN,($E(IVMDT,1,3)+1)_"1231.9999"),"^",2) ..; ..; - prepare FULL transmission ..D FULL^IVMPTRN7(DFN,IVMMTDT,.EVENTS,.IVMCT,.IVMGTOT,,,,.IVMQUERY) ; ; After all transmissions send Bulletin of inconsistency check totals D EN^IVMPBUL ; F Z="LTD","OVIS" I $G(IVMQUERY(Z)) D CLOSE^SDQ(IVMQUERY(Z)) K IVMQUERY(Z) ; - transmit remaining records D .N IVMEVENT .; event code for Full Data Transmission .S IVMEVENT="Z07" .D FILE^IVMPTRN3 Q ; RESP(IVMINCYR,IVMREC) ; Response to the Master Query. ; ; Input: IVMINCYR - The income year for which the query was sent ; IVMREC - Internal entry number of query to be updated ; N DFN,IVMDA,IVMMTDT,DA,DR,DIE,EVENTS ; ; - initialize variables for HL7/IVM S HLMTN="ORF" S HLEID="VAMC "_$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3)_" "_HLMTN_"-Z07 SERVER" S HLEID=$O(^ORD(101,"B",HLEID,0)) D INIT^IVMUFNC(HLEID,.HL) ; ; - roll thru AYR x-ref F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^IVM(301.5,"AYR",IVMINCYR,DFN)) Q:'DFN D .F IVMDA=0:0 S IVMDA=$O(^IVM(301.5,"AYR",IVMINCYR,DFN,IVMDA)) Q:'IVMDA D ..; ..; - check for STOP FLAG in file #301.5. ..I '$$CLOSED^IVMPLOG(IVMDA) D ...; ...; if means test was deleted, -10000 could be entered as income year ...; in ^IVM(301.5. close case if deleted. ...S IVMMTDT=$P($$LST^DGMTU(DFN,($E(IVMINCYR,1,3)+1)_"1231.9999"),"^",2) ...I IVMMTDT="" D CLOSE^IVMPTRN1(IVMINCYR,DFN,1,3) Q ...; ...;get EVENTS() array ...I $$STATUS^IVMPLOG(+IVMDA,.EVENTS) ...; ...; - prepare FULL transmission ...; note: 6th parameter is IVMFLL (=1 to include MSA segment) ...D FULL^IVMPTRN7(DFN,IVMMTDT,.EVENTS,.IVMCT,.IVMGTOT,1,,$G(IVMREC),.IVMQUERY) ; ; - transmit remaining records D .N IVMEVENT .; event code for Full Data Transmission .S IVMEVENT="Z07" .D FILE1^IVMPTRN3 ; added for v1.6 because of MSA segment (note: the original call was to FILE^IVMPTRN3) ; ; ; - update multiple in file #301.9. Stuff (.03) field with date/time ; of FULL query transmission. S DIE="^IVM(301.9,1,10,",DA=+IVMREC,DA(1)=1,DR=".03////"_$$NOW^XLFDT D ^DIE Q ; QRY(YEAR) ; See if Master Query has been satisfied for YEAR. ; Input: YEAR - The income year being checked ; ; Output: 1^2, where 1 = 0, if query does not need a response ; >0, if query needs a response (value ; equal to ien of sub-file entry ; in #301.9 ; 2 = 0, if the request has not been received ; 1, if the request has been received N IVM,X,Y,Z I '$G(YEAR) S X="0^0" G QRYQ S Y=$O(^IVM(301.9,1,10,"AB",YEAR,"")) I 'Y S X="0^0" G QRYQ S IVM=$O(^IVM(301.9,1,10,"AB",YEAR,Y,0)) I 'IVM S X="0^0" G QRYQ S Z=$P($G(^IVM(301.9,1,10,+IVM,0)),"^",3) S X=$S(Z:0,1:IVM)_"^1" QRYQ Q X ; FUTUREMT ; ;Find future tests, and if now effective then make them primary. Will ;call the MT event driver unless NOT required, in which case the status ;will have the status will be changed to NO LONGER REQUIRED ;and may auto-create a Rx copay test ; N FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN,NODE,DFN,DATA ; S FDATE=0 F S FDATE=$O(^IVM(301.5,"AC",FDATE)) Q:('FDATE) Q:(FDATE>DT) D .S IVMPAT=0 .F S IVMPAT=$O(^IVM(301.5,"AC",FDATE,IVMPAT)) Q:'IVMPAT D ..S MTIEN=$O(^IVM(301.5,"AC",FDATE,IVMPAT,""),-1) ..I '$$FUTURECK("AC",FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN) K ^IVM(301.5,"AC",FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN) ..K DATA S DATA(.06)="" I $$UPD^DGENDBS(301.5,IVMPAT,.DATA) ..S DFN=+$G(^IVM(301.5,IVMPAT,0)) ..I DFN S NODE=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,DT_.9999,1) I $E($P(NODE,"^",2),1,3)=$E(DT,1,3),$P(NODE,"^",4)'="","R"'=$P(NODE,"^",4) K ^IVM(301.5,"AC",FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN) Q ..D MTPRIME^DGMTU4(MTIEN) Q ; FUTURERX ; ;Find future COPAY tests, and if now effective then make it primary. ;Will change the status to NO LONGER APPLICABLE if the vet is not ;subject to pharmacy copayments ; N FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN,NODE,DFN,DATA ; S FDATE=0 F S FDATE=$O(^IVM(301.5,"AD",FDATE)) Q:('FDATE) Q:(FDATE>DT) D .S IVMPAT=0 .F S IVMPAT=$O(^IVM(301.5,"AD",FDATE,IVMPAT)) Q:'IVMPAT D ..S MTIEN=$O(^IVM(301.5,"AD",FDATE,IVMPAT,""),-1) ..I '$$FUTURECK("AD",FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN) K ^IVM(301.5,"AD",FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN) ..K DATA S DATA(.07)="" I $$UPD^DGENDBS(301.5,IVMPAT,.DATA) ..S DFN=+$G(^IVM(301.5,IVMPAT,0)) ..I DFN S NODE=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,DT_.9999,2) I $E($P(NODE,"^",2),1,3)=$E(DT,1,3),$P(NODE,"^",4)'="" K ^IVM(301.5,"AD",FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN) Q ..D RXPRIME^DGMTU4(MTIEN) Q ; FUTURECK(TYPE,FDATE,IVMPAT,MTIEN) ; ; Check the Future MT or CP xref for a valid income test entry, ; and Delete all invalid xref entries. N VALID,MTREC S VALID=1,MTREC=0 ; ; Remove duplicate entries from cross reference, leaving last entry F S MTREC=$O(^IVM(301.5,TYPE,FDATE,IVMPAT,MTREC)) Q:(MTREC=MTIEN!('MTREC)) K ^IVM(301.5,TYPE,FDATE,IVMPAT,MTREC) ; I '$D(^IVM(301.5,IVMPAT,0)) S VALID=0 Q VALID I '$D(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0)) S VALID=0 Q VALID I FDATE'=+(^DGMT(408.31,MTIEN,0)) S VALID=0 Q VALID ; Q VALID