IVMPTRN3 ;ALB/KCL - SEND INITIAL TRANSMISSION TO IVM CENTER ; 9/24/03 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**1,9,34,92**; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; FILE ; - call HL7 to send batch of segments ; I IVMCT'>0 Q ; N HLRESLT ; ; - send batch of HL7 messages D GENERATE^HLMA(HLEID,"GB",1,.HLRESLT,MTIEN) ; K ^TMP("HLS",$J) S IVMGTOT=$G(IVMGTOT)+HLEVN S (HLEVN,IVMCT)=0 Q ; FILE1 ; - call HL7 to send batch of segments ; (V1.6 - call this if non-ack batch but still has an MSA segment.) ; Called by ^IVMPTRN and ^IVMPTRN7 with ^TMP("HLS",$J) global set. ; Must convert ^TMP("HLS" into ^TMP("HLA" for GENACK^HLMA1 to work. ; I IVMCT'>0 Q ; N HLP,HLRESLTA S HLEIDS=$O(^ORD(101,HLEID,775,"B",0)) ; ; - send batch of HL7 messages K ^TMP("HLA",$J) M ^TMP("HLA",$J)=^TMP("HLS",$J) D GENACK^HLMA1(HLEID,MTIEN,HLEIDS,"GB",1,.HLRESLTA,.HLP) ; K ^TMP("HLS",$J) K ^TMP("HLA",$J) S IVMGTOT=$G(IVMGTOT)+HLEVN S (HLEVN,IVMCT)=0 Q ; FILEPT(DFN,IVMYR,WHEN,MSGID,EVENTS,MTSTAT,INSSTAT) ; ;Description: File patient in IVM PATIENT (#301.5) file and file ;TRANSMISSION LOG entry. ; ;Input: ; DFN - ien of record in the PATIENT file. ; IVMYR - income year of the ORU~Z07 message. ; WHEN - date/time message sent, in FM format. ; MSGID - message id used for message, in format used by MESSAGE CONTROL ID field. ; EVENTS () - an array of reasons for transmission, pass by reference. ; EVENTS("IVM") = 1 if transmission due to IVM criteria, 0 otherwise ; EVENTS(" "DCD")=1 if transmission due to DCD criteria, 0 otherwise ; EVENTS("ENROLL")=1 if transmission due to enrollment criteria, 0 otherwise ; MTSTAT - pointer to the MEANS TEST STATUS file. Is the status of the patient's means test at the time of the transmission for the income year of the transmission. ; INSSTAT - 1 if the patient had active insurance at the time of the transmission, 0 otherwise. ; N IVMPTR,DGSENFLG ; ; - ignore security checks in MAS (DGSEC) S DGSENFLG=1 ; ;find or create entry in IVM PATIENT file S IVMPTR=$$FIND^IVMPLOG(DFN,IVMYR) S:'IVMPTR IVMPTR=$$LOG^IVMPLOG(DFN,IVMYR,.EVENTS) Q:'IVMPTR ; ; Check the 301.5 record for Transmission Status N TRSTAT S TRSTAT=+$P(^IVM(301.5,IVMPTR,0),U,3) ; ; If this record is not updated, update it only I 'TRSTAT D UPDTLOG(IVMPTR,WHEN,MSGID,.EVENTS,MTSTAT,INSSTAT) ; ; If this record is already updated, check all other records ; for this patient that should be updated. I TRSTAT D .N NXTPTR,NXTYR S NXTPTR=0 .F S NXTPTR=$O(^IVM(301.5,"B",DFN,NXTPTR)) Q:'NXTPTR D ..Q:NXTPTR=IVMPTR ..S TRSTAT=+$P(^IVM(301.5,NXTPTR,0),U,3) ..Q:TRSTAT ..S NXTYR=$P(^IVM(301.5,NXTPTR,0),U,2) ..I $$LOG^IVMPLOG(DFN,NXTYR,.EVENTS) ..D UPDTLOG(NXTPTR,WHEN,MSGID,.EVENTS,MTSTAT,INSSTAT) ; Q ; UPDTLOG(IVMPTR,WHEN,MSGID,EVENTS,MTSTAT,INSSTAT) ; ; Update record to TRANSMITTED, and remove duplicates ; ; Update the IVM PATIENT (#301.5) record to a TRANSMITTED status. I $$CLEAR^IVMPLOG(IVMPTR,WHEN) ; ; Add an entry in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG (#301.6) File. I $$LOG^IVMTLOG(IVMPTR,WHEN,MSGID,.EVENTS,MTSTAT,INSSTAT) ; D DUP(DFN,IVMYR,IVMPTR) ; remove duplicates ; Q ; DUP(DFN,IVMYR,IVMPTR) ; remove duplicate entries in file 301.5 ; ; Input - IVMPTR - IEN of original entry in file 301.5 ; DFN - IEN of PATIENT file ; IVMYR - income year ; N DA,DIE,DIK,DR,IVMIEN,X,Y ; S IVMIEN=IVMPTR F S IVMIEN=$O(^IVM(301.5,"APT",DFN,IVMYR,IVMIEN)) Q:'IVMIEN D .;remove 301.5 entry .I $$DELETE^IVMPLOG2(IVMIEN) F DA=0:0 S DA=$O(^IVM(301.6,"B",IVMIEN,DA)) Q:'DA D ; reset ptrs ..S DIE="^IVM(301.6,",DR=".01///^S X=IVMPTR" D ^DIE Q