IVMPTRN7 ;ALB/KCL/CJM/PHH/BAJ - HL7 FULL DATA TRANSMISSION (Z07) BUILDER ;10/20/2005 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**9,11,24,34,74,88,105**;JUL 8,1996;Build 2 ; ; FULL(DFN,IVMMTDT,EVENTS,IVMCT,IVMGTOT,IVMFLL,IVMNOMSH,IVMREC,IVMQUERY) ; ;Description: This entry point will be used to create an HL7 "Full Data Transmission" message for a patient. Transmission of these messages will be in a batch of 1-100 individual HL7 messages. ; ;Input: ; DFN - Patient IEN ; IVMMTDT - date of the patient's Means Test or Copay Test ; EVENTS () - an array of reasons for transmission, pass by reference. ; EVENTS("IVM") = 1 if transmission due to IVM criteria, 0 otherwise ; EVENTS(" "DCD")=1 if transmission due to DCD criteria, 0 otherwise ; EVENTS("ENROLL")=1 if transmission due to enrollment criteria, 0 otherwise ; IVMCT - count of segments transmitted, pass by reference ; IVMGTOT - count of batchs transmitted, pass by reference ; IVMFLL - (optional), flag for creating MSA, QRD segments for FULL query transmission, $G(IVMFLL) means yes ; IVMNOMSH - (optional), if IVMNOMSH=1, means the MSH segment should not be built ; IVMREC - (optional), if $G(IVMFLL), then this variable will contain the internal entry number of Query Income Year #301.9001 mult. ; IVMQUERY - array passed in by reference where ; IVMQUERY("LTD") -- # of the QUERY that is currently open or ; undefined, zero, or null if no QUERY opened for ; last treatment date ; IVMQUERY("OVIS") -- # of the QUERY that is currently open or ; undefined, zero, or null if no QUERY opened for ; finding outpatient visits ; ;HL7 variables as defined by call to INIT^IVMUFNC: ; HLEVN - HL7 message event counter ; HLSDT - a flag that indicates that the data to be sent is stored in the ^TMP("HLS") global array. ; ;The following variables returned by the INIT^HLTRANS entry point: ; HLNDAP - Non-DHCP Application Pointer from file 770 ; HLNDAP0 - Zero node from file 770 corresponding to HLNDAP ; HLDAP - DHCP Application Pointer from file 771 ; HLDAN - The DHCP Application Name (.01 field, file 771) for HLDAP ; HLPID - HL7 processing ID from file 770 ; HLVER - HL7 version number from file 770 ; HLFS - HL7 Field Separater from the 'FS' node of file 771 ; HLECH - HL7 Encoding Characters from the 'EC' node of file 771 ; HLQ - Double quotes ("") for use in building HL7 segments ; HLERR - if an error is encountered, an error message is returned in the HLERR variable. ; HLDA - the internal entry number for the entry created in file 772 ; ; HLDT - the transmission date/time (associated with the entry in in file 772 identified by HLDA) in internal VA FileMan format. ; HLDT1 - the same transmission date/time as the HLDT variable, only in HL7 format. ; ;Output: ; ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT) - global array containing all segments of the HL7 message that the VistA application wishes to send. The HLSDT variable is defined above and the IVMCT variable is a sequential number starting at 1. ; N DGREL,DGINC,DR,I,IVMI,IVMDFN,IVMHLMID,IVMNTE,IVMPAT,IVMQRD,X,IVMCNTID ; ; IVM*2.0*105 BAJ 10/20/2005 ; Do Z07 Consistency checks and, if fail, prevent Z07 Build I '$$EN^IVMZ07C(DFN) Q ; ; INITIALIZE HL7 1.6 VARIABLES D INIT^HLFNC2(HLEID,.HL) ; ; quit if Pseudo SSN and not verified ; Q:'$$SNDPSSN(DFN) ;Removed by IVM*2*105 ; ; if count=0 and not first batch ;RMC;I IVMCT=0,$G(IVMGTOT) D FILE^HLTF ; ; HL7 event/message counter S HLEVN=$G(HLEVN)+1 ; ; CREATE SLOT FOR EACH NEW BATCH I HLEVN=1 D . K HLMID,MTIEN,HLDT,HLDT1 . D CREATE^HLTF(.HLMID,.MTIEN,.HLDT,.HLDT1) ; ; handle message header processing for HL7 full data trans (Z07) msg D MSH^IVMUFNC4($G(IVMNOMSH),$G(IVMFLL),$G(IVMREC),.IVMCT,.IVMCNTID) ; I IVMMTDT="" D .S IVMMTDT=$P($$LST^DGMTU(DFN,DT),"^",2) .I IVMMTDT="" S IVMMTDT=DT ; ; build HL7 Full Data Transmission (Z07) message D BUILD^IVMPTRN8(DFN,IVMMTDT,.IVMCT,.IVMQUERY) ; ; log patient transmission D .N IVMSTAT .S X=$$LST^DGMTCOU1(DFN,IVMMTDT,3) .S IVMSTAT=$S($E($P(X,"^",2),1,3)=$E(IVMMTDT,1,3):$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,+X,0)),"^",3),1:"") .; .D FILEPT^IVMPTRN3(DFN,$$LYR^DGMTSCU1(IVMMTDT),HLDT,IVMCNTID,.EVENTS,IVMSTAT,IVMINS) ; ;if number of HL7 events/msgs is 100 then call HL7 pkg to transmit batch I HLEVN=100 D .N IVMEVENT .; event code for Full Data Transmission .S IVMEVENT="Z07" .I $G(IVMFLL) D FILE1^IVMPTRN3 Q .D FILE^IVMPTRN3 Q ; SNDPSSN(DFN) ; check SSN and patient eligibility ; ; Input: ; DFN Patient file (#2) IEN ; Output: ; 1: Pseudo SSN and Eligibility verified or ; not a Pseudo SSN ; 0: Psuedo SSN and Eligibility Pending verification ; Pending re-verification ; N SSN,PFLG ; ; Don't process records with corrupted nodes I '$D(^DPT(DFN,0)) D REM Q 0 ; S SSN=$P(^DPT(DFN,0),U,9) S PFLG=($E(SSN,$L(SSN))="P") I 'PFLG Q 1 I ($P($G(^DPT(DFN,.361)),U)="V") Q 1 ; D REM Q 0 ; REM ; Remove Psuedo SSN from Queue ; Set TRANSMISSION STATUS to transmission not required S PDATA(.03)=1 I $$UPD^DGENDBS(301.5,IVMDA,.PDATA,.ERR) K PDATA,ERR Q