IVMPTRN8 ;ALB/RKS/PDJ/BRM,TDM - HL7 FULL DATA TRANSMISSION (Z07) BUILDER ; 4/10/06 4:34pm ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**9,11,19,12,21,17,24,36,37,47,48,42,34,77,76,75,79,85,89,98,56,97,104,113,109,114,105**; 21-OCT-94;Build 2 ; ; BUILD(DFN,IVMMTDT,IVMCT,IVMQUERY) ; -- ; Description: This entry point will be used to create an HL7 ; "Full Data Transmission" message for a patient. ; ; Input: ; DFN - Patient IEN ; IVMMTDT - date of the patient's Means Test or Copay Test ; IVMCT - count of hl7 segments transmitted, pass by reference ; IVMQUERY - array passed in by reference where ; IVMQUERY("LTD") -- # of the QUERY that is currently open or ; undefined, zero, or null if no QUERY opened for ; last treatment date ; IVMQUERY("OVIS") -- # of the QUERY that is currently open or ; undefined, zero, or null if no QUERY opened for ; finding outpatient visits ; ; HL7 variables as defined by call to INIT^IVMUFNC: ; HLEVN - HL7 message event counter ; HLSDT - a flag that indicates that the data to be sent is ; stored in the ^TMP("HLS") global array. ; ; The following variables returned by the INIT^HLTRANS entry point: ; HLNDAP - Non-DHCP Application Pointer from file 770 ; HLNDAP0 - Zero node from file 770 corresponding to HLNDAP ; HLDAP - DHCP Application Pointer from file 771 ; HLDAN - The DHCP Application Name (.01 field, file 771) for HLDAP ; HLPID - HL7 processing ID from file 770 ; HLVER - HL7 version number from file 770 ; HLFS - HL7 Field Separator from the 'FS' node of file 771 ; HLECH - HL7 Encoding Characters from the 'EC' node of file 771 ; HLQ - Double quotes ("") for use in building HL7 segments ; HLERR - if an error is encountered, an error message is returned ; in the HLERR variable. ; HLDA - the internal entry number for the entry created in ; file #772. ; HLDT - transmission date/time (associated with the entry in file ; #772 identified by HLDA) in internal VA FileMan format. ; HLDT1 - the same transmission date/time as the HLDT variable, ; only in HL7 format. ; ; Output: ; ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT) - global array containing all segments of the HL7 message that the VistA application wishes to send. The HLSDT variable is defined above and the IVMCT variable is a sequential number incremented by 1. ; ; N DGINC,DGIR,DGREL,I,IVMNTE,IVMPID,IVMSUB,IVMZRD,VAFPID,VAFZEL,FBZFE,IVMZCD,DELETE,NODE,IVMPIEN,TEST,IVMPNODE,TESTTYPE,SEQS,TESTCODE,HARDSHIP,ACTVIEN,IVMZMH,IVMSEQ N EDBMTZ06,ZMHSQ,SETID,OBXCNT,OBXTMP,DGSEC,SEGOCC,ZIOSEG,N101015,RF1SEG ; ; create (PID) Patient Identification segment ; **** Add ICN to 2nd piece PID segment for MPI@HEC. S IVMCMOR="1,2",IVMSEQ=1 ; check to see if site is a legacy site. If not add ICN to PID segment. I '$D(^PPP(1020.128,"AC",$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3))) D . I +$$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN)>0,($$IFLOCAL^MPIF001(DFN)=0) S IVMSEQ=IVMSEQ_",2",IVMCMOR="1,2,3" ;add SEQ 1 and 2 for PID ; ; send SSN indicating pseudo ; I $P(IVMPID_$G(IVMPID(1)),HLFS,20)["P" D PSEUDO^IVMPTRN1 ; strip 'P' from pseudo SSNs S IVMSEQ=IVMSEQ_",3,5,7,8,11,12,13,14,19" K IVMPID D BLDPID^VAFCQRY1(DFN,1,IVMSEQ,.IVMPID,.HL,.ERROR) S SEGOCC=0 F S SEGOCC=$O(IVMPID(SEGOCC)) Q:SEGOCC="" D . S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=IVMPID(SEGOCC) ; ; **** create (PD1) Patient CMOR segment for MPI@HEC. S:'$D(HL("FS")) HL("FS")=HLFS S:'$D(HL("ECH")) HL("ECH")=HLECH S:'$D(HL("Q")) HL("Q")=HLQ S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLPD1(DFN,IVMCMOR) ; ; create (ZPD) Patient Dependent Info. segment S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN1^VAFHLZPD(DFN,"1,8,9,11,12,13,17,19,31,32,33,40"),IVMINS=$P(^(IVMCT),HLFS,12) ; ; create (ZTA) Temporary Address segment S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZTA(DFN,"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9") ; ; create (ZIE) Ineligible segment S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZIE(DFN,"1,2,3",1) ; ; create (ZEL) Eligibility segment(s) ; **** Add 5th piece to ZEL to correct consistency check D EN1^VAFHLZEL(DFN,"1,2,5,6,7,8,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,29,34,35,37,38,39,40",2,.VAFZEL) S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$G(VAFZEL(1)) ; Primary Eligibility I $D(VAFZEL(1,1)) S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$G(VAFZEL(1,1)) ; - other entitled eligibilities F IVMSUB=1:0 S IVMSUB=+$O(VAFZEL(IVMSUB)) Q:'IVMSUB D .S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$G(VAFZEL(+IVMSUB)) ; ; create (ZEN) Enrollment segment S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZEN(DFN) ; ; create (ZCD) Catastrophic Disability segment(s) D BUILD^VAFHLZCD(.IVMZCD,DFN,,HLQ,HLFS) F IVMSUB=0:0 S IVMSUB=+$O(IVMZCD(IVMSUB)) Q:'IVMSUB D .S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$G(IVMZCD(+IVMSUB)) ; ; Optionally create (ZMH) Military History segments D ENTER^VAFHLZMH(DFN,"IVMZMH") S (ZMHSQ,SETID)=0 I $D(IVMZMH) F S ZMHSQ=$O(IVMZMH(ZMHSQ)) Q:ZMHSQ="" D .Q:$TR($P(IVMZMH(ZMHSQ,0),HLFS,4,5),"""^~")="" .S SETID=SETID+1,IVMCT=IVMCT+1 .S ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)="ZMH"_HLFS_SETID_HLFS_$P(IVMZMH(ZMHSQ,0),HLFS,3,6) ; ; create (ZRD) Rated Disabilities segment(s) D EN^VAFHLZRD(DFN,"1,2,3,4",HLQ,HLFS,"IVMZRD") F IVMSUB=0:0 S IVMSUB=+$O(IVMZRD(IVMSUB)) Q:'IVMSUB D .S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$G(IVMZRD(+IVMSUB,0)) ; ; create (ZCT) Emergency Contact segment S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZCT(DFN,"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10","",1,1) ; ; create (ZEM) Employment Info. segment for (1) Patient & (2) Spouse S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZEM(DFN,"1,2,3") S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZEM(DFN,"1,2,3",2,2) ; ; create (ZGD) Guardian segment for (1) VA & (2) Civil S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZGD(DFN,"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8",1) S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZGD(DFN,"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8",2) ; ; Income Year requiring transmission from IVM Patient File (301.5) S IVMIY=$S($D(IVMIY):IVMIY,1:(IVMMTDT-10000)) N MTINFO S MTINFO=$$FUT^DGMTU(DFN) I ($E(IVMIY,1,3)+1)=$E($P(MTINFO,U,2),1,3) S IVMMTDT=$P(MTINFO,U,2) ;get the primary test for the income year S TESTTYPE=$$GETTYPE^IVMPTRN9(DFN,IVMMTDT,.TESTCODE,.HARDSHIP,.ACTVIEN) ; ; The following function call returns: ; - Patient Relation IEN array in DGREL ; - Individual Annual Income IEN array in DGINC ; - Income Relation IEN array in DGINR D ALL^DGMTU21(DFN,"VSC",IVMMTDT,"IPR",ACTVIEN) ; S EDBMTZ06=0 I $$VERZ06^EASPTRN1(DFN) S EDBMTZ06=1 ; create (ZIC) Income segment for veteran S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZIC(+$G(DGINC("V")),"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20") I EDBMTZ06 S ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)="ZIC^"_$P(^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT),"^",2,3) ;use IVMIY not IVMMTDT. For LTC copay exemption, IVMMTDT is not correct S $P(^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT),"^",3)=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(IVMIY) ; ; create (ZIR) Income Relation segment for veteran S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZIR(+$G(DGINR("V")),"1,2,3,4,5,10") I EDBMTZ06 S ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)="ZIR^1" ; ; create (ZDP) Patient Dependent Info. segment for spouse S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZDP(+$G(DGREL("S")),"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10") I $P(^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT),HLFS,3)'=HLQ,($P($G(^(IVMCT)),HLFS,6)=HLQ) D .; - pass non-existant SSNs as 0s .S $P(X,HLFS,6)="000000000" ; ; create (ZIC) Income segment for spouse S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZIC(+$G(DGINC("S")),"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,16,17,18,19,20") I EDBMTZ06 S ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)="ZIC^"_$P(^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT),"^",2,3) ; ; create (ZIR) Income Relation segment for spouse S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZIR(+$G(DGINR("S")),"1,2,3") I EDBMTZ06 S ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)="ZIR^"_$P(^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT),"^",2) ; ; ; create ZDP, ZIC, and ZIR segments for all Means Test dependents F IVMSUB=0:0 S IVMSUB=$O(DGREL("C",IVMSUB)) Q:'IVMSUB D .; .; - create (ZDP) Dependent Info. segment for dependent child .S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZDP(+$G(DGREL("C",IVMSUB)),"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10") .I $P(^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT),HLFS,3)'=HLQ,($P($G(^(IVMCT)),HLFS,6)=HLQ) D ..; - pass non-existant SSNs as 0s ..S $P(X,HLFS,6)="000000000" .; .; - create (ZIC) Income segment for dependent child .S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZIC(+$G(DGINC("C",IVMSUB)),"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15") .I EDBMTZ06 S ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)="ZIC^"_$P(^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT),"^",2,3) .; .; - create (ZIR) Income Relation segment for dependent child .S IVMCT=IVMCT+1,^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)=$$EN^VAFHLZIR(+$G(DGINR("C",IVMSUB)),"1,2,3,6,7,8,9,14") .I EDBMTZ06 S ^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT)="ZIR^"_$P(^TMP("HLS",$J,IVMCT),"^",2) .; ; D GOTO^IVMPTRN9 Q