IVMTLOG ;ALB/CJM - API for IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file; 4-SEP-97 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**9**; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; LOCK(IEN) ; ;Description: Locks a record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ;Input: ; IEN - ien of record in IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ;Output: ; Function Value - 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. ; I $G(IEN) L +^IVM(301.6,IEN):3 Q $T ; UNLOCK(IEN) ; ;Description: Unlocks a record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ;Input: ; IEN - ien of record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ;Output: None ; I $G(IEN) L -^IVM(301.6,IEN) Q ; SETSTAT(IEN,STATUS,ERROR) ; ;Description: Sets the value of the STATUS field of the ; IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file for a particular record. ;Input: ; IEN - internal entry number of a record in IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ; STATUS - status code - 1:RECEIVED, 0:TRANSMITTED, 2:RE-TRANSMITTED, 3:ERROR IN TRANSMITTED RECORD ; ERROR - optional - text error message ;Output: ; Function Value - 1 on success, 0 on failure. ; Q:'$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.6,.03,STATUS) 0 ; N DATA,RET Q:'$$LOCK($G(IEN)) 0 S DATA(.03)=STATUS I $G(ERROR)'="" S DATA(.04)=$E(ERROR,1,80) ; ;DATE/TIME ACK RECEIVED should only be entered for appropriate status I (STATUS=1)!(STATUS=3) D .S DATA(.06)=$$NOW^XLFDT E S DATA(.06)="@" ; ;ERROR PROCESSING STATUS should only be entered if error status I (STATUS=3) D .S DATA(.07)=1 E S DATA(.07)="@" ; S RET=$$UPD^DGENDBS(301.6,IEN,.DATA) D UNLOCK(IEN) Q RET ; ERRSTAT(IEN,STATUS,ERROR) ; ;Description: Sets the ERROR PROCESSING STATUS field of a record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ; ;Input: ; IEN - ien of record in IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ; STATUS - error processing status code ;Output: ; Function Value - 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. ; ERROR - error message (optional), pass by reference - will return message on failure ; N DATA,RET ; S ERROR="" I '$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.6,.07,STATUS) S ERROR="INVALID TRANSMISSION PROCESSING STATUS" Q 0 I '$G(IEN) S ERROR="NO RECORD SPECIFIED" Q 0 I $P(^IVM(301.6,IEN,0),"^",3)'=3 S ERROR="STATUS IS NOT 'ERROR IN TRANSMITTED RECORD'" Q 0 I '$$LOCK($G(IEN)) S ERROR="COULD NOT OBTAIN LOCK ON RECORD" Q 0 S DATA(.07)=STATUS S RET=$$UPD^DGENDBS(301.6,IEN,.DATA,.ERROR) D UNLOCK(IEN) Q RET ; GET(IEN,TLOG) ; ;Description: Used to obtain a record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. The ;values are returned in the TLOG() array. ;Input: ; IEN - internal entry number of a record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ;Output: ; Function Value - 1 on success, 0 on failure. ; TLOG() array, pass by reference. Subscripts are ; "PAT" - value of the IVM PATIENT field (#.01) which is the ien of record in the IVM PATIENT file. ; "DFN" - ien, PATIENT file ; "DT/TM SENT" - value of the TRANSMISSION DATE/TIME field (#.02) ; "STATUS" - value of the STATUS field (#.03) ; "ERROR" - value of the ERROR MESSAGE field (#.04) ; "MSGID" - value of the MESSAGE CONTROL ID field (#.05) ; "EVENTS","IVM" - value of the IVM EVENT (#30.01) field ; "EVENTS","DCD" - value of the DCD EVENT (#30.02) field ; "EVENTS","ENROLL" - value of the ENROLLMENT EVENT (#30.03) field ; "DT/TM ACK" - value of the DATE/TIME ACK RECEIVED (#.06) field ; "ERROR STATUS" - value of the ERROR PROCESSING STATUS (#.07) field ; "MT STATUS" - value of the MEANS TEST STATUS field (#1.01) ; "INS STATUS" - value of the INSURANCE STATUS field (#1.02) ; N NODE K TLOG S TLOG="" Q:'$G(IEN) 0 S NODE=$G(^IVM(301.6,IEN,0)) Q:(NODE="") 0 S TLOG("PAT")=$P(NODE,"^") S TLOG("DFN")=$S(TLOG("PAT"):$P(^IVM(301.5,TLOG("PAT"),0),"^"),1:"") S TLOG("DT/TM SENT")=$P(NODE,"^",2) S TLOG("STATUS")=$P(NODE,"^",3) S TLOG("ERROR")=$P(NODE,"^",4) S TLOG("MSGID")=$P(NODE,"^",5) S TLOG("DT/TM ACK")=$P(NODE,"^",6) S TLOG("ERROR STATUS")=$P(NODE,"^",7) S NODE=$G(^IVM(301.6,IEN,"E")) S TLOG("EVENTS","IVM")=$P(NODE,"^") S TLOG("EVENTS","DCD")=$P(NODE,"^",2) S TLOG("EVENTS","ENROLL")=$P(NODE,"^",3) S NODE=$G(^IVM(301.6,IEN,1)) S TLOG("MT STATUS")=$P(NODE,"^") S TLOG("INS STATUS")=$P(NODE,"^",2) Q 1 ; LOG(PAT,WHEN,MSGID,EVENTS,MTSTAT,INSSTAT) ; ;Description: Called after completing a transmission for a particular ;patient. It creates a new record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ; ;Input: ; PAT - ien of record in the IVM PATIENT file. ; WHEN - date/time message sent, in FM format. ; MSGID - message id used for message, in format used by MESSAGE CONTROL ID field. ; EVENTS () - an array of reasons for transmission, pass by reference. ; EVENTS("IVM") = 1 if transmission due to IVM criteria, 0 otherwise ; EVENTS("DCD")=1 if transmission due to DCD criteria, 0 otherwise ; EVENTS("ENROLL")=1 if transmission due to enrollment criteria, 0 otherwise ; MTSTAT - pointer to the MEANS TEST STATUS file. Is the status of the patient's means test at the time of the transmission for the income year of the transmission. (Optional) ; INSSTAT - 1 if the patient had active insurance at the time of the transmission, 0 otherwise. (Optional) ; ;Output: ; Function Value - If successful, returns the internal entry number of the record in the IVM TRANSMSISION LOG file, otherwise returns NULL. ; Q:'$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.6,.01,PAT) "" Q:'$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.6,.02,WHEN) "" ; ;skip this test - msgid is created by HL7 pkg, they can change it, so do not want to pass it by IVM's input transform ;Q:'$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.6,.05,MSGID) "" ; I ($G(MTSTAT)'=""),'$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.6,1.01,MTSTAT) Q "" I ($G(INSSTAT)'=""),'$$TESTVAL^DGENDBS(301.6,1.02,INSSTAT) Q "" ; N DATA S DATA(.01)=PAT,DATA(.02)=WHEN,DATA(.03)=0,DATA(.05)=MSGID S:($G(MTSTAT)'="") DATA(1.01)=MTSTAT S:($G(INSSTAT)'="") DATA(1.02)=INSSTAT S:($G(EVENTS("IVM"))=1) DATA(30.01)=1 S:($G(EVENTS("DCD"))=1) DATA(30.02)=1 S:($G(EVENTS("ENROLL"))=1) DATA(30.03)=1 Q $$ADD^DGENDBS(301.6,,.DATA) ; DELETE(IEN) ; ;Description: Used to delete a record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file. ; ;Input: ; IEN - the internal entry number for a record in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG file ;Output: ; Function Value - 1 on success, 0 on failure ; Q:'$G(IEN) 1 ; Q:'$$LOCK(IEN) 0 ; N DIK,DA S DIK="^IVM(301.6," S DA=IEN D ^DIK D UNLOCK(IEN) Q 1 ; EXT(SUB,VAL) ; ;Description: Given the subscript used in the IVM TRANSMISSION LOG ; array and a field value, returns the external representation of the ; value, as defined in the fields output transform of the IVM ; TRANSMISSION LOG file. ;Input: ; SUB - array subscript ; VAL - field value ;Output: ; Function Value - returns the external value of the field ; Q:(($G(SUB)="")!($G(VAL)="")) "" ; N FLD S FLD=$S(SUB="PAT":.01,SUB="DT/TM SENT":.02,SUB="STATUS":.03,SUB="ERROR":.04,SUB="MSGID":.05,SUB="DT/TM ACK":.06,SUB="ERROR STATUS":.07,SUB="IVM":30.01,SUB="DCD":30.02,SUB="ENROLL":30.03,SUB="MT STATUS":1.01,SUB="INS STATUS":1.02,1:"") ; Q:(FLD="") "" Q $$EXTERNAL^DILFD(301.6,FLD,"F",VAL)