IVMUCHK5 ;ALB/CAW Edit Checks con't ; 9/29/94 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**10**; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine is a continuation of IVMUCHK. It performs checks on incoming means test ; transmissions to ensure they are accurate prior to their upload into DHCP. ; ; MT(STRING,INCOME) ; Calculate means test status ; N X,Y,ADJ,INC,NET,THRESH S STATUS="C" S X=$P(STRING,HLFS,3) I X'="A",(X'="C") S ERROR="Invalid Means Test Status" G MTQ ; S X=$E($P(STRING,HLFS,2),1,4),%DT="" D ^%DT S X=Y K %DT S THRESH=$G(^DG(43,1,"MT",X,0)) S THRESHT=$P(THRESH,U,2) I $P(STRING,HLFS,12) S THRESHT=THRESHT+$P(THRESH,U,3)+(($P(STRING,HLFS,12)-1)*$P(THRESH,U,4)) ; S CAT=$P(STRING,HLFS,3) S ADJ=$P(STRING,HLFS,6) S INC=$P(STRING,HLFS,4)-$P(STRING,HLFS,9) S NET=$P(STRING,HLFS,5) S THRESHA=$P(STRING,HLFS,8) I THRESHT'=THRESHA S ERROR="Threshold A value incorrect" G MTQ I INC'>THRESHA D I ERROR]"" G MTQ . I NET']"" S ERROR="This veteran requires net worth" Q . I ((INC+NET)'>$P(THRESH,U,8))&(CAT="C") S ERROR="Income plus net worth not greater than threshold value-incorrect status" Q . I ((INC+NET)'<$P(THRESH,U,8))&(CAT="C"),'$P(STRING,HLFS,6) S ERROR="Patient should be adjudicated-no adjudicated date/time" Q I INC>THRESHA,CAT'="C" S ERROR="Incorrect means test status" MTQ Q ; INC ; gather income totals N DEBD,DEB,DEBT,DGX,EXCL,INC,NET,X,Y I $P(STRING,HLFS,4)']"" S ERROR="No Income transmitted" S INC=$P(ARRAY("ZIC"),HLFS,21),DEBT=$P(ARRAY("ZIC"),HLFS,22),NET=$P(ARRAY("ZIC"),HLFS,23) S DGX=0 F S DGX=$O(ARRAY(DGX)) Q:'DGX D .S INC=INC+($P(ARRAY(DGX,"ZIC"),HLFS,21)) .S NET=NET+($P(ARRAY(DGX,"ZIC"),HLFS,23)) .I $P(ARRAY(DGX,"ZDP"),U,6)'=2 D Q ..S X=$E($P(ARRAY("ZMT"),U,2),1,4),%DT="" D ^%DT S INCYR=Y ..S EXCL=$P($G(^DG(43,1,"MT",INCYR,0)),U,17) ..S DEBD=($P(ARRAY(DGX,"ZIC"),HLFS,9)-EXCL-$P(ARRAY(DGX,"ZIC"),HLFS,15)) ..S DEBD=$S(DEBD>0:DEBD,1:0) ..S DEB=($P(ARRAY(DGX,"ZIC"),HLFS,9)-DEBD) ..S DEBT=DEBT+DEB .S DEBT=DEBT+($P(ARRAY(DGX,"ZIC"),HLFS,22)) I +INC'=+$P(STRING,HLFS,4) S ERROR="Income total does not match Income total on means test" G INCQ I +DEBT'=+$P(STRING,HLFS,9) S ERROR="Deductible Expenses total does not match Deductible Expenses total on means test" G INCQ I +NET'=+$P(STRING,HLFS,5) S ERROR="Net Worth total does not match Net Worth total on means test" G INCQ INCQ Q ; SIGN ; Date Veteran Signed/Refused to Sign I $P(STRING,HLFS,15)]"" D G:ERROR]"" SIGNQ .S X=$P(STRING,HLFS,15) I $E(X,1,4)<1994!($E(X,1,4)>($E(DT,1,3)+1700)) S ERROR="Invalid Date Veteran Signed Test" Q .S X=$$FMDATE^HLFNC($P(STRING,HLFS,15)),%DT="X" D ^%DT I Y<0 S ERROR="Invalid Date Veteran Signed Test" Q .I $P(STRING,HLFS,20)]"" S ERROR="Veteran Signed Test, IVM Complete Date should be blank" Q I $P(STRING,HLFS,15)']"" D .I $P(STRING,HLFS,20)']"" S ERROR="Both Date Veteran Signed and IVM Complete Date are blank" SIGNQ Q