IVMUFNC5 ;ALB/AEG - IVM UTILITIES CONTINUED ; 8/10/05 1:39pm ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**55,109**;5-10-2002 ; AGE(DT) ; N Y S Y=$E(DT,1,3)-1_"0000",Y=Y-10000 Q Y ; INCY(IVMMTDT) ; N Y S Y=$E(IVMMTDT,1,3)_"0000",Y=Y-10000 Q Y ; CATC(DATA) ; ; Extrinsic function to determine is incoming ZMT1 segment meets ; one of the following groups: ; 1. Cat C or Pending Adj. / Provided income info / test date ; is 10/6/99 or later and Agreed to Pay is YES. ; OR ; ; 2. Category C based upon declination to provide income info ; but agreed to pay deductible. ; ; Input(s): $G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")) global node - Incoming ZMT ; segment. ; ; Output(s): Function Value. 1 = Yes patient meets one of the criteria ; 0 = NO test does not meet criteria. N MTDAT,RETV S RETV=0 Q:'$D(DATA) 0 S MTDAT("DT")=$P($G(DATA),U,2),MTDAT("MTS")=$P($G(DATA),U,3) S MTDAT("APD")=$P($G(DATA),U,7),MTDAT("DCLI")=$P($G(DATA),U,16) ; Patient Provided income information. I '+$G(MTDAT("DCLI")) D .; If Cat C or Pending Adjudication test date on or after 10/6/99 .; Provided Income info and Agreed to Pay. .; .I $G(MTDAT("MTS"))="C",$G(MTDAT("DT"))'<2991006,$G(MTDAT("APD"))=1 S RETV=1 Q .I $G(MTDAT("MTS"))="P",$G(MTDAT("DT"))'<2991006,$G(MTDAT("APD"))=1 S RETV=1 Q ; ; Patient Declined to provide income information. I +$G(MTDAT("DCLI")) D .; Cat C and Agreed to Pay - No date restriction .I $G(MTDAT("MTS"))="C",+$G(MTDAT("APD")) S RETV=1 Q ; Q RETV ; ELIG(DFN) ; Eligibility Check for Cat C uploads older than previous ; income year data. ; ; Input: DFN - Patient IEN ; Output: Function Value 0 if Z10 upload not appropriate ; N IVMELI S IVMELI=0 ; Check primary eligibility I $D(^DPT(DFN,.36)) S X=^(.36) D .; If NSC or SC < 50 0% appropriate to upload old test. .I $P($G(^DIC(8,+X,0)),U,9)=5!($$SC(DFN)) S IVMELI=1 .I $P(X,U,12)=1 S IVMELI=0 .I $P(X,U,13)=1 S IVMELI=0 .K X ; If deceased patient --- don't upload. I +$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.351,"I") S IVMELI=0 ; If eligible for medicaid, don't upload. I +$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.381,"I") S IVMELI=0 ; Check PH status. I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.53)),U)="Y" S IVMELI=0 Q IVMELI ; SC(DFN) ; Check to see if patient is SC 0% non-compensable. ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; Output -- Function value 1=Yes or 0=No ; N IVMG,IVME,IVMF,IVMY S IVMY=0 ; Primary Eligibility is SC < 50 % I $D(^DPT(DFN,.36)),$P($G(^DIC(8,+X,0)),U,9)=3 S IVMY=1 G:'IVMY SCQ ; Service Connected percentage = 0 I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.3)),U,2)'=0 S IVMY=0 G SCQ ; No Total annual VA Check amount I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.362)),U,20) S IVMY=0 G SCQ ; POW Status indicated. I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.52)),U,5)="Y" S IVMY=0 G SCQ ; Purple Heart Indicated. I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.53)),U)="Y" S IVMY=0 G SCQ ; Check Secondary Eligibilities. F IVMG=2,4,15:1:18 S IVME(IVMG)="" S IVMG=0 F S IVMG=$O(^DPT(DFN,"E","B",IVMG)) Q:'IVMG D SEL I IVMF,$D(IVME(+IVMF)) S IVMY=0 Q SCQ Q +$G(IVMY) ; SEL ; S IVMF=$G(^DIC(8,+IVMG,0)) I IVMF="" Q S IVMF=$P(IVMF,U,9) I IVMF=""!('$D(^DIC(8.1,+IVMF,0))) D .S IVMF="" .Q Q