IVMUM5 ;ALB/SEK - ADD NEW INCOME RELATION FILE ENTRIES ; 19 MAY 94 ;;2.0;INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH;**1,17**;21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; EN ; this routine will add entries to INCOME RELATION file (408.22) ; will also inactivate VAMC dependents (spouse & children) who are not ; IVM dependents, by adding an inactivate entry into the EFFECTIVE DATE ; sub-file (multiple-408.1275) of the PATIENT RELATION file (#408.12) ; ; DFN Patient file IEN ; DGINI Individual Annual Income IEN ; DGIRI Income Relation IEN ; IVMSEG ZIR record for veteran or spouse or dependent ; IVM0 408.22 0 node pieces 5-7 ; IVM01 0 node pieces 9-12 ; IVM02 0 node piece 6 ; N IVM0,IVM01,IVM02 S DGIRI=$$ADDIR^DGMTU2(DFN,DGINI) ; ; if can't create stub notify site & IVM Center I DGIRI'>0 D Q .S (IVMTEXT(6),HLERR)="Can't create stub for file 408.22" .D ERRBULL^IVMPREC7,MAIL^IVMUFNC() .S IVMFERR="" ; ; set "mt" node to annual means test ien D MT^DGMTSCU3(DGIRI,DGMTI) Q:IVMSPCHV="S" ; ; set number of dependent children (#.13) and dependent children(#.08) ; in income relation file (#408.22) based on active child dependents ; in patient relation file (#408.12). ; make IVM means test primary income test for year I IVMSPCHV="V" D Q:$D(IVMFERR) .S DA=IVMMTIEN,DIE="^DGMT(408.31,",DR="2////0" D ^DIE ; vamc mt .S DA=DGMTI,DIE="^DGMT(408.31,",DR="2////1" D ^DIE ; ivm mt .; .; inactivate VAMC dependents who are not IVM dependents .K DGREL("V") .I $D(DGREL) D INACTIVE Q:$D(IVMFERR) .; .D RESET^DGMTU11(DFN,DGLY,DGMTI) .I $P($G(^DGMT(408.22,DGIRI,0)),"^",8)="" D ..S DA=DGIRI,DR=".08////0;.13////@",DIE="^DGMT(408.22," D ^DIE ..K DA,DR,DIE .S IVM0=$P(IVMSEG,"^",2,4) I IVMSPCHV="C" S IVM01=$P(IVMSEG,"^",6,9),IVM02=$P(IVMSEG,"^",3) S DIK="^DGMT(408.22," L +^DGMT(408.22,DGIRI) S:IVMSPCHV="V" $P(^DGMT(408.22,DGIRI,0),"^",5,7)=IVM0 S:IVMSPCHV="C" $P(^DGMT(408.22,DGIRI,0),"^",9,12)=IVM01,$P(^(0),"^",6)=IVM02 S DA=DGIRI D IX1^DIK L -^DGMT(408.22,DGIRI) K DA,DIK Q ; INACTIVE ; inactivate dependents not in IVM means test and kill ; corresponding dgrel I $D(DGREL("S")) S DA(1)=+DGREL("S") D K DGREL("S") .D CHKINACT .Q:IVMFLG6!($D(IVMFERR)) .; if spouse was active before income year, add record with date .; of 12/31 of year before income year with active code 0 .S X=$E(DGLY,1,3)-1_1231 .D INACT1 Q:'$D(DGREL)!($D(IVMFERR)) S IVMACTR=0 F S IVMACTR=$O(DGREL("C",IVMACTR)) Q:'IVMACTR S DA(1)=+DGREL("C",IVMACTR) D K DGREL("C",IVMACTR) .D CHKINACT .Q:IVMFLG6!($D(IVMFERR)) .; if child was active before income year, add record with date .; of 12/31 of year before income year with active code 0 .S X=$E(DGLY,1,3)-1_1231 .D INACT1 ; K IVMACTR,IVMDGLY,IVMFLG6,IVMYEAR Q ; CHKINACT ; if dependent was made active during income year ; add record for same date (add .08 time) with active code 0 ; S IVMFLG6=0 S IVMDGLY="" F S IVMDGLY=$O(^DGPR(408.12,DA(1),"E","B",IVMDGLY)) Q:IVMDGLY']"" D Q:IVMFLG6!($D(IVMFERR)) .Q:$E(IVMDGLY,1,3)'=$E(DGLY,1,3) .S IVMYEAR=0 F S IVMYEAR=$O(^(IVMDGLY,IVMYEAR)) Q:IVMYEAR']"" D Q:IVMFLG6!($D(IVMFERR)) ..I $P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DA(1),"E",IVMYEAR,0)),"^",2) D ...S X=IVMDGLY_.08 D INACT1 S IVMFLG6=1 ...Q Q ; INACT1 ; add inactivate entry to 408.1275 ; K DINUM S (DIK,DIC)="^DGPR(408.12,DA(1),""E"",",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=408.1275 K DD,DO D FILE^DICN S DA=+Y K DLAYGO ; ; if can't create stub notify site & IVM Center I DA'>0 D Q .S (IVMTEXT(6),HLERR)="Can't create stub for file 408.1275" .D ERRBULL^IVMPREC7,MAIL^IVMUFNC() .S IVMFERR="" L +^DGPR(408.12,+DGPRI) S $P(^DGPR(408.12,DA(1),"E",DA,0),"^",2,4)=0_"^"_1_"^"_DGMTI D IX1^DIK L -^DGPR(408.12,+DGPRI) K DA,DIC,DIK Q