IVMUM9 ;ALB/SEK - ADD DEPENDENT CHANGES TO 408.13 & 408.41 ; 12 JAN 95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INCOME VERIFICATION MATCH ;**1**; 21-OCT-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; AUDIT ; change dependent demo data in 408.13 and add changes to 408.41. ; if IVM transmitted IEN of 408.12 and IEN found at VAMC, any of the ; 4 demo fields could be different. if ien of 408.12 is not ; transmitted and dependent is found in 408.13, name & ssn could be ; different because sex, dob, & relationship (408.12) must be the same. I IVMDOB'=IVMDOB13 D .S DGMTACT="DOB",DGMTSOLD=IVMDOB13,DGMTSNEW=IVMDOB D SET^DGMTAUD .S IVMDR=".03////^S X=IVMDOB" .Q I IVMSEX'=IVMSEX13 D .S DGMTACT="SEX",DGMTSOLD=IVMSEX13,DGMTSNEW=IVMSEX D SET^DGMTAUD .S IVMDR=$S($D(IVMDR):IVMDR_";",1:"") S IVMDR=IVMDR_".02////^S X=IVMSEX" .Q AUDIT1 I IVMNM'=IVMNM13 D .S DGMTACT="NAM",DGMTSOLD=IVMNM13,DGMTSNEW=IVMNM D SET^DGMTAUD .S IVMDR=$S($D(IVMDR):IVMDR_";",1:"") S IVMDR=IVMDR_".01////^S X=IVMNM" .Q I IVMSSN'=IVMSSN13 D .S DGMTACT="SSN",DGMTSOLD=IVMSSN13,DGMTSNEW=IVMSSN D SET^DGMTAUD .S IVMSSN=$S(IVMSSN="":"@",1:IVMSSN) .S IVMDR=$S($D(IVMDR):IVMDR_";",1:"") S IVMDR=IVMDR_".09////^S X=IVMSSN" .Q ; ; change 408.13 I $D(IVMDR) S DR=IVMDR,DA=DGIPI,DIE="^DGPR(408.13," D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR,IVMDR Q K DGDEPI,DGMTA,DGMTACT,DGMTSNEW,DGMTSOLD Q ; AUDITP ; set common variables for audit S DGMTYPT=1,DGDEPI=DGIPI,DGMTA=DGMTP K IVMDR ; ; dgrel("s") contains 408.12 IEN of active spouse of VAMC test ; dgrel("c",xxx) contains 408.12 IEN of active children of VAMC test ; if VAMC dependent not a IVM dependent the dependent must be inactivated ; dependents remaining in dgrel after all IVM dependents are uploaded, will be inactivated ; if IVM & VAMC dependent, kill dgrel to prevent inactivation of dependent ; dgpri is IVM (or IVM & VAMC) dependent's 408.12 IEN I IVMSPCHV="S" D Q .I +$G(DGREL("S"))=DGPRI K DGREL("S") S IVMFLG4=1,IVMCC=0 F S IVMCC=$O(DGREL("C",IVMCC)) Q:'IVMCC D Q:'IVMFLG4 .I +$G(DGREL("C",IVMCC))=DGPRI S IVMFLG4=0 K DGREL("C",IVMCC) K IVMCC Q