DGJTHLP ;MJK/MAF/ESD/ALB - Help for IRT module using list processor ; 20-OCT-92 ;;1.0;Incomplete Records Tracking;;Jun 25, 2001 ; ; HLP ; -- IRT ListMan menu help I X="?" D HLPS,PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK="" G HLPQ D CLEAR^VALM1 S DGJTHTXT=$S(DGJTHFLG="EN":"ENHLPTXT",DGJTHFLG="DL":"DLHLPTXT",DGJTHFLG="CE":"CEHLPTXT",DGJTHFLG="VW":"VWHLPTXT",DGJTHFLG="AD":"ADHLPTXT",1:"ENHLPTXT") HLPRTN S DGJTHRTN=$S(DGJTHTXT="ENHLPTXT"!(DGJTHTXT="DLHLPTXT"):"DGJTHLP",1:"DGJTHLP1") F I=1:1 S DGJXX=$P($T(@DGJTHTXT+I^@DGJTHRTN),";;",2,99) Q:DGJXX="$END" D .D PAUSE^VALM1:DGJXX="$PAUSE" Q:'Y .W !,$S(DGJXX["$PAUSE":"",1:DGJXX) W !,"Possible actions for this option are the following:" D HLPS,PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" ; HLPQ K I,DGJXX,DGJTHTXT,DGJTHRTN,Y Q HLPS ; -- short help S X="?" D DISP^XQORM1 W ! Q ; HLP1 ; -- Edit IRT Deficiency (from Completed IRT Edit) menu help text I X="?" D HLPS,PAUSE^VALM1 S VALMBCK="" G HLPQ D CLEAR^VALM1 S DGJTHTXT="CIHLPTXT" G HLPRTN ; ENHLPTXT ; -- Enter/Edit menu help text ;;Enter actions by typing the names or abbreviations. ;; ;;LIST ENTRY PRE-SELECTION: ;; Certain actions allow the user to pre-select one or more entries ;; from the Deficiency list. For the Enter/Edit Menu option, these ;; actions are: ;; DE -- Edit Deficiencies ;; EP -- Expand Deficiency ;; QC -- Quick Complete of Def. ;; TS -- Treating Spec. Update ;; For example: ;; ;; DE=1 ...will process entry #1 using the Edit action. ;; DE=3 4 5 ...will process entries 3,4,5 using the Edit action. ;; DE=1-3 ...will process entries 1,2,3 using the Edit action. ;;$PAUSE ;; The Jump to a Category (JC) action can be pre-selected by ;; Type of Category. ;; ;; For example: ;; ;; JC=PHYS ...will jump to the PHYSICAL EXAMINATION category. ;; ;; If no entry is pre-selected, the user will be prompted for a ;; selection. ;; ;;ACTION MENU DISPLAY: ;; The ADPL 'Auto Display(On/Off)' action can be used to turn on/off ;; the action menu that is displayed at the bottom of the screen. ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;$END DLHLPTXT ; -- Delete menu help text ;;Enter actions by typing the names or abbreviations. ;; ;;LIST ENTRY PRE-SELECTION: ;; Certain actions allow the user to pre-select one or more entries ;; from the Deficiency list. For the IRT Delete Menu option, these ;; actions are: ;; ;; DL -- Delete an IRT ;; EP -- Expand Deficiency ;; For example: ;; ;; DL=3 ...will process entry #3 using the Delete action. ;; DL=2 4 5 ...will process entries 2,4,5 using the Delete action. ;; DL=1-3 ...will process entries 1,2,3 using the Delete action. ;; ;; If no entry is pre-selected, the user will be prompted for a ;; selection. ;;$PAUSE ;;ACTION MENU DISPLAY: ;; The ADPL 'Auto Display(On/Off)' action can be used to turn on/off ;; the action menu that is displayed at the bottom of the screen. ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;$END ; STATUS ;This code is the screen code for the Status field (.11) of the ;Incomplete Records Tracking file (393). This screens out the status ;for the different types of deficiencies and the divisions if they ;review IRTs. N DGJX,DGJY,DGJTPD S DGJX=$G(^VAS(393,DA,0)) Q:DGJX']"" S DGJY=$P(DGJX,"^",6),DGJTPD=$P($G(^VAS(393.3,$P(DGJX,"^",2),0)),"^",1) I $D(^DG(40.8,+DGJY,"DT")),$P(^DG(40.8,+DGJY,"DT"),"^",3)=1 I "^DISCHARGE SUMMARY^INTERIM SUMMARY^OP REPORT^"[DGJTPD S DIC("S")="I ""^COMPLETED^SIGNED NO REVIEW^""'[$P(^DG(393.2,+Y,0),U,1)" Q I "^DISCHARGE SUMMARY^INTERIM SUMMARY^OP REPORT^"[DGJTPD S DIC("S")="I ""^COMPLETED^SIGNED^REVIEWED^""'[$P(^DG(393.2,+Y,0),U,1)" Q S DIC("S")="I ""^COMPLETED^INCOMPLETE^""[$P(^DG(393.2,+Y,0),U,1)" Q Q