PSGAPH ;BIR/CML3-HELP FOR ACTION PROFILES ;16 DEC 97 / 1:36 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;;16 DEC 97 ; H1 ; W !!?2,"If a START date is entered, only orders that stop on or after the date entered",!,"will be shown. If a start date is entered without a time, the beginning of the",!,"day is assumed." D M1,M2 Q ; H2 ; W !!?2,"If a STOP date is entered, only orders that start on or before the stop date",!,"entered" W:PSGAPB ", and stop on or after ",$P(PSGAPB,"^",2),"," W " will be shown." W !,"If a stop date is entered without a time, the end of the day is assumed." D M1,M2 Q ; M1 ; W !?2,"Neither the start date nor the stop date is required. If neither is entered,",!,"all orders that are currently active are shown." Q ; M2 ; W !!?2,"PLEASE NOTE that although you can enter a date range that is in the past,",!,"only those patients that are currently admitted can be shown, and that the",!,"orders will show their current information.",! Q