PSGDS ;BIR/CML3-DISCHARGE ORDERS ;21 JUL 94 / 3:12 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;;16 DEC 97 N PSJNEW,PSGPTMP,PPAGE S PSJNEW=1 ; D ENCV^PSGSETU I $D(XQUIT) Q W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Print BLANK Authorized Absence/Discharge Summary forms",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?",1)="Answer ""Yes"" if you want the report to print Authorized Absence/",DIR("?",2)="Discharge Summary forms for patients with no orders. Otherwise,",DIR("?")="enter ""No""." D ^DIR K DIR Q:Y["^" S PSGBLANK=Y K ^TMP("PSGDS",$J) S (PSGP,PSGAPWD,PSGAPWG)=0,(PSGAPWDN,PSGAPWGN)="",PSGSSH="GENERIC" S PSGPTMP=0,PPAGE=1 D GWP^PSJPDIR Q:'$D(PSJSEL) D @PSJSEL("SELECT"),EN^PSGDS0 ; DONE ; D ENKV^PSGSETU K CA,CML,CNTR,DIAG,ELIG,I1,I2,I3,PSGAP,PSGAPWD,PSGAPWDN,PSGAPWG,PSGAPWGN,PSGBLANK,PSGDICA,PSGPAT,PSJSEL,PSGSSH,T,N K LQ,ST,STT,STP,DF,DO,DRG,FD,NC,ND,ND2,NF,NP,PSJJORD,PSJOPC,PN,RB,RTE,SD,SI,SM,ST,STRT,VAEL,PSJACNWP,DDRG,^TMP("PSGDS",$J) Q ; G ; get ward group S PSGAPWG=+PSJSEL("WG"),PSGAPWGN=$P(PSJSEL("WG"),"^",2) Q ; W ; get ward S PSGAPWD=+PSJSEL("W"),PSGAPWDN=$P(PSJSEL("W"),"^",2) Q ; P ; get patient N PAT S PAT="" F S PAT=$O(PSJSEL("P",PAT)) Q:PAT="" S PSGPAT(PAT)=$O(PSJSEL("P",PAT,PSGP)) K PSGDICA Q ; ENOR ; D ENCV^PSGSETU I '$D(XQUIT) S PSGPAT(PSGP)=+ORVP,PSJSEL("SELECT")="P",(PSGAPWD,PSGAPWDN,PSGAPWG,PSGAPWGN)="" D EN^PSGDS0 G DONE ; DTM ; S Y=%DT(0) D D^DIQ S T=$P(Y,"@",2),Y=$P(Y,",") W !!?2,"If a ",N," date is entered, a discharge summary will print for only those",!,"patients that have at least one active order with a ",$S(N["A":"STOP",1:"START")," DATE on or ",$S(N["A":"after",1:"before"),!,"the ",N," date entered." W !?2,"Entry is not required. If neither date is entered, all patients with active",!,"orders will print (for the ward(s) chosen). Enter an up-arrow (^) to exit." W !?2,"If you wish to enter a ",$S(N["A":"start",1:"stop")," date of ",Y,", you must enter a TIME of day",!,"of ",T," or greater. Any date after ",Y," does not need time entered.",! S Y=-1 Q