PSGFILD2 ;BIR/CML3-AUTO CANCEL HELP (CONT.) ;03 AUG 94 / 5:18 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**41**;16 DEC 97 ; ENWAI ; W:$Y @IOF W !?67,"Page: 3 of 4",! F Q=1:1:18 S X=$P($T(WAI+Q),";",3) W !,X R !!,"Press RETURN to continue, enter '^' to end instructions: ",X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" W:'$T $C(7) I X="^" K Q,X Q W:$Y @IOF W !?67,"Page: 4 of 4",! F Q=19:1:36 S X=$P($T(WAI+Q),";",3) W !,X R !!,"Press RETURN to continue: ",X:DTIME K Q,X Q ; WAI ; ;;ward and '1 South' is selected as a 'to' ward, any time a patient is transferred ;;FROM 1 North TO 1 South, the patient's Inpatient orders will be discontinued. ;; ;; This process is 'one way' only. For example, if your site also wants orders ;;to be d/c'd whenever a patient is transferred FROM 1 South TO 1 North, you ;;will have to enter 1 South as a 'from' ward and then enter 1 North as one of ;;its 'to' wards. An example for when this would be useful might be to have ;;orders d/c'd when patients are transferred from Medicine wards to Surgery wards, ;;but not d/c'd when patients are transferred from Surgery wards to Medicine ;;wards. ;; ;;3. Service transfers - Select a 'from' service. This is a service from which ;;a patient may be transferred. For each 'from' service, you can: ;; A. Select the 'To' services. Whenever a patient is transferred from the ;;selected 'from' service to any of the selected 'to' services, the patient's IV ;;and Unit Dose orders will be d/c'd. For example, if 'Medicine' is ;;selected as a 'from' service and 'Surgery' is selected as a 'to' service, any ;;time a patient is transferred FROM Medicine TO Surgery, the patient's Inpatient ;;orders will be discontinued. ;; This process is also 'one way' only. For example, if your site also wants ;;orders to be d/c'd whenever a patient is transferred FROM Surgery TO Medicine, ;;you will have to enter Surgery as a 'from' service and then enter Medicine as ;;one of its 'to' services. ;; If all of your wards are set for auto d/c, it is not necessary to enter ;;services. ;; ;; If there is a specific ward or service for which your site does not want ;;Inpatient orders d/c'd, you need only delete the 'to' ward or service. ;; ;; Inpatient orders are always automatically d/c'd whenever the patient is ;;admitted, discharged, or transferred to unauthorized absence.