PSGGAO ;BIR/CML3-PATIENT AND ORDER LOOK-UPS ;20 JUN 94 / 3:16 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;;16 DEC 97 ENP ; get patient with active orders(UD & IV orders) N X,Y F D ENDPT^PSGP D Q:X!(PSGP<0) . S X=0 Q:PSGP<0 . S X=$O(^PS(55,PSGP,5,"AUS",PSGDT)) Q:X . F Y="A","C","H","P","S" S X=$O(^PS(55,PSGP,"IV","AIT",Y,PSGDT)) Q:X . W:'X $C(7),!,"(Patient has NO active orders.)" Q ; ENO ; get active order I $D(PSGP),PSGP S D="C",DIC(0)="QEAIS",DIC="^PS(55,"_PSGP_",5,",DIC("S")="I $D(^PS(55,"_PSGP_",5,+Y,2)),($P(^(2),""^"",4)>"_PSGDT_")",DIC("A")="Select ACTIVE ORDER: " W ! D IX^DIC K DIC Q ; ENN ; get patient and their non-verified order F D ENDPT^PSGP Q:$S(PSGP>0:$D(^PS(53.1,"AC",PSGP)),1:0) W $C(7),!,"(Patient has NO non-verified orders.)" Q ; ENNO S D="D",DIC("A")="Select NON-VERIFIED ORDER: ",DIC="^PS(53.1,",DIC(0)="QEAI",DIC("S")="I $D(^PS(53.1,""AC"","_PSGP_",+Y))" W ! D IX^DIC K DIC Q ; ENAO ; F D ENDPT^PSGP Q:$S(PSGP'>0:1,$O(^PS(55,PSGP,5,"AUS",+PSJPAD)):1,1:$D(^PS(53.1,"AC",PSGP))) W !?3,"(Patient has no orders.)" Q