PSGOD ;BIR/CML3-CREATES NEW ORDER FROM OLD ONE ;22 SEP 97 / 2:56 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**67,58,111,133**;16 DEC 97 ; ; Reference to ^PS(55 is supported by DBIA 2191. ; I $P($G(^PS(55,PSGP,5,+PSJORD,0)),"^",22) D Q .W !,"This order is marked 'Not To Be Given' and can't be copied!" H 2 F W !!,"Do you want to copy this order" S %=2 D YN^DICN Q:% D CH G:%'=1 DONE ; W !!,"...copying..." N OLDON N PSGPDRG S PSGOEPR=$P($G(^PS(55,PSGP,5.1)),"^",2),OLDON=PSGORD ;K PSGODN S F=$S((PSGORD["N")!(PSGORD["P"):"^PS(53.1,"_+PSGORD_",",1:"^PS(55,"_PSGP_",5,"_+PSGORD_",") F N=0,.2,2,6 S PSGODN(N)=$G(@(F_N_")")) K PSGODN S F=$S(PSGORD["P":"^PS(53.1,"_+PSGORD_",",1:"^PS(55,"_PSGP_",5,"_+PSGORD_",") F N=0,.2,2,6 S PSGODN(N)=$G(@(F_N_")")) S PSGPR=$P(PSGODN(0),"^",2),PSGMR=$P(PSGODN(0),"^",3),PSGSM=$P(PSGODN(0),"^",5),PSGHSM=$P(PSGODN(0),"^",6),PSGST=$P(PSGODN(0),"^",7) S PSGPDRG=+PSGODN(.2),PSGDO=$P(PSGODN(.2),"^",2) S PSGSI=PSGODN(6) ; The naked reference below refers to the full reference inside indirection to ^PS(55,PSGP,5,+PSGORD, or ^PS(55,PSGP,"IV",+PSGORD, or ^PS(53.1,+PSGORD S PSGODN(3)=0 F Q=0:0 S Q=$O(@(F_"3,"_Q_")")) Q:'Q I $D(^(Q,0)) S PSGODN(3,Q)=^(0),PSGODN(3)=PSGODN(3)+1 S ^PS(53.45,PSJSYSP,1,Q,0)=^(0) ;S:PSGODN(12)>0 ^PS(53.45,PSJSYSP,4,0)="^53.4504" S:PSGODN(3)>0 ^PS(53.45,PSJSYSP,1,0)="^53.4501" S:PSGODN(3)>0 ^PS(53.45,PSJSYSP,1,0)="^53.4501" ; The naked reference below refers to the full reference inside indirection to ^PS(55,PSGP,5,+PSGORD, or ^PS(55,PSGP,"IV",+PSGORD, or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dmin times are required for DAY OF WEEK schedules " D ^DIR K DIR S PSGSD=PSGNESD,PSGFD=PSGNEFD K PSJACEPT S VALMBCK="Q" D:$D(Y) EN^VALM("PSJU LM ACCEPT") I $G(PSJACEPT)=1 S VALMBCK="",PSJNOO=$$ENNOO^PSJUTL5("N") I '$G(PSJACEPT)!($G(PSJNOO)<0) W !!,"Order not copied." D PAUSE^VALM1 G ORIG S PSGNESD=PSGSD,PSGNEFD=PSGFD K PSGOEE D ^PSGOETO S PSJORD=PSGORD I PSGOEAV D .I '$D(PSGOEE),+PSJSYSU=3 D EN^PSGPEN(PSGORD) D GETUD^PSJLMGUD(PSGP,PSGORD),ENSFE^PSGOEE0(PSGP,PSGORD),^PSGOE1,EN^VALM("PSJ LM UD ACTION") ; S PSGCANFL=0,(PSGORD,PSJORD)=OLDON W !!,"You are finished with the new order.",!,"The following ACTION prompt is for the original order." K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR ORIG ;Redisplay original order D GETUD^PSJLMGUD(PSGP,OLDON),INIT^PSJLMUDE(PSGP,OLDON) DONE ; K %,%H,%I,DA,F,N,PSGODN,PSGODF,PSGS0XT,PSGS0Y,PSGNESD,PSGTOL,PSGTOO,PSGUOW,X,Y,^PS(53.45,PSJSYSP,1),^PS(53.45,PSJSYSP,2) K PSGPR,PSGMR,PSGSM,PSGHSM,PSGST,PSGPDRG,PSGDO,PSGNEDFD,PSGSCH,PSGNEFD Q ; CH ; W !!?2,"Answer 'YES' to have a new, non-verified order created for this patient,",!,"using the information from this order. (The START and STOP dates will be",!,"recalculated.) Enter 'NO' (or '^') to stop now." Q ; WH ; W !!?2,"Answer 'YES' to take action on this new order. Enter 'NO' (or '^') to return",!,"to the original order now." Q