PSGOEE0 ;BIR/CML3-ORDER EDIT UTILITIES ;09 JAN 97 / 9:27 AM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**58,95**;16 DEC 97 ; ; Reference to ^DICN is supported by DBIA 10009. ; Reference to ^DIR is supported by DBIA 10026. ; ENSFE(PSGP,PSGORD) ; Determine editable fields, and fields that cause new order. D @$S(PSGORD["P":"ENSFE3^PSGOEE0",1:"ENSFE5^PSGOEE0") Q ENSFE3 ; set-up fields to edit for 53.1 I PSGSTAT="PENDING" S PSGEFN="1:13" F X=1:1:13 S PSGEFN(+X)=$P($T(@(3_X)),";",7),PSGOEEF(+$P($T(@(3_X)),";",3))="",PSGOEEF=PSGOEEF+1 E S PSGEFN="1:13" F X=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 S Y=$T(@(3_X)),@("PSGEFN("_+X_")="_$S($D(PSGOETOF):0,1:$P(Y,";",7))),PSGOEEF(+$P(Y,";",3))="",PSGOEEF=PSGOEEF+1 E S:$P(PSJSYSU,";",3)>1 PSGEFN(9)=0,PSGOEEF(+$P($T(39),";",3))="",PSGOEEF=PSGOEEF+1 E I PSGEB'=PSGOPR F X=10,13 S Y=$T(@(3_X)),@("PSGEFN("_X_")="_$S($D(PSGOETOF):0,1:$P(Y,";",7))),PSGOEEF(+$P(Y,";",3))="",PSGOEEF=PSGOEEF+1 K PSGOEEND S PSGOEEG=3,PSGPDRG=PSGOPD,PSGPDRGN=PSGOPDN Q ; ENSFE5 ; set-up fields to edit for 55 S PSGEFN="1:13" F X=1:1:13 S Y=$T(@(5_X)),@("PSGEFN("_+X_")="_$S($D(PSGOETO):0,1:$P(Y,";",7))),PSGOEEF(+$P(Y,";",3))="",PSGOEEF=PSGOEEF+1 I $P(PSJSYSU,";",3)>1 S PSGEFN(9)=0,PSGOEEF(+$P($T(59),";",3))="",PSGOEEF=PSGOEEF+1 S PSGPDRG=PSGPD,PSGPDRGN=PSGPDN,PSGOEEND=1,PSGOEEG=5 Q ; ENOK ; I $P($G(PSJSYSP0),U,2),'$O(^PS(53.45,+PSJSYSP,2,0)) D .W !!,"No dispense drugs found for this order." D ENDRG^PSGOEF1(PSGPD,0) I '$O(^PS(53.45,+PSJSYSP,2,0)) S PSGOEENO=0,DR="" W ! I DR="",'PSGOEENO D ABORT^PSGOEE S %=1 Q W:PSGOEENO !,"(Accepting these changes will cause a new order to be created.)" F W !!,"ACCEPT THESE CHANGES" S %=1 D YN^DICN Q:% D ; .W !!?2,"Answer 'YES' (or press RETURN) if you have completed editing this order." W:PSGOEENO !,"Accepting this changes will cause a new order to be created, and this order",!,"will be discontinued." .W:$D(PSGOEF) !,"Accepting these changes will convert this order to a non-verifed, Unit Dose",!,"order." .W !!,"Answer 'NO' to re-edit this order. Enter an '^' to abort this edit." ;I %=1,PSGOEENO,'$D(PSJOERR),PSGOEORF S PSJNOO=$S(PSGPR=DUZ:"E",1:"W"),PSJNOON=$S(PSJNOO="E":"PROVIDER ENTERED",1:"WRITTEN") I PSGPR'=DUZ S F1=53.1,PSGF2=106 K PSGFOK D A106^PSGOER0 S %='$D(PSGFOK)+1 K PSGFOK ;S:%<0 PSGOEENO=0 S PSJNOO=$$ENNOO^PSJUTL5("E") K F,F0,F1,F3,PSGDL,PSGDLS,PSGF2,PSGFOK,ND2,PSGOROE1,PSGRO,SDT S:PSJNOO<0 (PSGOROE1,PSGOEENO)=0 Q ; ENNOU ; create new order or update old order I $G(MSG) K DIR S DIR(0)="E" W !! D ^DIR K DR S DR="",(PSGOEENO,Q)=0 F S Q=$O(PSGEFN(Q)) Q:'Q S Y=$T(@(PSGOEEG_Q)) I $P(Y,";",4)]"",@$P(Y,";",4)'=@$P(Y,";",5) S:PSGEFN(Q) PSGOEENO=1 Q:PSGOEENO S DR=DR_$P(Y,";",6)_$S(@$P(Y,";",5)]"":"////^S X="_$P(Y,";",5),1:"////@")_";W ""."";" I PSGSI="",PSGOSI]"" S DR=DR_"122////@;W ""."";" I '$P(PSGSI,"^",2),$P(PSGOSI,"^",2)=1 S DR=DR_"122////@;W ""."";" ; PSJ*5*95 quick fix to prevent long string error; true fix in PSJ*5*91 (upd^psgoee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finish order from edit F S %=1 W !!,"Finish this order now" D YN^DICN Q:% D ; .W !!,"Answer 'YES' to finish this order now. Finishing the order converts it to a",!,"non-verified Unit Dose order. Enter 'NO' (or an '^') if you do not want to",!,"finish this order now." I %=1 S PSGOEFF=0 D UPD^PSGOEF1 K PSGOEFF,PSGND,PSGSD Q ; FIELDS ; 31 ;;108^PSGOE8;PSGOPD;PSGPD;108;1 32 ;;109^PSGOE8;PSGODO;PSGDO;109;1 33 ;;10^PSGOE81;PSGOSD;PSGSD;10;0 34 ;;3^PSGOE8;PSGOMR;PSGMR;3;1 35 ;;25^PSGOE81;PSGOFD;PSGFD;25;0 36 ;;7^PSGOE8;PSGOST;PSGST;7;0 37 ;;5^PSGOE82;PSGOSM;PSGSM;5;0 38 ;;26^PSGOE8;PSGOSCH;PSGSCH;26;1 39 ;;39^PSGOE81;PSGOAT;PSGAT;39;0 310 ;;1^PSGOE82;PSGOPR;PSGPR;1;1 311 ;;8^PSGOE81;PSGOSI;PSGSI;8;0 312 ;;2^PSGOE82;;;2;0 313 ;;66^PSGOE82;;;66;0 314 ;;40^PSGOE82;;;40;0 51 ;;108^PSGOE9;PSGOPD;PSGPD;108;1 52 ;;109^PSGOE9;PSGODO;PSGDO;109;1 53 ;;10^PSGOE91;PSGOSD;PSGSD;10;1 54 ;;3^PSGOE9;PSGOMR;PSGMR;3;1 55 ;;34^PSGOE91;PSGOFD;PSGFD;34;1 56 ;;7^PSGOE9;PSGOST;PSGST;7;0 57 ;;5^PSGOE82;PSGOSM;PSGSM;5;0 58 ;;26^PSGOE9;PSGOSCH;PSGSCH;26;1 59 ;;41^PSGOE91;PSGOAT;PSGAT;41;0 510 ;;1^PSGOE92;PSGOPR;PSGPR;1;1 511 ;;8^PSGOE92;PSGOSI;PSGSI;8;0 512 ;;2^PSGOE92;;;2;0 513 ;;15^PSGOE92;;;15;0 514 ;;72^PSGOE92;;;72;1