PSGOEI ;BIR/CML3-MARK (OR UNMARK) NON-VERIFIED ORDERS AS INCOMPLETE ;23 SEP 97 / 9:13 AM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;;16 DEC 97 ; I PSJORD'["P"!(($P($G(^PS(53.1,+PSJORD,0)),"^",9)'="N")&($P($G(^PS(53.1,+PSJORD,0)),"^",9)'="I")) W !,"Order must be Non-Verified to change status to incomplete." H 2 G DONE S STAT=$S($D(^PS(53.1,"AS","I",PSGP,+PSJORD)):"N",1:"I") F W !!,$S(STAT="I":"Mark this order as INCOMPLETE",1:"This order is marked INCOMPLETE. Unmark it") S %=1 D YN^DICN Q:% D H G:%'=1 DONE ; D FULL^VALM1 I S DIE="^PS(53.1,",DA=+PSJORD,DR="28////"_STAT_";40;" W ! D ^DIE ;I STAT="N",PSGACT'["V",PSJSYSU,'$P(PSJSYSW0,"^",PSJSYSU+14) S PSGACT=PSGACT_"V" ;I STAT="I",PSGACT["V" S PSGACT=$P(PSGACT,"V")_$P(PSGACT,"V",2) D GETUD^PSJLMGUD(DFN,PSJORD),INIT^PSJLMUDE(DFN,PSJORD) ; DONE ; K DA,DIE,DR,STAT Q ; H ; W !!?2,"Enter a 'Y' (or press the RETURN key) to ",$E("un",1,STAT="N"*2),"mark this order. Enter an 'N'",!,"(or '^') to quit now. (An order marked as incomplete cannot be verified",!,"until unmarked.)" Q ; ENOR ; S STAT=$S($D(^PS(53.1,"AS","I",PSGP,+PSJORD)):"N",1:"I") G I