PSIVHLP3 ;BIR/PR-CONTINUED HELP TEXT ;12 JUL 96 / 10:30 AM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;;16 DEC 97 EN(HELP) W ! F PSIVHLP=0:1 S PSIVHLP2=$P($T(@HELP+PSIVHLP),";",3) Q:PSIVHLP2="" W !,PSIVHLP2 W ! K HELP,PSIVHLP2,PSIVHLP Q CMPLTE ;;== B == Bypass and leave order unchanged. ;;== DC == Discontinue order. ;;== E == Edit the order. ;;== F == Finish the order. Only ask fields required to make this ;; order active that cannot be calculated automatically. ;; ;; QOPADD ;;A protocol must be created for a quick order before it may be used ;;to enter orders through OE/RR. The name of the protocol created will ;;be in the format "PSJQ"_internal entry number_" "_quick order name. ;;Once a protocol is created for a Pharmacy quick order, the quick ;;order is uneditable until it's protocol is deleted. ;; ;; QOPDEL ;;A Pharmacy quick order may not be edited if a protocol has been ;;created for it. Enter "YES" to delete the quick order protocol, ;;or "NO" to leave it unchanged. ;; ;; **IMPORTANT** Remember to remove the quick order protocol from any ;;protocol menus it has been added to before deleting! ;; ;; STPDTHLP ;;A number of doses (dose limit) may be entered and the stop date will ;;be automatically calculated. To specify a dose limit enter a number ;;corresponding to the number of doses the to be administered. ;;(Example: 4 for 4 doses).