PSIVLB ;BIR/MV - DISPLAY PRINTED LABELS FOR AN ORDER ;30 Aug 2001 4:21 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**58,81**;16 DEC 97 ; ; Reference to ^PS(52.6 is supported by DBIA 1231. ; Reference to ^PS(52.7 is supported by DBIA 2173. ; Reference to ^PS(55 is supported by DBIA 2191. ; EN(DFN,ON,PSJALB,MORE) ; ;DFN : Patient IEN ;ON : IV ien#_"V" ;PSJALB: 0 = including all labels ; 1 = Consider active if: ; NOT Reprinted/Recycled/Cancelled/Destroyed ; NOT Given/Completed in BCMA ; 2 = All condition in 1 but include Reprinted as active ; (use for return/destroy) ;MORE : 1 = Display extra info for the label ; ;This entry point is being from Protocal: PSJ PC IV LABELS ACTION ; ;* Quit if only display active labels and order is not active ;I PSJALB,$S(P(17)="D":1,P(17)="E":1,P(17)="N":1,1:0) Q ; K ^TMP("PSIVLB",$J),PSJIDLST S PSJLN=1 ;PSJLN is incrementting in SETTMP^PSJLMPRU S PSJL="" S PSIVLBNM="PSIVLB" D PIV^PSJLMPRI(DFN,ON,"","") K PSIVLBNM D SETTMP^PSJLMPRU("PSIVLB"," ") S PSJL="" S PSJL="------------------------ Labels available for "_$S(PSJALB=2:"return",1:"reprint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tatus: "_$$CODES^PSIVUTL(X,55.0105,2) .. S X=X_" "_$$ENDTC^PSGMI(PSJLB(3)) . S X=PSJLB(8)_X . S PSJL=$$SETSTR^VALM1(X,PSJL,PSJLEN,$L(X)) . D SETTMP^PSJLMPRU("PSIVLB",PSJL) S PSJL="" . D:+$G(MORE) MORE S VALMCNT=PSJLN-1 K PSJCNT,PSJLB,PSJLBN,PSJLEN Q ADSOL(PSJAS) ; F PSJADSOL=0:0 S PSJADSOL=$O(^PS(55,DFN,"IVBCMA",PSJLBN,PSJAS,PSJADSOL)) Q:'PSJADSOL D . NEW X,XX,PSJLB S XX=^PS(55,DFN,"IVBCMA",PSJLBN,PSJAS,PSJADSOL,0) . F X=1:1:3 S PSJLB(X)=$P(XX,U,X) . S X=$S(PSJAS="AD":52.6,1:52.7) . S X=$P($G(^PS(X,+PSJLB(1),0)),U) . S X=X_" "_PSJLB(2)_$S(PSJLB(3)]"":" ("_PSJLB(3)_")",1:"") . S PSJL=$$SETSTR^VALM1(X,PSJL,PSJLEN,$L(X)) . D SETTMP^PSJLMPRU("PSIVLB",PSJL) . S PSJL="" Q MORE ;Display extra data for the label D SETTMP^PSJLMPRU("PSIVLB","HELLO") S PSJL="" Q