PSJ005 ;BIR/RSB-UTILITY ROUTINE FOR PATCH PSJ*5*5 ; 03 Jun 98 / 12:06 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**5**; 16 DEC 97 ; FIN ; ; has CPRS main order conversion finished? IF NOT DON'T ASK TIME TO Q S:'$P($G(^PS(59.7,1,20.5)),"^",2) PSJCONV=1 Q ; EN ; QUEUE UP CONVERSION FOR UD OUTPATIENT CLEANUP S:'$P($G(^PS(59.7,1,20.5)),"^",2) PSJCONV=1 I $D(PSJCONV) Q S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$S($D(PSJCONV):$H,1:$$CON(XPDQUES("POS ONE"))) S ZTDESC="Inpatient Medications Patch PSJ*5*5 Unit Dose cleanup" S ZTRTN="START^PSJ005" D ^%ZTLOAD I $D(ZTSK) D MES^XPDUTL(" ") D MES^XPDUTL("Task #"_ZTSK_" is queued to run"_$S($D(PSJCONV):" NOW",1:" at "_XPDQUES("POS ONE"))) N PM S PM="This task will find Unit Dose orders that were entered for Outpatients through" D MES^XPDUTL(PM) S PM="OERR 2.5 and are still pending. The status of these orders will be changed to" D MES^XPDUTL(PM) S PM="Discontinued." D MES^XPDUTL(PM) ; ; QUEUE UP CONVERSION FOR PV FLAG CLEANUP S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$S($D(PSJCONV):$H,1:$$CON(XPDQUES("POS ONE"))) S ZTDESC="Inpatient Medications Patch PSJ*5*5 PV FLAG cleanup" S ZTRTN="START1^PSJ005" D ^%ZTLOAD ;I $D(ZTSK) D MES^XPDUTL(" ") D MES^XPDUTL("Task #"_ZTSK_" is queued to run"_$S($D(PSJCONV):" NOW",1:" at "_XPDQUES("POS ONE"))) ;N PM S PM="This task will correct UD Verification fields cross-references." D MES^XPDUTL(PM) Q START ; N PSJ,PSJ1,PSJ0 F PSJ0="N","P" F PSJ=0:0 S PSJ=$O(^PS(53.1,"AS",PSJ0,PSJ)) Q:'PSJ D .Q:'$$DISC .F PSJ1=0:0 S PSJ1=$O(^PS(53.1,"AS",PSJ0,PSJ,PSJ1)) Q:'PSJ1 D ..Q:$$IV ..D DC Q ; DISC() ; was the patients last movement a discharge? if not - quit I $G(^DPT(PSJ,.1))]"" Q '$T ; IV() ; is the Orderable Item marked for IV use? if yes - quit N OI S OI=$P($G(^PS(53.1,PSJ1,.2)),"^") I 'OI Q 0 I $P($G(^PS(50.7,OI,0)),"^",3)=1 Q $T ; DC ; change the orders status to DISCONTINUED! ; ;W !,"DFN= ",PSJ," ",$P(^DPT(PSJ,0),"^")," ^PS(53.1,",PSJ1 S DA=PSJ1,DIE="^PS(53.1,",DR="28////D" D ^DIE K DIE D EN1^PSJHL2(PSJ,"SC",PSJ1_"P") Q ; GETDT ; check date/time for job to run N %DT,Y S %DT="NRS" D ^%DT I Y=-1 K X E S X=Y Q CON(X) ; N %DT S %DT="NRS" D ^%DT Q Y ; START1 ; N DFN,PSJORD F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^PS(55,"APV",DFN)) Q:'DFN D .F PSJORD=0:0 S PSJORD=$O(^PS(55,"APV",DFN,PSJORD)) Q:'PSJORD D ..I $P($G(^PS(55,DFN,5,PSJORD,4)),U,3),'$P(^(4),U,9) S $P(^(4),U,9)=1 K ^PS(55,"APV",DFN,PSJORD) F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^PS(55,"ANV",DFN)) Q:'DFN D .F PSJORD=0:0 S PSJORD=$O(^PS(55,"ANV",DFN,PSJORD)) Q:'PSJORD D ..I $P($G(^PS(55,DFN,5,PSJORD,4)),U),'$P(^(4),U,10) S $P(^(4),U,10)=1 K ^PS(55,"ANV",DFN,PSJORD) Q BADN ; called from BADNAMES^PSJIPST3, when main CPRS is finished S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H S ZTDESC="Inpatient Medications Patch PSJ*5*5 Unit Dose cleanup" S ZTRTN="START^PSJ005" D ^%ZTLOAD ; ; QUEUE UP CONVERSION FOR PV FLAG CLEANUP S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H S ZTDESC="Inpatient Medications Patch PSJ*5*5 PV FLAG cleanup" S ZTRTN="START1^PSJ005" D ^%ZTLOAD Q