PSJ0095 ;BIR/JCH-Populate Pre-Exchange Report Device in Ward Parameteres ;22 JAN 03 / 4:29 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**95**;16 DEC 97 ; ENNV ; I $G(DUZ)="" W !,"Your DUZ is not defined. It must be defined to run this routine." Q K ZTSAVE,ZTSK S ZTRTN="EN^PSJ0095",ZTDESC="Inpatient Ward Parameter Pre-Exchange Report Device (INPATIENT MEDS)",ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD W !!,"The population of Inpatient Ward Parameter PRE-EXCHANGE REPORT DEVICE is",$S($D(ZTSK):"",1:" NOT")," queued",! I $D(ZTSK) D . W " (to start NOW).",!!,"YOU WILL RECEIVE A MAILMAN MESSAGE WHEN TASK #"_ZTSK_" HAS COMPLETED." Q EN ; N WARD,PXDEV,CC S (WARD,CC)=0 F S WARD=$O(^PS(59.6,WARD)) Q:'WARD S PXDEV=$P($G(^(WARD,0)),"^",29) D . I PXDEV Q:$D(^%ZIS(1,PXDEV)) . S DA=WARD,DIE="^PS(59.6,",DR="4////HOME" D ^DIE S CC=CC+1 D SENDMSG Q ; DONE ; K ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTREQ,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK S ZTREQ="@" Q SENDMSG ;Send mail message when auto-population is complete. K PSG,XMY S XMDUZ="MEDICATIONS,INPATIENT",XMSUB="PSJ*5*95 POPULATION OF INPATIENT WARD PARAMETER PRE-EXCHANGE REPORT DEVICE " S XMTEXT="PSG(",XMY(DUZ)="" D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S PSG(1,0)="The population of the Inpatient Ward parameter 'PRE-EXCHANGE REPORT DEVICE'",PSG(2,0)="completed as of "_Y_"." S PSG(3,0)="",PSG(4,0)=CC_" Inpatient Wards were updated with this parameter defaulted to 'HOME'." S PSG(5,0)="This will continue to print the report to the user's screen until it is changed" S PSG(6,0)="to another device, or deleted to disable the report for that ward." D ^XMD Q