PSJDEA ;BIR/CML3-HELP TEXT FOR DEA FIELD IN DRUG FILE ;20 JUN 94 / 5:24 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;;16 DEC 97 N %,%Y,X,Y W !,"The special handling code is 1 to 6 characters. If applicable, the schedule",!,"code must appear in the first position. For example, a schedule 3 narcotic",!,"would be coded as '3A' and a schedule 2 depressant would be coded as '2L'." W ! F S %=2 W !,"Would you like a list of the codes" D YN^DICN Q:% W !!,"Answer 'YES' to view a list of the available codes.",! I %=1 W ! F X=1:1 S Y=$P($T(L+X),";",3,99) Q:Y="" W !?10,Y W ! Q ; L ; list of codes ;;0 MANUFACTURED IN PHARMACY ;;1 SCHEDULE 1 ITEM ;;2 SCHEDULE 2 ITEM ;;3 SCHEDULE 3 ITEM ;;4 SCHEDULE 4 ITEM ;;5 SCHEDULE 5 ITEM ;;6 LEGEND ITEM ;;9 OVER-THE-COUNTER ;;L DEPRESSANTS AND STIMULANTS ;;A NARCOTICS AND ALCOHOLICS ;;P DATED DRUGS ;;I INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS ;;M BULK COMPOUND ITEMS ;;C CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - NON NARCOTIC ;;R RESTRICTED ITEMS ;;S SUPPLY ITEMS ;;B ALLOW REFILL (SCHEDULE 3, 4, 5 NARCOTICS ONLY) ;;W NOT RENEWABLE ;; ; EDIT ; I X["B",X<3!(X'["A") W !," The B designation is only valid for schedule 3, 4, and 5 narcotics!",$C(7) K X Q Q