PSJIPST1 ;BIR/CML3-INSTALL INPATIENT MEDS FOR OE/RR (& MAS) ;03 OCT 96 / 8:42 AM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;;16 DEC 97 ; START ; ;W !!,"...installing Inpatient Medications protocols for OE/RR (and MAS)..." D ^PSJONIT ;W !!,"...setting up Inpatient protocols..." S MENU="DGPM MOVEMENT EVENTS",ITEM="PSJ OR PAT ADT" D SETUP,DONE ;W !!,"...installing Inpatient Medications List Templates..." D ^PSJL Q ; ENORDER ; Begin conversion of existing orders (active after t-365) ; THIS IS NO LONGER CALLED FROM OUR POST INIT ; THIS CONVERSION IS RAN THROUGH CPRS Q K ZTSAVE,ZTSK S ZTRTN="DEQORDER^PSJIPST1",ZTDTH=$H,ZTDESC="Inpatient Orders Conversion (INPATIENT MEDS POST-INIT)",ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD ;W !!,"The conversion of existing Unit Dose orders to the new format is",$S($D(ZTSK):"",1:" NOT")," queued",! D MES^XPDUTL(" ") S PSJMESSG="The conversion of existing Unit Dose orders to the new format is"_$S($D(ZTSK):"",1:" NOT")_" queued" D MES^XPDUTL(PSJMESSG) ;I $D(ZTSK) W " (to start NOW).",!!,"YOU WILL RECEIVE A MAILMAN MESSAGE WHEN TASK #"_ZTSK_" HAS COMPLETED." I $D(ZTSK) S PSJMESSG="(to start NOW). YOU WILL RECEIVE A MAILMAN MESSAGE WHEN TASK #"_ZTSK_" HAS COMPLETED." D MES^XPDUTL(PSJMESSG) Q ; ENPL ; Entry point to begin conversion process to change pick list ; from primary drug to orderable item. ; K ZTSAVE,ZTSK S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H,ZTDESC="Conversion of Pick Lists",ZTRTN="DEQPL^PSJIPST2" D ^%ZTLOAD ;W !!,"The conversion of existing pick lists from primary drug to orderable item",!,"has",$S($D(ZTSK):"",1:" NOT")," been queued" D MES^XPDUTL(" ") S PSJMESSG="The conversion of existing pick lists from primary drug to orderable item has"_$S($D(ZTSK):"",1:" NOT")_" been queued" D MES^XPDUTL(PSJMESSG) ;I $D(ZTSK) W " (to start NOW).",!!,"YOU WILL RECEIVE A MAILMAN MESSAGE WHEN TASK #"_ZTSK_" HAS COMPLETED." I $D(ZTSK) S PSJMESSG=" (to start NOW). YOU WILL RECEIVE A MAILMAN MESSAGE WHEN TASK #"_ZTSK_" HAS COMPLETED." D MES^XPDUTL(PSJMESSG) Q ; DEQORDER ; Convert existing UD and IV orders to new format. ; Entries found with no 0 node will be deleted! ; THIS IS NO LONGER USED Q D NOW^%DTC S PSJSTART=$E(%,1,12),PCNT=0 F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^PS(55,DFN)) Q:'DFN D CONVERT^PSJUTL1(DFN,0) S PCNT=PCNT+1 D BADNAMES^PSJIPST3 ; sends mail message if changed names were found ; ; Send mail message when Inpatient order conversion completes. K PSG,XMY S XMDUZ="MEDICATIONS,INPATIENT",XMSUB="INPATIENT MEDS ORDER CONVERSION COMPLETED",XMTEXT="PSG(",XMY(DUZ)="" D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S PSG(1,0)=" The conversion of existing Unit Dose orders for use with Inpatient",PSG(2,0)="Medications 5.0 completed as of "_Y_"." S X=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(%,PSJSTART,3) S:$L(X," ")>1 DAYS=+$P(X," "),X=$P(X," ",2) S HOURS=+$P(X,":"),MINS=+$P(X,":",2) S PSG(3,0)=" ",PSG(4,0)="This process converted orders for "_PCNT_" patients in "_$S($G(DAYS):DAYS_" day"_$E("s",DAYS'=1)_", ",1:"")_HOURS_" hour"_$E("s",HOURS'=1),PSG(5,0)=" and "_MINS_" minute"_$E("s",MINS'=1)_"." N DIFROM D ^XMD ; DONE ; K DA,DFN,DIC,DIE,DIK,DINUM,DLAYGO,DR,ITEM,MENU,ON,PSG,X,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,Y,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTREQ,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK Q UNDO ; FOR DIAGNOSTIC DEVELOPMENT ONLY!!! F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^PS(55,DFN)) Q:'DFN S $P(^PS(55,DFN,5.1),U,11)="" D .F ON=0:0 S ON=$O(^PS(55,DFN,5,ON)) Q:'ON K ^PS(55,DFN,5,ON,.2) .F ON=0:0 S ON=$O(^PS(55,DFN,"IV",ON)) Q:ON K ^PS(55,DFN,"IV",ON,.2) ; SETUP ; S MENUP=$O(^ORD(101,"B",MENU,0)) I 'MENUP W $C(7),!!,"Cannot find the protocol menu '",MENU,"'.",!,"You need to add the protocol '",ITEM,"' to this protocol menu.",! Q ; SETUP1 ; S X=$O(^ORD(101,"B",ITEM,0)) I 'X W $C(7),!!,"Cannot find the protocol '",ITEM,"'.",!,"You need to add this protocol to the protocol menu '",MENU,"'.",! Q I $D(^ORD(101,MENUP,10,"B",X)) W !,"Protocol '",ITEM,"' is already set up under the protocol",!,"menu '",MENU,"'." Q I $D(^ORD(101,MENUP,10,0))[0 S ^ORD(101,MENUP,10,0)="^"_$P(^DD(101,10,0),"^",2) K DA,DD,DO,DIC S DIC="^ORD(101,"_MENUP_",10,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=101.01,DA(1)=MENUP D FILE^DICN W !,"Protocol '",ITEM,"' ",$S($P(Y,"^",3):"",1:"NOT "),"added to the protocol menu",!,"'",MENU,"'." Q ; ENMUD ; Mark ALL 50 drugs as UD items. S PSIUX="U" F DRG=0:0 S DRG=$O(^PSDRUG(DRG)) Q:'DRG I $S('$D(^PSDRUG(DRG,"I")):1,'+^("I"):1,+^("I")>DT:1,1:0) S PSIUDA=+DRG D ENS^PSGIU MAILMUD ; N DRG,APU,PSJ,XMY D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S XMDUZ="MEDICATIONS,INPATIENT",XMSUB="MARK ALL DRUGS AS UNIT DOSE ITEMS",XMTEXT="PSJ(",XMY(DUZ)="" S PSJ(1,0)=" The process to mark all ACTIVE drugs in your local drug file (50) as Unit",PSJ(2,0)="Dose items completed as of "_$P(Y,"@")_" "_$P(Y,"@",2)_"." N DIFROM D ^XMD Q