PSJUTL5 ;BIR/MLM-UTILITY TO HANDLE NATURE OF ORDER FOR OE/RR ;04 AUG 97 / 2:20 PM ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**40**;16 DEC 97 ; ENNOO(X) ; nature of order (for oe/rr) ; X - Action taken on order. N Y S Y="W" I 'PSJSYSU Q Y K Y N DA,DIR,ACT S ACT=X D FULL^VALM1 I $G(ACT)]"" D @ACT E S Y=-1 Q Y Q:$D(Y) Y S DIR("A")="NATURE OF ORDER: ",DIR("B")="WRITTEN" S DIR("?",1)="This specifies the nature of the order, how it originated, or how any",DIR("?",2)="action performed on the order originated." S DIR("?",3)="Nature of order controls whether CPRS will ask for a provider's signature",DIR("?",4)="for the order and whether a chart copy will be printed." S DIR("?")="Nature of order MUST be entered, but if the package sees the user as a ward clerk or pharmacy technician, the nature of order may only be written." S DIR("??")="^D HELP^PSJUTL5" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) K DIRUT S Y=-1 Q Y Q Y ;Sets DIR(0) based on action being taken. N I $T(NA^ORX1)]"" S Y=$$NA^ORX1("W",0,"B","NATURE OF ORDER",0,"WVPSXDIE") S:Y'="^" Y=$P(Y,"^",3) S:Y="^" Y=-1 Q I $T(NA^ORX1)="" S DIR(0)="SA^W:WRITTEN;V:VERBAL;P:TELEPHONED;S:SERVICE CORRECTION;X:REJECTED;D:DUPLICATE;I:POLICY;E:PHYSICIAN ENTERED;" Q E I $T(NA^ORX1)]"" S Y=$$NA^ORX1("S",0,"B","NATURE OF ORDER",0,"WVPSXDIE") S:Y'="^" Y=$P(Y,"^",3) S:Y="^" Y=-1 Q I $T(NA^ORX1)="" S DIR(0)="SA^W:WRITTEN;V:VERBAL;P:TELEPHONED;S:SERVICE CORRECTION;X:REJECTED;D:DUPLICATE;I:POLICY;E:PHYSICIAN ENTERED;" Q R I $T(NA^ORX1)]"" S Y=$$NA^ORX1("W",0,"B","NATURE OF ORDER",0,"WVPSXDIE") S:Y'="^" Y=$P(Y,"^",3) S:Y="^" Y=-1 Q I $T(NA^ORX1)="" S DIR(0)="SA^W:WRITTEN;V:VERBAL;P:TELEPHONED;S:SERVICE CORRECTION;X:REJECTED;D:DUPLICATE;I:POLICY;E:PHYSICIAN ENTERED;" Q D I $T(NA^ORX1)]"" S Y=$$NA^ORX1("W",0,"B","NATURE OF ORDER",0,"WVPSXDIE") S:Y'="^" Y=$P(Y,"^",3) S:Y="^" Y=-1 Q I $T(NA^ORX1)="" S DIR(0)="SA^W:WRITTEN;V:VERBAL;P:TELEPHONED;S:SERVICE CORRECTION;X:REJECTED;D:DUPLICATE;I:POLICY;E:PHYSICIAN ENTERED;" Q H I $T(NA^ORX1)]"" S Y=$$NA^ORX1("W",0,"B","NATURE OF ORDER",0,"WVPSDIE") S:Y'="^" Y=$P(Y,"^",3) S:Y="^" Y=-1 Q I $T(NA^ORX1)="" S DIR(0)="SA^W:WRITTEN;V:VERBAL;P:TELEPHONED;S:SERVICE CORRECTION;D:DUPLICATE;I:POLICY;E:PHYSICIAN ENTERED;" Q ; HELP ;Extended Help W !?55,"Prompted for Chart Copy",!?55,"Signature in Printed?",!?55,"CPRS?",! D @$S("N^E^R^D"[ACT:"WH,VH,PH,SH,XH,DH,IH,EH",1:"WH,VH,PH,SH,DH,IH,EH") Q WH W !?2,"Written",?12," - The source of the order is a written",?59,"No",?74,"No",!?15,"doctor's order." Q VH W !?2,"Verbal",?12," - A doctor verbally requested the order.",?59,"Yes",?74,"Yes" Q PH W !?2,"Telephoned",?12," - A doctor phoned the service to request",?59,"Yes",?74,"Yes",!?15,"the order." Q SH W !?2,"Service",?12," - The service is discontinuing or adding",?59,"No",?74,"No",!?2,"Correction",?15,"new orders to carry out the intent of",!?15,"an order already received." Q XH W !?2,"Rejected",?12," - The service discontinued the order",?59,"No",?74,"No",!?15,"because it was unable to perform the",!?15,"task." Q DH W !?2,"Duplicate",?12," - This applies to orders that are",?59,"No",?74,"Yes",!?15,"discontinued because they are a",!?15,"duplicate of another order." Q IH W !?2,"Policy",?12," - These are orders that are created as",?59,"No",?74,"Yes",!?15,"a matter of hospital policy." Q EH W !?2,"Physician",?12," - These are orders that are entered by",?59,"Yes",?74,"Yes",!?2,"Entered",?15,"the ordering provider." Q