IB20P213 ;ISP/TJH - ENVIRONMENT CHECK WITH PRE-INIT CODE ;04/24/2003 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**213**;21-MAR-94 ; ENV ; environment check ; No special environment check at this time. PRE ; set up check points for pre-init N % S %=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("R0SC","R0SC^IB20P213") S %=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("NAMES","NAMES^IB20P213") Q ; R0SC ; add a new report type to file 361.2 ; Name=R0SC ; Description=PROF. GOV'T PAYER EDITS ; Disposition=MAIL REPORT TO MAIL GROUP N IBA,IBERRM I $$FIND1^DIC(361.2,"","X","R0SC","B") D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL("R0SC report already in file. No action taken.") D BMES^XPDUTL("Adding R0SC report to file 361.2.") S IBA(361.2,"+1,",.01)="R0SC" ; new report name S IBA(361.2,"+1,",.02)=1 ; internal value 1 = Mail report to mail group S IBA(361.2,"+1,",.03)="PROF. GOV'T PAYER EDITS" ; description D UPDATE^DIE("","IBA","","IBERRM") ; file a new record I $D(IBERRM) D Q ; no reason for this to happen but just in case... . K IBA . S IBA(1)="WARNING: Unable to add the R0SC report." . S IBA(2)=" The following error message was recorded." . S IBA(3)=IBERRM("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1) . D BMES^XPDUTL(.IBA) D COMPLETE Q ; NAMES ; change names of reports per request from EDI group D BMES^XPDUTL("Filing new names for six of the Electronic Reports") N IBA,IBERRM,IBIEN,IBNA,IBRT S IBNA("R022")="PROV DAILY STATS ACCEPT/REJECT" S IBNA("R0EX")="INST. GOV'T PAYER EDITS" S IBNA("R0N9")="INST. GOV'T WEBMD EDITS" S IBNA("R0SA")="PROF. GOV'T WEBMD ACCEPTANCE" S IBNA("R0SR")="PROF. GOV'T WEBMD REJECTS" S IBNA("R0SS")="PROF. GOV'T WEBMD EDITS" S IBRT=0 F Q:IBRT="" D . S IBRT=$O(IBNA(IBRT)) Q:IBRT="" . S IBIEN=+$$FIND1^DIC(361.2,"","X",IBRT,"B") . I 'IBIEN D BMES^XPDUTL("Report "_IBRT_" not found. No change made.") Q . S IBA(361.2,IBIEN_",",.03)=IBNA(IBRT) D FILE^DIE("","IBA","IBERRM") D COMPLETE Q ; COMPLETE ; display message that step has completed D BMES^XPDUTL("Step complete.") Q ; END ; display message that pre-init has completed successfully D BMES^XPDUTL("Pre-init complete") Q ;