IB20P388 ;OAK/ELZ - POST INIT ROUTINE FOR IB*2*388 ;12/19/2007 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**388**;21-MAR-94;Build 5 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; POST ; Post init to edit 364.7 and update the Format Code ; N IBL,IBM,IBX,IB353,IB3646,IB3645,IB3647 ; S IBL=0 D M(""),M(" IB*2*388 Post-Install Starting ....."),M(""),MES^XPDUTL(.IBM) K IBM S IBL=0 ; ; ^IBE(353,"B","CMS-1500",0) ; BILL FORM: CMS-1500 ; NATIONAL FORM: YES S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IBE(353,"B","CMS-1500",IBX)) Q:'IBX I $P($G(^IBE(353,IBX,2)),"^",4) S IB353=IBX Q I '$G(IB353) D M(""),M(" ***** Post-Install ERROR *****"),M(" -Cannot find National CMS-1500 form in file 353!!!"),M(""),MES^XPDUTL(.IBM) Q ; ; ; ^IBA(364.6,"C","SERVICE FAC NPI (BX-32A)",0) ; BILL FORM: CMS-1500 ; SECURITY LEVEL: NATIONAL,NO EDIT S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IBA(364.6,"C","SERVICE FAC NPI (BX-32A)",IBX)) Q:'IBX I $P($G(^IBA(364.6,IBX,0)),"^",1,2)=(IB353_"^N") S IB3646=IBX Q I '$G(IB3646) D M(""),M(" ***** Post-Install ERROR *****"),M(" -Cannot find National SERVICE FAC NPI (BX-32A) in file 364.6!!!"),M(""),MES^XPDUTL(.IBM) Q ; ; ; ^IBA(364.5,"B","N-RENDERING INSTITUTION",0) ; SECURITY LEVEL: NATIONAL,NO EDIT S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IBA(364.5,"B","N-RENDERING INSTITUTION",IBX)) Q:'IBX I $P($G(^IBA(364.5,IBX,0)),"^",2)="N" S IB3645=IBX Q I '$G(IB3645) D M(""),M(" ***** Post-Install ERROR *****"),M(" -Cannot find National N-RENDERING INSTITUTION in file 364.5!!!"),M(""),MES^XPDUTL(.IBM) Q ; ; ; ^IBA(364.7,"B",364.6 entry ; SECURITY LEVEL: NATIONAL,NO EDIT ; DATA ELEMENT: N-RENDERING INSTITUTION S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IBA(364.7,"B",IB3646,IBX)) Q:'IBX I $P($G(^IBA(364.7,IBX,0)),"^",2,3)=("N^"_IB3645) S IB3647=IBX Q I '$G(IB3647) D M(""),M(" ***** Post-Install ERROR *****"),M(" -Cannot find National SERVICE FAC NPI (BX-32A) in file 364.7!!!"),M(""),MES^XPDUTL(.IBM) Q ; ; set in format code S ^IBA(364.7,IB3647,1)=$P($T(CODE+1),";",3,99) ; ; D M(" Format code updated in 364.7 for National SERVICE FAC NPI (BX-32A)"),M(" ") D MES^XPDUTL(.IBM) K IBM S IBL=0 ; D M(" IB*2*388 Post-Install Done .....") D MES^XPDUTL(.IBM) ; Q ; M(Y) ; sets up messages ; Y = text to set up S IBL=IBL+1,IBM(IBL)=Y Q ; CODE ; new format code for 364.7 entry ;;N IBZ,IBZ1 S IBZ=$P(IBXDATA,U,2),IBZ1="" D F^IBCEF("N-ORGANIZATION NPI CODES","IBZ1",,IBXIEN) S IBXDATA=$S($$ISRX^IBCEF1(IBXIEN):$P(IBZ1,U,3),IBZ=1:$P(IBZ1,U,2),IBZ=0:$P(IBZ1,U),1:$P(IBZ1,U,3)),IBXSAVE("NPISVC")=IBXDATA ;;